100 Strong Native American Boy Names and Meanings - HappyBabyHub
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100 Strong Native American Boy Names and Meanings

If you are searching for a meaningful and culturally rich name for your son, you have come to the right place. We present our comprehensive collection of 100 strong Native American boy names.

Take your time and explore this extensive list we have curated especially for you.

100 Cool Native American Names for Boys

Prepare to be inspired by these powerful and profound Native American names for boys, each carrying the essence of a culturally rich heritage.


  • Origin: Algonquin (Native American)
  • Meaning: He laughs
  • Pronunciation: ah-HAH-noo
  • Variations: Ahanno, Ahanoo, Ahanue

Ahanu is a Native American name of Algonquin origin that means "he laughs." Humor and laughter have been integral aspects of Native American ceremonies and rituals, promoting harmony and balance within the community.


  • Origin: Hopi (Native American)
  • Meaning: Restless one
  • Pronunciation: ah-HOH-tee
  • Variations: Ahota, Ahoti, Ahody

Ahote is a Native American name of Hopi origin that means "restless one" and reflects a spirit of wanderlust and exploration. The Hopi tribe, known for their connection to the spiritual world, values the pursuit of new experiences and personal growth.


  • Origin: Sioux (Native American)
  • Meaning: Ambush
  • Pronunciation: ah-KAHN-doh
  • Variations: Akandu, Akandoe, Akandow

Akando is a Native American name of Sioux origin with the meaning of "ambush" and reflects the strategic and stealthy nature of Native American warfare. The Sioux tribes, renowned for their hunting and combat skills, employed various tactics, including ambushes, to protect their communities.


  • Origin: Sioux (Native American)
  • Meaning: Warrior
  • Pronunciation: ah-keh-CHEH-tah
  • Variations: Akechetah, Akechete, Akechet
  • Namesakes: Akecheta (Chief of the Lakota Sioux), Akecheta (Oglala Sioux warrior), Akecheta (Pawnee warrior)

Akecheta is a Native American name of Sioux origin with the meaning "warrior" and embodies strength, bravery, and leadership.


  • Origin: Yup'ik (Native American)
  • Meaning: Brave
  • Pronunciation: ah-kee-AHK

Akiak is a Native American name of Yup'ik origin with the meaning of "brave" and represents courage and fearlessness. The Yup'ik people are indigenous to Alaska and have a strong connection to their natural surroundings. Akiak reflects the resilience and bravery needed to navigate the harsh Arctic environment.


  • Origin: Ojibwe (Native American)
  • Meaning: Lake with cross waters
  • Pronunciation: be-MIJ-ee

Bemidji is a Native American name of Ojibwe origin that means "lake with cross waters" and has connections to the geographic features of the region.


  • Origin: Navajo (Native American)
  • Meaning: White person
  • Pronunciation: bee-lah-GAH-nah

Bilagaana is a Native American name of Navajo origin that means "white person" and refers to individuals of European descent.


  • Origin: Lakota Sioux (Native American)
  • Meaning: High
  • Pronunciation: bly

Bly is a Native American name of Lakota Sioux origin with the meaning of "high" and represents elevation and greatness. Bly is a name that symbolizes reaching new heights, both physically and metaphorically.


  • Origin: Taino (Native American)
  • Meaning: River of many currents
  • Pronunciation: boh-LEE-var

Bolivar is a Native American name of Taino origin with the meaning of "river of many currents" and reflects the dynamic and ever-changing nature of life. Simón Bolívar, known as El Libertador, was a prominent historical figure who played a crucial role in the liberation of several South American countries from Spanish colonial rule.


  • Origin: English (Derived from Native American)
  • Meaning: Male deer
  • Pronunciation: Buhk

Buck is a name derived from the Native American language and adopted into English. It carries the meaning of "male deer" and symbolizes grace, agility, and strength.


  • Origin: English (Derived from Native American)
  • Meaning: Powerful warrior
  • Pronunciation: KAH-lee-ən

Calian is a name derived from Native American origins and adopted into English. It carries the meaning of "powerful warrior" and represents strength, courage, and leadership.


  • Origin: Lakota Sioux (Native American)
  • Meaning: Beaver
  • Pronunciation: CHAH-pah

Chapa is a Native American name of Lakota Sioux origin that means "beaver," symbolizing resourcefulness, adaptability, and hard work. Beaver pelts were highly valued by Native American tribes and early European settlers, leading to extensive trade networks and interactions between different cultures.


  • Origin: Sioux (Native American)
  • Meaning: Falcon
  • Pronunciation: CHAY-tən

Chayton is a Native American name of Sioux origin that means "falcon," representing grace, swiftness, and keen perception. The falcon is considered a powerful and majestic bird in Native American symbolism, embodying a strong connection to the spirit realm and the ability to soar to great heights.


  • Origin: Hopi (Native American)
  • Meaning: Milo seed
  • Pronunciation: CHEZ-moo

Chesmu is a Native American name of Hopi origin that means "milo seed," symbolizing sustenance, fertility, and nourishment.


  • Origin: Shoshone (Native American)
  • Meaning: Songbird
  • Pronunciation: CHEW-ah

Chewah is a Native American name of Shoshone origin that means "songbird," symbolizing joy, harmony, and the power of music. Traditional Native American songs and chants have been used for various purposes, including healing ceremonies, storytelling, and cultural celebrations.


  • Origin: Algonquin (Native American)
  • Meaning: Blackbird
  • Pronunciation: CHOH-gahn

Chogan is a name of Algonquin origin that means "blackbird," symbolizing mystery, wisdom, and adaptability. Blackbirds hold significant symbolism in Native American traditions, often associated with spiritual messages and the spirit world.


  • Origin: Sioux (Native American)
  • Meaning: Friend
  • Pronunciation: DAH-koh-tah
  • Variations: Dakota
  • Namesakes: Dakotah Fanning (Actress), Dakotah Norton (Professional Mountain Biker)

Dakotah is a Native American name of Sioux origin that means "friend," symbolizing companionship, loyalty, and mutual support.


  • Origin: Choctaw (Native American)
  • Meaning: Chief
  • Pronunciation: DAH-sahn

Dasan is a Native American name of Choctaw origin that means "chief," representing leadership, authority, and wisdom. Chiefs held significant roles within Native American tribes, serving as guides, protectors, and decision-makers.


  • Origin: Native American
  • Meaning: He is a descendant
  • Pronunciation: DELL-sin

Delsin is a Native American name that carries the meaning of "he is a descendant." The name reflects the connection to ancestral heritage and the continuity of cultural identity.


  • Origin: Kiowa (Native American)
  • Meaning: Singing voice
  • Pronunciation: DOH-hah-sahn

Dohasan is a Native American name of Kiowa origin that means "singing voice." Native American cultures have a rich tradition of music and oral narratives, using songs and chants to convey messages, preserve history, and connect with spiritual realms.


  • Origin: Hopi (Native American)
  • Meaning: Eagle
  • Pronunciation: DYAH-mee

Dyami is a Native American name of Hopi origin that means "eagle." Eagles hold great significance in Native American cultures, symbolizing power, vision, and divine communication.


  • Origin: Native American
  • Meaning: Divine
  • Pronunciation: DYAN

Dyan is a Native American name that carries the meaning of "divine." Individuals bearing the name Dyan may possess a sense of spirituality and a deep reverence for the natural world and the mysteries of existence.


  • Origin: Choctaw (Native American)
  • Meaning: Wild boar
  • Pronunciation: EE-ber

Eber is a Native American name of Choctaw origin that means "wild boar," symbolizing strength, courage, and fierceness.


  • Origin: Makah (Native American)
  • Meaning: Wood carver
  • Pronunciation: ED-en-saw

Edensaw is a Native American name of Makah origin that means "wood carver," representing artistic skill, creativity, and cultural expression. Makah people are renowned for their intricate wood carvings, including totem poles and masks.


  • Origin: Native American
  • Meaning: Friendly
  • Pronunciation: EE-lahn

Elan is a Native American name that carries the meaning of "friendly," symbolizing warmth, kindness, and harmonious relationships.


  • Origin: Cherokee (Native American)
  • Meaning: Flying squirrel
  • Pronunciation: EL-soo

Elsu is a Native American name of Cherokee origin that means "flying squirrel," representing agility, resourcefulness, and adaptability. Cherokee people admired the flying squirrel's ability to glide through the air and considered it a symbol of freedom and transformation.


  • Origin: Sioux (Native American)
  • Meaning: Brave
  • Pronunciation: EH-nah-pay

Enapay is a Native American name of Sioux origin that means "brave."


  • Origin: Navajo (Native American)
  • Meaning: Solitary
  • Pronunciation: EHZ-no

Ezhno is a Native American name of Navajo origin that means "solitary," representing independence, introspection, and self-reliance. The Navajo people hold a deep reverence for solitude and the importance of self-reflection in personal growth and spiritual connection.


  • Origin: Choctaw (Native American)
  • Meaning: Crow
  • Pronunciation: FAH-lah

Fala is a Native American name of Choctaw origin that means "crow." Crows hold significant symbolism in Native American cultures, often associated with wisdom, magic, and the ability to navigate different realms.


  • Origin: Native American
  • Meaning: Flint
  • Pronunciation: FAY-vee-ahn

Favian is a Native American name that carries the meaning of "flint." Flint was often used by Native American tribes to create tools, weapons, and fire.


  • Origin: Native American
  • Meaning: Settlement near a waterfall
  • Pronunciation: FOHL-suhm

Folsom is a Native American name that carries the meaning of "settlement near a waterfall." Folsom shares its name with the Folsom culture, an ancient Native American archaeological tradition known for its distinctive stone tools and weapons.


  • Origin: Native American
  • Meaning: Guest, stranger
  • Pronunciation: GAHS-tuhn

Gaston is a Native American name that carries the meaning of "guest" or "stranger." Native American cultures often held a deep respect for visitors, considering them as messengers or potential sources of knowledge.


  • Origin: Cherokee (Native American)
  • Meaning: Healer
  • Pronunciation: ga-WOH-nee

Gawonii is a Native American name of Cherokee origin that means "healer," representing a connection to healing practices, herbal medicine, and spiritual well-being. The Cherokee people possessed extensive knowledge of medicinal plants and utilized various healing techniques to promote balance and harmony.


  • Origin: Native American
  • Meaning: Fire
  • Pronunciation: HAH-kahn

Hakan is a Native American name that carries the meaning of "fire." Fire holds significant spiritual and practical importance in Native American cultures, representing purification, illumination, and the cycle of life.


  • Origin: Choctaw (Native American)
  • Meaning: Salmon
  • Pronunciation: HAH-loh-kee

Haloke is a Native American name of Choctaw origin that means "salmon," representing determination, perseverance, and resilience. Salmon were revered for their ability to return to their birthplace to spawn, embodying the concept of perseverance and the cyclical nature of life.


  • Origin: Cherokee (Native American)
  • Meaning: Sun
  • Pronunciation: he-SOO-too

Hesutu is a Native American name of Cherokee origin that means "sun." Cherokee people honored the sun through various ceremonies and believed in its role as a guiding force in their lives.


  • Origin: Native American
  • Meaning: Blue
  • Pronunciation: HEEN-toh

Hinto is a Native American name that carries the meaning of "blue," symbolizing serenity, tranquility, and the vastness of the sky or water.


  • Origin: Hopi (Native American)
  • Meaning: Strong deer
  • Pronunciation: hoh-NOH-vee

Honovi is a Native American name of Hopi origin that means "strong deer."


  • Origin: Native American
  • Meaning: No glory
  • Pronunciation: IK-uh-bod

Ichabod is a Native American name that carries the meaning of "no glory," often used to convey a sense of loss, defeat, or the absence of honor. The name Ichabod gained popularity through Washington Irving's story "The Legend of Sleepy Hollow," featuring the character Ichabod Crane.


  • Origin: Native American
  • Meaning: Joyful
  • Pronunciation: ih-LAHR-ee-ahn

Ilarion is a Native American name that carries the meaning of "joyful," representing happiness, positivity, and an uplifting spirit.


  • Origin: Native American
  • Meaning: Sharp arrows
  • Pronunciation: ee-oh-TEH-kah

Ioteka is a Native American name that carries the meaning of "sharp arrows," symbolizing precision, strength, and agility. Native American cultures held great reverence for archery and the skill of using arrows, which played a significant role in hunting and warfare.


  • Origin: Yahi (Native American)
  • Meaning: Man
  • Pronunciation: EE-shee

Ishi is a Native American name of Yahi origin that simply means "man." The name Ishi holds historical importance as it belonged to the last known member of the Yahi tribe, who lived in isolation for many years.


  • Origin: Native American
  • Meaning: Coyote
  • Pronunciation: is-TAH-kah

Istaqa is a Native American name that carries the meaning of "coyote," symbolizing adaptability, cunning, and intelligence. Coyotes hold prominent roles in Native American mythology and folklore, often representing tricksters and shapeshifters.


  • Origin: Native American
  • Meaning: Messenger
  • Pronunciation: ee-YAH-poh

Iyapo is a Native American name that carries the meaning of "messenger," symbolizing communication, connection, and the transmission of important messages.


  • Origin: Native American
  • Meaning: Supplanter
  • Pronunciation: jah-KOH-bee
  • Variations: Jacobie, Jacoby, Jakobi

Jacobi is a Native American name derived from the biblical name Jacob, which means "supplanter," signifying the one who replaces or takes the place of another.


  • Origin: Native American
  • Meaning: Valley of the dead oaks
  • Pronunciation: JOH-lon

Jolon is a Native American name that carries the meaning of "valley of the dead oaks," reflecting the significance of oak trees and their presence in the natural landscape.


  • Origin: Native American
  • Meaning: White man
  • Pronunciation: kah-CHAH-dah

Kachada is a Native American name that carries the meaning of "white man," reflecting the encounter and influence of European settlers on Native American communities.


  • Origin: Native American
  • Meaning: Walks without sound
  • Pronunciation: kah-JEE-kah

Kajika is a Native American name that carries the meaning of "walks without sound," symbolizing stealth, grace, and a gentle presence.


  • Origin: Cherokee (Native American)
  • Meaning: Lucky
  • Pronunciation: KAH-nah-tee

Kanati is a Cherokee Native American name that carries the meaning of "lucky," symbolizing good fortune, positive outcomes, and favorable circumstances.


  • Origin: Native American
  • Meaning: Night
  • Pronunciation: KOH-koh

Koko is a Native American name that carries the meaning of "night," symbolizing darkness, mystery, and the tranquil beauty of the nighttime.


  • Origin: Sioux (Native American)
  • Meaning: Friend, ally
  • Pronunciation: luh-KOH-tuh
  • Variations: Lakhota, Lakȟóta

Lakota is a Sioux Native American name that carries the meaning of "friend" or "ally," signifying the importance of community and kinship.


  • Origin: Native American
  • Meaning: Healer
  • Pronunciation: lan-GOON-doh

Langundo is a Native American name that carries the meaning of "healer," symbolizing the power to restore and bring healing to individuals and communities.


  • Origin: Delaware (Native American)
  • Meaning: Original people
  • Pronunciation: luh-NAH-pee

Lenape is a Delaware Native American name that carries the meaning of "original people," highlighting the deep historical roots and indigenous heritage of the Lenape tribe.


  • Origin: Native American
  • Meaning: Snowbird
  • Pronunciation: loo-MOO-see

Lumusi is a Native American name that carries the meaning of "snowbird," representing the migratory bird species that thrive in snowy climates.


  • Origin: Native American
  • Meaning: Wise
  • Pronunciation: MAHY-koh
  • Variations: Maike, Maiko

Maikoh is a Native American name that carries the meaning of "wise," reflecting wisdom, intelligence, and deep understanding.


  • Origin: Chippewa (Ojibwe) (Native American)
  • Meaning: Walking ahead
  • Pronunciation: nah-KOH-mens

Nahcomence is a Chippewa (Ojibwe) Native American name that carries the meaning of "walking ahead," symbolizing forward movement, leadership, and determination.


  • Origin: Navajo (Native American)
  • Meaning: Speaker, leader
  • Pronunciation: NAHN-tahn

Nantan is a Navajo Native American name that carries the meaning of "speaker" or "leader."


  • Origin: Hopi (Native American)
  • Meaning: Chief
  • Pronunciation: nah-YAH-voo

Nayavu is a Hopi Native American name that carries the meaning of "chief," symbolizing authority, leadership, and wisdom.


  • Origin: Seminole (Native American)
  • Meaning: Bear
  • Pronunciation: noh-KOH-see

Nokosi is a Seminole Native American name that carries the meaning of "bear," symbolizing strength, courage, and protection.


  • Origin: Wampanoag (Native American)
  • Meaning: Twin
  • Pronunciation: NOO-mees

Numees is a Wampanoag Native American name that carries the meaning of "twin," representing the unique bond between siblings born at the same time.


  • Origin: Native American
  • Meaning: Heart
  • Pronunciation: OH-bee

Obie is a Native American name that carries the meaning of "heart," representing the core of one's being, emotions, and affection.


  • Origin: Algonquin (Native American)
  • Meaning: Wild rose
  • Pronunciation: OH-gin
  • Variations: Oginaw, Ogun

Ogin is an Algonquin Native American name that carries the meaning of "wild rose." The wild rose is a flower that holds cultural significance in Algonquin traditions, often used in ceremonies and medicinal practices.


  • Origin: Sioux (Dakota)
  • Meaning: Winner
  • Pronunciation: oh-hee-YAY-sah
  • Variations: Oyuhpe Ohiyesa, Dr. Charles Alexander Eastman
  • Namesakes: Dr. Charles Alexander Eastman (Author, Physician, and Activist)

Ohiyesa is a Sioux (Dakota) name that carries the meaning of "winner," signifying triumph and success. Ohiyesa was the adopted name of Dr. Charles Alexander Eastman, a prominent Sioux writer, physician, and activist who played a significant role in advocating for Native American rights and culture. Dr. Eastman's achievements include being one of the first Native American medical doctors.


  • Origin: Native American
  • Meaning: Lovely
  • Pronunciation: oh-LAY-thee

Olathe is a Native American name that carries the meaning of "lovely." The name Olathe signifies the appreciation of inner and outer beauty within Native American cultures.


  • Origin: Native American
  • Meaning: Wide awake
  • Pronunciation: oh-NAH-wah

Onawa is a Native American name that carries the meaning of "wide awake," symbolizing vigilance, alertness, and awareness.


  • Origin: Seminole (Native American)
  • Meaning: Black drink
  • Pronunciation: ahs-ee-OH-lah
  • Namesakes: Osceola (Seminole leader)

Osceola is a Seminole Native American name that carries the meaning of "black drink," referencing a traditional ceremonial beverage prepared from the leaves of the yaupon holly tree. Seminole leader Osceola played a significant role in resisting the encroachment of Native American lands. Osceola's courageous leadership during the Second Seminole War made him a respected figure in history.


  • Origin: Native American (Pawnee)
  • Meaning: Horn
  • Pronunciation: PAW-nee

Pawnee is a Native American name of Pawnee origin that carries the meaning of "horn."


  • Origin: Sioux (Lakota)
  • Meaning: Fire
  • Pronunciation: PAY-tah

Paytah is a Sioux (Lakota) name that carries the meaning of "fire," symbolizing passion, energy, and transformation.


  • Origin: Native American
  • Meaning: Golden eagle
  • Pronunciation: PEH-tah

Peta is a Native American name that carries the meaning of "golden eagle." Individuals with this name may exhibit qualities of grace, vision, and the ability to soar to great heights.


  • Origin: Shoshone (Native American)
  • Meaning: He does not follow the road
  • Pronunciation: poh-kuh-TEL-oh
  • Namesakes: Pocatello (Shoshone leader)

Pocatello is a Shoshone Native American name that carries the meaning of "he does not follow the road." Chief Pocatello is a prominent Shoshone leader who played a significant role in the history of the American West. Chief Pocatello was known for his diplomacy, leadership, and efforts to maintain peaceful relations between the Shoshone people and settlers.


  • Origin: Hopi (Native American)
  • Meaning: Guardian of the people
  • Pronunciation: kah-leh-TAH-kah
  • Variations: Kwahu, Ta'aqatsi

Qaletaqa is a Hopi Native American name that means "guardian of the people." Qaletaqa is associated with a kachina spirit in Hopi mythology, symbolizing a powerful and protective deity.


  • Origin: Comanche (Native American)
  • Meaning: Fragrant
  • Pronunciation: KWAN-ə
  • Namesakes: Quanah Parker (Comanche chief)

Quanah is a Comanche Native American name that means "fragrant." Quanah is that it was popularized by Quanah Parker, a prominent Comanche chief and leader who played a significant role in the history of Native Americans. Quanah Parker was known for his diplomacy and efforts to preserve Comanche culture.


  • Origin: Choctaw (Native American)
  • Meaning: Short
  • Pronunciation: kwi-yoh-kah

Quyocah is a Choctaw Native American name that means "short." It is a descriptive name used to denote someone of shorter stature. Choctaw names often convey physical attributes or personal characteristics.


  • Origin: Lenape (Native American)
  • Meaning: Red thunder
  • Pronunciation: RAHD-wahn

Radwan is a Lenape Native American name that means "red thunder." It is a powerful and evocative name associated with the elemental forces of nature.


  • Origin: Cherokee (Native American)
  • Meaning: Dove
  • Pronunciation: RETH

Reth is a Cherokee Native American name that means "dove." In Cherokee culture, the dove is regarded as a symbol of peace and harmony.


  • Origin: Native American
  • Meaning: Rock
  • Pronunciation: ROH-kah

Roca is a Native American name that means "rock." It is derived from the Spanish word for "rock" and has a strong connection to nature and the earth. Roca is a popular surname in various Spanish-speaking countries, and it can also be a given name used in Native American communities.


  • Origin: Shoshone (Native American)
  • Meaning: Bird woman
  • Pronunciation: sah-KAH-gah-way-ah
  • Namesakes: Sacagawea (Shoshone guide and interpreter for the Lewis and Clark Expedition)

Sacagawea is a Shoshone Native American name that means "bird woman." It is famously associated with the Shoshone guide and interpreter who accompanied the Lewis and Clark Expedition. Sacagawea played a crucial role in the success of the expedition, serving as a mediator and translator for the explorers.


  • Origin: Algonquin (Native American)
  • Meaning: Chief
  • Pronunciation: SAH-gə-mor

Sagamore is an Algonquin Native American name that means "chief." In Algonquin culture, a Sagamore was a tribal leader or chief who held a position of authority and respect.


  • Origin: Chinook (Native American)
  • Meaning: Above
  • Pronunciation: sah-HA-lee

Sahale is a Chinook Native American name that means "above." It signifies a higher place or elevation and is often associated with the mountains and sky.


  • Origin: Nez Perce (Native American)
  • Meaning: Yellow bird
  • Pronunciation: sah-POOL-ee

Sahpooly is a Nez Perce Native American name that means "yellow bird." Birds hold significant symbolism in Native American cultures, and the name Sahpooly reflects the reverence for nature and the spiritual connection to birds in Nez Perce traditions.


  • Origin: Cherokee (Native American)
  • Meaning: Squirrel
  • Pronunciation: sah-LAH-lee

Salali is a Cherokee name of Native American origin that means "squirrel." In Cherokee culture, the squirrel is regarded as a symbol of playfulness, agility, and resourcefulness.


  • Origin: Cheyenne (Native American)
  • Meaning: Little robe
  • Pronunciation: tah-kee-OHM

Tahkeome is a Cheyenne name of Native American origin that means "little robe." In Cheyenne culture, robes were important clothing items that provided warmth and protection.


  • Origin: Sioux (Native American)
  • Meaning: Friend to everyone
  • Pronunciation: tah-KOH-dah
  • Variations: Tecumseh, Tayanita, Tiva

Takoda is a Sioux name of Native American origin that means "friend to everyone." Takoda was popularized by the Native American leader Chief Takoda, who was known for his diplomatic skills and ability to foster harmony among tribes.


  • Origin: Navajo (Native American)
  • Meaning: Highly loved
  • Pronunciation: tah-meh-KEE-chee
  • Variations: Tameki, Kichi, Tami

Tamekichi is a Navajo name of Native American origin that means "highly loved." It carries the essence of deep affection and endearment.


  • Origin: Hopi (Native American)
  • Meaning: Good fortune
  • Pronunciation: TAH-shee
  • Variations: Tashie, Tashiko

Tashi is a Hopi name of Native American origin that means "good fortune." Tashi is often used as a unisex name and is also found in Tibetan culture, where it carries the meaning "auspicious" or "prosperity."


  • Origin: Sioux (Native American)
  • Meaning: Bison
  • Pronunciation: tah-TAHN-kah

Tatanka is a Sioux name of Native American origin that means "bison." In Sioux culture, the bison is revered as a symbol of strength, abundance, and sacredness.


  • Origin: Cherokee (Native American)
  • Meaning: White
  • Pronunciation: oo-NEH-gah

Unega is a Cherokee name of Native American origin that means "white." In Cherokee culture, white is regarded as a sacred color that symbolizes healing and spiritual enlightenment.


  • Origin: Hopi (Native American)
  • Meaning: Offering
  • Pronunciation: OON-kahr

Unkar is a Hopi name of Native American origin that means "offering." It carries the significance of giving and presenting something of value.


  • Origin: Cherokee (Native American)
  • Meaning: Sourwood tree
  • Pronunciation: oo-ZOO-mah-tee

Uzumati is a Cherokee name of Native American origin that means "sourwood tree." The sourwood tree is highly valued in Cherokee culture for its medicinal properties and the traditional use of its wood in making various tools.


  • Origin: Sioux (Native American)
  • Meaning: My strength is Jehovah
  • Pronunciation: oo-ZYE-ah
  • Variations: Azariah, Ozias

Uzziah is a Sioux name of Native American origin that means "my strength is Jehovah." It represents a strong belief in a higher power and the acknowledgment of divine strength.


  • Origin: Sioux (Native American)
  • Meaning: Strength of God
  • Pronunciation: oo-ZYE-el

Uzziel is a Sioux name of Native American origin that means "strength of God." It reflects a belief in divine power and the presence of strength bestowed by a higher being.


  • Origin: Apache (Native American)
  • Meaning: Victorious
  • Pronunciation: vee-TOH-ree-oh

Vittorio is an Apache name of Native American origin that means "victorious." It represents the celebration of triumph and success.


  • Origin: Cherokee (Native American)
  • Meaning: Pine tree
  • Pronunciation: VOHS-kee-ahn

Voskian is a Cherokee name of Native American origin that means "pine tree." The pine tree holds great significance in Cherokee culture as a symbol of longevity, wisdom, and resilience.


  • Origin: Sioux (Native American)
  • Meaning: Sacred
  • Pronunciation: wah-KAHN

Wahkan is a Sioux name of Native American origin that means "sacred." Wahkan is often used in Sioux ceremonies and rituals to invoke a connection with the sacred realm.


  • Origin: Sioux (Native American)
  • Meaning: Eagle
  • Pronunciation: wahm-BLEE

Wamblee is a Sioux name of Native American origin that means "eagle." The eagle holds great significance in Sioux culture as a symbol of strength, freedom, and spiritual vision.


  • Origin: Shoshone (Native American)
  • Meaning: Lucky
  • Pronunciation: WAH-pee

Wapi is a Shoshone name of Native American origin that means "lucky." Wapi reflects the Shoshone people's deep connection with nature and their belief in the interconnectedness of all things.


  • Origin: Apache (Native American)
  • Meaning: Golden
  • Pronunciation: ZAN-toh

Xanto is an Apache name of Native American origin that means "golden." It symbolizes brightness, warmth, and richness.


  • Origin: Navajo (Native American)
  • Meaning: He who rules over heroes
  • Pronunciation: ZURK-seez

Xerxes is a Navajo name of Native American origin that means "he who rules over heroes." It reflects leadership, power, and authority. Xerxes has historical origins and is associated with ancient Persian kings.


  • Origin: Pueblo (Native American)
  • Meaning: Golden-haired
  • Pronunciation: ZEE-men

Ximen is a Pueblo name of Native American origin that means "golden-haired."


  • Origin: Aztec (Native American)
  • Meaning: Flower prince
  • Pronunciation: soh-chee-PEE-yee

Xochipilli is an Aztec name of Native American origin that means "flower prince." Xochipilli is associated with the Aztec deity of the same name, who was revered as the patron of arts, poetry, and love.

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