Overview - HKU MBA

Part-time MBA

Our Programmes

The part-time MBA at HKU is designed to help you to comprehend, manage and capitalise on the region’s dynamic and rapidly evolving business environment, while providing you with maximum flexibility to balance work-study life.
Designed by a world-class, award-winning faculty with deep Asian and global expertise, the part-time MBA at the HKU Business School equips you with the tools you need to comprehend, manage and capitalise on the superb location of Hong Kong and its positioning within the Greater Bay Area. With a weekday-weekend mode, working professionals can avail of maximum flexibility to balance their work-study life.

Modern-day professionals need to be equipped with a learning experience that bestows upon them a first-class education, real-world experience, and a deep understanding of international business and culture. Our part-time MBA programme is specifically designed through a case-based, experiential-learning approach infusing all-rounded knowledge, with the 2021-22 re-designed curriculum, elective subjects are focused on the key themes of Business Tech and Innovation Finance, Strategy and Consulting, Managing in China & Asia, Marketing and General Management. Studying alongside peers who are experienced management professionals from local and regional companies, you will learn to apply business theories and models to real-life, context-rich situations, based on actual problems that companies are facing around the world.

A series of Executive Development Workshops have been created to encourage the students to fully engage in a unique learning experience while sharpening their soft skills. The series of workshops are spread across the entire academic year and will be conducted on topics that include Business Communication & Presentation Skills, Managerial Leadership & Executive Presence, Problem Solving & Critical Thinking Skills, and High Performing Teams & Collaborations Skills.

Course Structure

Our Asia-Pacific focus gives you a huge advantage for developing your career in this region
You can study the core courses in either weekday or weekend mode depending on your schedule
Complete the MBA degree at your own pace within a minimum of two years and maximum of four years
Courses are offered in a five-week modular structure, allowing you to concentrate on one single course at a time every five weeks
The extensive use of business cases strengthens your critical thinking and enables you to become an effective problem solver and decision maker
Leverage the opportunity to learn and study alongside peers who are experienced middle-to-senior management professionals from top local and regional companies
Hone your entrepreneurial abilities through our flagship elective partnered with Cyberport Academy, Entrepreneurial Incubation Lab is designed to help you build a start-up from business concepts and idea development through to incubation training and pitching with opportunity to be shortlisted for the Cyberport Creative Micro Fund (CCMF) or Cyberport Incubation Programme (CIP)
Take the opportunity to spend a semester at London Business School or Columbia Business School and gain a nuanced appreciation of business in the world’s top financial centres
Take international field trips to experience and understand business dynamics in different economies
Aside from Hong Kong, our centres in Beijing, Shenzhen, HCMC and Tel Aviv offer students a wide international exposure
Become part of Hong Kong’s most prestigious alumni network with more than 245,000 University Alumni spread worldwide representing over 150 nationalities
Weekend classes are conducted at either Cyberport, Admiralty, or at Pokfulam main campus to facilitate learning within a historical and intellectual environment
Weekday classes are conducted at Admiralty Town Centre campus
Year 1
Sept - Oct
Orientation Programme
Induction Events
Two Executive Development Workshops will be conducted to enhance your soft skill: 1) Business Communication and Presentation skills, and, 2) High Performing Teams and Collaborations
Oct - Dec
Foundation Core Courses covering Accounting and Economics
Jan – End-May
Functional Core Courses covering Marketing, Finance and Business Ethics
May - Aug
Functional Core Courses covering Digital Innovation and Analytics
Two Executive Development Workshops will be conducted to enhance your soft skill: 1) Problem Solving and Critical Thinking Skills, and, 2) Managerial Leadership and Executive Presence
Year 2
Sep - Dec
Strategic Core Courses covering Strategy, China and Global Economy, and Capstone project
Jan – May
Take elective courses that choose from a pool of MBA electives or, electives offered by other taught master programmes of the Faculty
The part-time MBA programme is offered in both weekday and weekend modes, applies only to core courses.
Courses are offered on a modular basis, with each module lasting about five weeks.
Weekday mode
• Study in Admiralty, at the heart of Hong Kong’s city centre
• Enjoy the convenience of studying close to your workplace right after office hours
• Classes meet twice a week on weekday evenings from 6:30pm to 9:45pm
• Flexibility to choose 3-weekend core courses (subject to availability and approval by Programme Office)
Example: for Tuesday and Thursday evening class schedule
Weekday mode
Weekend mode
• Classes are held on Saturdays at either the city centre in Admiralty, Pokfulam Main Campus or at Cyberport Campus
• Enjoy having to dedicate only one full day per week to the programme on Saturdays from 9:30am to 5:00pm
• Some weekend classes are occasionally conducted on Friday evenings
• Flexibility to choose 3-weekday core courses (subject to availability and approval by Programme Office)

Example: for Weekend mode class schedule
Weekend mode
Class Profile
Male : Female ratio
58% : 42%
Nationalities Around
Average age
Local: Non-local
44% : 56%
Average years of work experience

Application Deadline

Early Round deadline
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HKU MBA Part-time Programme

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