The Meaning Behind The Song: A Hard Way to Go by Savoy Brown - Old Time Music
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The Meaning Behind The Song: A Hard Way to Go by Savoy Brown


The Meaning Behind The Song: A Hard Way to Go by Savoy Brown

Title A Hard Way to Go
Artist Savoy Brown
Writer/Composer Kim Simmonds
Album Raw Sienna (1970)
Release Date 1970
Genre Blues rock
Producer No specific producer listed

“A Hard Way to Go” is a blues rock song by Savoy Brown, released in 1970 as part of their album “Raw Sienna.” The song was written and composed by Kim Simmonds, the lead guitarist of the band.

The lyrics of “A Hard Way to Go” convey a sense of resilience and determination in the face of challenges and adversity. The protagonist of the song acknowledges the lack of time for doubt, fear, or shallow tears. There is a recognition that there is still a hard path to be treaded, and no time for distractions or dwelling on past mistakes or personal limitations.

The lines “Said that you got a losing hand, Ain’t no point in you raising sand” suggest that someone is trying to shift the blame or protest their own difficulties, but the protagonist dismisses their complaints. They claim not to have time to be concerned with others’ troubles and emphasize their determination to keep moving forward despite the challenges. The repetition of the phrase “And it’s a crying shame, that you can’t lay the blame, on anybody else but yourself” reinforces the idea of personal responsibility and accountability.

Personally, this song has resonated with me during times when I have faced obstacles and setbacks. It serves as a reminder to stay focused and determined, not allowing external circumstances or others’ actions to deter me from my goals. The lyrics of “A Hard Way to Go” express a refusal to be dragged down by negativity or self-pity, and instead embrace the struggles as stepping stones towards personal growth and success.

The blues rock genre of the song adds a raw and gritty feel to the lyrics, further amplifying the emotions and determination. The combination of Kim Simmonds’ powerful guitar riffs and the heartfelt vocals adds an authentic and relatable quality to the overall sound of the song.

As with many songs, the interpretation of “A Hard Way to Go” can vary from individual to individual. It may resonate differently based on personal experiences and challenges one has faced. For some, it may bring to mind overcoming heartbreak, while for others, it may represent pushing through difficult times in professional or personal endeavors. Regardless of the specific circumstances, the underlying message of resilience and taking ownership of one’s path is a universal theme embraced by many listeners.

In conclusion, “A Hard Way to Go” by Savoy Brown encapsulates the spirit of perseverance and personal responsibility. The lyrics and music blend together to create a powerful anthem for anyone facing adversity and striving to overcome hardships. It serves as a reminder to stay focused, determined, and unyielding in the pursuit of our goals, no matter how challenging the journey may be.

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