Susan Mailer – Writer

Interview in El País

“I can’t be the father you want me to be. My mind is captured by my ideas and the need to write them down,” New York writer Norman Mailer, one of the 20th century’s essential…

Susan Profiled on Elmostrador

This Friday, Susan Mailer will talk about her book In Another Place, where she describes her relationship with the legendary North American author, in a conversation with the journalist Carmen Gloria López. The psychoanalyst, married…

Lipton’s Excerpt in TLS

The Times Literary Supplement has published an excerpt from Norman Mailer’s Lipton’s Journal, edited by Susan, J. Michael Lennon, and Gerald R. Lucas: “Saint and Psychopath.” The entirety of Lipton’s will be published by what…

IPA Off the Couch

Dr. Harvey Schwartz welcomes Susan Mailer and Dr. Joan Wheelis to the International Psychoanalytic Association’s Podcast “Psychoanalysts off the Couch.” They are both psychoanalysts who wrote memoirs which are organized around their relationships with their…

Interview in Incipio

Incipio magazine has published “Between Friends: Susan Mailer + Esther Amini,” a series of video conversations with Susan Mailer. Susan writes: “Esther Amini and I have been friends for over 50 years—and we discovered we…

Excerpt on Forward

Forward has published an excerpt from Susan’s memoir: “That time my father Norman Mailer introduced me to Norman Mailer the celebrity.”