Tricky | MADNESS: Project Nexus Wiki | Fandom
MADNESS: Project Nexus Wiki

"You do not kill the clown." - Unit description

Tricky emojiTricky, also known as Doctor Hoffnar or Clown, is a main antagonist in Madness Combat and MADNESS: Project Nexus. He is one of the most widely known characters in the Madness Combat universe.


Tricky is Hoffnar's current being. With the Improbability Drive set in his mind, it has caused him to go somewhat insane. He always views everything as a simple game, and has a violent mindset, reflecting off of his former self.

His sanity is one thing, but he still retains some of his smartness. He is aware that he is insane, and still knows about stuff like the Divergence Engine and the two soda cans theory.


Tricky's appearance represents a clown. He is a Zed, from his death in Madness Combat 3. From the Improbability Drive, he is constantly shaking. He has 2 red, horn-shaped hairs on the sides of his head. He wears a stone face slab with the eye holes glowing red.

In Madness Combat, Tricky wears nothing on his torso, however in MADNESS: Project Nexus he wears his torn lab coat. It has the name tag Hoffnar on it. His underpants are also showing, with a heart shaped pattern on it. There is blood splattered on the coat.


Tricky is an all-powerful being, thanks to the Improbability Drive. Some of his powers are shown in Madness Combat, however not much is shown in MADNESS: Project Nexus.

  • Teleport - Tricky has the ability to teleport. Upon death or being wounded, he will teleport somewhere else.
  • Supernatural Movement - Next to teleporting, Tricky can jump or run extremely far. They don't seem to be phased by objects in their way.
  • Revive - With the Improbility Drive, Tricky is able to revive any dead corpse with ease. This is shown in Madness Combat 6, where he revives Hank after killing him.
  • Summon - He is able to summon any object, even buildings full of A.A.H.W units.
  • Demon - Shown in Madness Combat 7, when Tricky was shot everywhere on his body by Hank, he turned into a giant monster. His body is impenetrable, and can only be harmed through the Improbability Drive.

