The Meaning Behind The Song: iMi by Bon Iver - Old Time Music
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The Meaning Behind The Song: iMi by Bon Iver

The Meaning Behind The Song: iMi by Bon Iver

Bon Iver, an American indie folk band led by Justin Vernon, released “iMi” as part of their fourth studio album, i,i, in 2019. The song, which features a dense mix of electronic beats, samples, and organic instrumentation, has been hailed as one of the album’s highlights and a statement about the band’s evolution.

But what lies beneath the surface of “iMi”? In this article, we will explore the song’s themes, lyrics, and music, and offer insight into its meaning.


“iMi” addresses a range of interconnected themes that reflect the band’s current concerns and worldview. Among them are:

Technology and Nature

“iMi” juxtaposes synthetic sounds and natural instruments, suggesting a tension between human-made technology and the natural world. This theme is reinforced by the song’s lyrics, which question the impact of technology on our daily lives:

Sooner or later you’ll see me,
Fighting for some breathing
Use my shoulder
Turn the corner
To start the breathing

The last line encapsulates the idea that technology can help us “breathe” but also poses a risk to our basic respiratory function.

Identity and Self-Awareness

The song’s title, “iMi,” suggests an emphasis on identity and self-awareness. The lyrics address the complexity of the human psyche and the challenge of knowing oneself fully:

What’s gonna be left of the world if you’re not in it?
What’s gonna be left of the world, oh
Every minute and every word, every sigh and conversation
Piece of bullshit that I’m saying

The use of the word “bullshit” suggests a need to strip away pretense and delusion in order to discover one’s true self.

Community and Connection

Despite the emphasis on self-discovery, “iMi” also stresses the importance of community and connection. The lyrics suggest a need for empathy and mutual support in a world that is often isolating and divisive:

Friends being shortlisted
Influence being minted
What we had, didn’t take long
All we had, all we had

The repetition of “all we had” underscores the theme of shared experience and collective memory.


“iMi” features a dense, collage-like arrangement of samples and lyrics that resist easy interpretation. The song’s structure mirrors its themes, with multiple voices and perspectives overlapping and intersecting.

The lyrics suggest a sense of urgency and vulnerability, as if the singer is grappling with life’s big questions in real time. Some key passages include:

Waste another,

Was it all for show, the fear and the hope?
Tell me, who’s above? Who’s above us all?

These lines express a sense of doubt and uncertainty about the ultimate meaning of life.

You shape right
You see white
Uh-oh, shamed by a novel need
Suddenly the air is velvet

These lines play with language and sound to create a sense of sensory overload.

All we had, all we had
All we had, all we had
All we had, all we had

The repetition of “all we had” suggests a desire to hold onto shared experience and memories, even as they slip away.


“iMi” is characterized by a dense, layered sound that blends electronic and organic elements. The song features a mix of acoustic and electric guitars, drums, samples, and vocal harmonies, which creates a unique sonic landscape.

The music embodies the song’s themes of tension and contrast, with the organic and electronic elements often coming into conflict. The use of samples and loops adds a sense of disorientation and fragmentation, while the harmonies and instrumentation provide an anchor of sorts.

The song’s production quality is a key factor in its impact, with the mix of sounds achieving a balance that is both textured and focused.


What does “iMi” stand for?

The meaning of “iMi” is unclear, but it is likely to be a truncated version of “I am me” or “I am my own.”

What is the genre of “iMi”?

“iMi” blends elements of folk, electronica, and indie rock, defying easy genre classification.

What is the significance of the song’s lyrics?

The lyrics of “iMi” address themes of technology and nature, identity and self-awareness, and community and connection, offering a complex view of the world.

What is the song’s composition structure?

“iMi” features a dense, collage-like arrangement of samples and lyrics that resist easy interpretation, reflecting the song’s themes of tension and contrast.

What instruments are used in “iMi”?

“iMi” features a mix of acoustic and electric guitars, drums, samples, and vocal harmonies.

Who produced “iMi”?

“iMi” was produced by Bon Iver’s Justin Vernon, who also co-wrote the song.

What is the critical response to “iMi”?

“iMi” has been widely praised for its innovative sound and complex themes, with some critics calling it a standout track on the album.

What is the historical context of “iMi”?

“iMi” was released in 2019, at a time of rapid technological and cultural changes, which inform the song’s themes.

What are some of the song’s most memorable lyrics?

Some memorable lyrics in “iMi” include, “All we had, all we had, all we had,” and “Can’t waste another mind.”

What is the band’s message in “iMi”?

“iMi” reflects Bon Iver’s current concerns and worldview, emphasizing themes of technology and nature, identity and self-awareness, and community and connection.

What makes “iMi” unique compared to other Bon Iver songs?

“iMi” stands out from other Bon Iver songs due to its dense mix of electronic beats, samples, and organic instrumentation, which creates a unique sonic landscape.

What is the song’s legacy?

“iMi” has secured a place as a key track in Bon Iver’s discography, and is likely to be remembered for its innovative sound and complex themes.

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