KS2 Biographies and Autobiographies Primary Resources

Biographies and Autobiographies Primary Resources

Write about the lives of notable people with our autobiography and biography template, KS2 resources and worksheets for your English reading and writing classes. All of our Biography templates KS2 and more are teacher-made to ensure they meet high standards to meet your lesson's aims and can help children to develop their learning of literature.

What are a Biography and Autobiography? 

A biography is a detailed description of a person's life with facts, background information and stories from their life. Often featured in biographies are famous people including actors, politicians and sports figures. 

The difference between a biography and autobiography is that an autobiography is actually written by that particular famous person, whereas a biography is written by someone else on their behalf. 

Biography and Autobiography Resources to Complement Children's Literature

To coincide with KS2 children's learning on different types of literature, these biography and autobiography resources can be used in class to write an abstract about one of the characters in the book you are currently reading with your class. 

Twinkl's range of biography and autobiography resources feature WAGOLLs, fact files and biographies of famous figures from history to help your KS2 children develop their understanding of how to write their own autobiography or a biography about somebody else. 

You're bound to find something your pupils will love among these resources on biographies and autobiographies for children's literature.

Biography and Autobiography Resources that Save you Valuable Time

Our extensive range of biography and autobiography resources means you have a choice of many, so you can save yourself valuable time from lesson planning. Plus, all of the resources are teacher-made which means you can trust that they are accurate and follow the National Curriculum aims. 

And with all that extra time, you can focus on teaching about biographies and autobiographies for children's literature.

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