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The plant-hunter who risked death for an orchid

Tom Hart Dyke's obsession for plants led him to the Darien Gap, in search of an orchid to name after his granny. But his mission was cut short when he was kidnapped at gunpoint.

Tom Hart Dyke is a plant-hunter, he goes looking for rare and undiscovered species from across the world. It's an obsession that grew from his childhood in the English countryside and was nurtured by his best friend, his granny.

She introduced him to the explorer plant-hunters of the 18th century, and in 1998 aged 23, Tom set off on a solo adventure around the world.
Two years in, he decided to venture into the notoriously dangerous Darien Gap on the Colombia/Panama border, in search of an undiscovered orchid to name after her. But his mission was cut short when in the heart of the rainforest he walked into the path of a FARC Guerilla splinter group and was kidnapped at gunpoint.

Jeppe Garly from Denmark is a teacher and lifelong Viking enthusiast, so much so that he has chosen to live like one. He teaches his students about the culture, how to cook, make tools and stitch clothes in the authentic way. Jeppe told Outlook how becoming his tribe's Chieftain changed his life. This interview was first broadcast in 2015.

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(Photo: Tom Hart Dyke in the World Garden. Credit: Nicola Stocken)

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41 minutes


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