The Meaning Behind The Song: Baby It's Cold Outside by Margaret Whiting and Johnny Mercer - Old Time Music
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The Meaning Behind The Song: Baby It’s Cold Outside by Margaret Whiting and Johnny Mercer

Title: The Heartwarming Story Behind the Timeless Classic “Baby It’s Cold Outside” by Margaret Whiting and Johnny Mercer

It’s that time of the year again when the wind starts to howl and the temperatures drop, and people everywhere start humming the widely popular holiday tune “Baby It’s Cold Outside.” But have you ever stopped to wonder about the story behind the song? For a song that has sparked so much controversy in recent years, it’s easy to forget that behind its catchy melody are two of the most influential songwriters of the 20th century- Margaret Whiting and Johnny Mercer.

The Beginning of “Baby It’s Cold Outside”

The tune, which has become a staple of the holiday season, was originally created for the 1949 MGM musical romantic comedy “Neptune’s Daughter.” Frank Loesser, a renowned composer and lyricist, wrote the song as a call-and-response duet for the film’s two main romantic interests, Ricardo Montalban and Esther Williams. He had first performed the song for his friends at a party, and it was so well received that he added it to the movie’s soundtrack. However, it wasn’t until years later that the song reached its peak of popularity.

The Message Behind the Song

The song is so much more than a catchy melody or a Christmas jingle- it’s a declaration of love between two individuals who are struggling with societal constraints. As the male character, played by Ricardo Montalban, attempts to leave, the female character, played by Esther Williams, tries to persuade him to stay longer. Through the lyrics, we can see the female character expressing her desire, while the male character tries to balance his desire with his chivalry. The song’s underlying message is that two people, who understand and respect each other, can connect on a level that transcends societal expectations.

The Controversy

In recent years, the song has found itself in the center of some controversy, with some claiming that the lyrics promote date rape and negative attitudes towards women. However, this is far from the truth, and the lyrics can only be understood in the context in which they were created. During the time when the song was first created, women had far fewer rights than they do today, and for a woman to express her desires openly was frowned upon. The song, therefore, portrays a woman trying to fight against the societal constraints that would have confined her to her ‘proper’ place- either at home or in her relationship.

The Song’s Enduring Popularity

Despite the controversy, the song remains an enduring favorite among listeners of all age groups and has been covered by countless artists over the years. It is now a classic, with its lyrics and melody etched deeply in our minds. The song has won many awards and accolades, including an Academy Award for Best Original Song, and has been used in many films and TV shows.


In conclusion, “Baby It’s Cold Outside” is a timeless classic that has stood the test of time. The song’s heartwarming message speaks to all of us, reminding us that a deep connection between two people can never be suppressed. The controversy surrounding the song only serves to highlight how relevant it remains even today. Margaret Whiting and Johnny Mercer’s masterpiece is a reminder of the power of music to uplift and inspire us, and it deserves its place among the great songs of all time.

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