How to Access and Change Your Wi-Fi Router's Settings? - GeeksforGeeks

How to Access and Change Your Wi-Fi Router’s Settings?

Last Updated : 24 Apr, 2024
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Answer: A Wi-Fi router is a device that enables wireless communication between devices like computers, mobiles, etc with a local area network or the internet. The Wi-Fi Router Settings can be changed by Accessing the Configuration of Wi-Fi Router.

Steps to Access and Change Wi-Fi Router Settings

  1. Access the Router Settings: Firstly, we have to connect our running device to the router’s network.
  2. Open Browser: Once we are connected to the Router’s Network, we need to open a browser like Chrome or Firefox.
  3. Enter Router’s IP Address: When the browser is opened, then we need to enter the IP address of the router. For Example,
  4. Enter Login Details: When the website of the router is loaded, we will see the login form, where we need to enter the username and password to view the dashboard. This username and password is same which we have setup while installing the router.
  5. Access Settings Dashboard: When we log in successfully, we will see the router’s settings dashboard. We have to configure various settings like SSID, Port Forwarding, Password, etc.
  6. Apply Changes: We have to visit the individual settings, make the changes as per our need, and save the changes for confirmation.
  7. Logout: Once the changes are done successfully, we can logout through the Router Setting by clicking on the Logout option.
  8. Verify Changes: To verify whether the changes are done or not, we can test our Wi-Fi connection.


In conclusion, we have follow the above steps one by one to firstly access the Wi-Fi Router’s setting an then change the required configuration or the setting which is needed.

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