Sure would like thosw freedoms and rights I am supposed to be thankful for. Anyone know how I can get some representation for my taxation? Maybe get rid of these enemies foreign and domestic? : r/Discussion Skip to main content

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Sure would like thosw freedoms and rights I am supposed to be thankful for. Anyone know how I can get some representation for my taxation? Maybe get rid of these enemies foreign and domestic?


I will glad hand so many Veterans and be super patriotic if someone could put voters back in charge and let the news not be lies. Anyone else feel this way?

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u/Holiman avatar

This should be taken to a conspiracy forum. If you're just a Russian bot, it's a lame one. If you are just deluded, seek help. All in all, I'm gonna give this one out of ten. Mostly because of the Obama stuff. He's gone get relevant.

Study after study shows the politicians are not serving the voters. Trust the science..

u/Holiman avatar

Yeah, what does that even mean? Don't like your representative? Vote. Campaign. Make a difference. People that bitxh and moan yet never do anything are the real problem.

Also btw, was once offered the helm of a dem House campaign. I have tried the system.


You arent allowed to even know who the person you are voting for is. Obama was the CIA and the banks. We were told he was a black Bernie. Cant vote your way out of this.

They kill real journalists. Adversarial Journalism is necessary for democracy. They specifically target adversarial journalism. Govt funded groups quash adversarial information. If youre really good you get the Michael Hastings award.

Anyone who followed the Bernie runs knows the system is not the answer..

u/Holiman avatar

People who name all the problems but never have solutions are peeing in the wind. I don't think I'll stand next to you.

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You sound like an angry kid...Outside of being bombarded with negative news and being given a political party to hate, what is really bothering you in your life?


This is my whole life. I had a journalist friend working w Anonymous, harrassed to death. She was working w anonymous to penetrate a DHS Fusion Center. I was growing pot. Her last words to me lectured me about my DUI, she said she would never. Years after she died I saw a thing about how DHS targets and harrasses journalists to death. Fit her to a T. Did some investigating, she said in her last days she was being harrassed by govt. Confirmed w some local politicians w intel connections. Started getting harrassed myself. Tickets, points on my license. Lots of online manipulation--YouTube, like....from the institution itself or at least heavy control of it on my phone. Eventually, a social media poster said "you are gonna get us all busted. Quiet and things will get better." And they did. Got fines and court costs sent back to me without asking. License restored. Insurance from $200/mo to $60.

But it left quite an impression..

I used to be active in politics, but its a lie. Take Obama. All three of his parents were CIA. Heres his dad:

His mom was from a CIA family that was OSS before the CIA existed. Lolo Soetoro was rich--Obama grew up rich. He worked for CIA cutouts like McKinsey but they said he was a "progressive community organizer." The Pritzkers, a rich Chicago family of ARMS MANUFACTURERS ushered him into politics, he won the Nobel Peace Prize took us from 2 wars to 7.

They still hide who he is. He was heir to one of the world's great fortunes when we voted for him. We had no idea who we were voting for.

Most of the times, claims like this are just connecting unrelated events together.

Now if you have evidence, then your discussion shouldn't be about generalities but the specifics to your claims.

I added more. All around you is lies. You are swimming in it.. the news is lies--on NPR I hear lies about Israel every time I listen. They cant tell the truth.


Other day Im camping. Trying to avoid news. But there was great music on radio station. NPR news chimes in. General saying Iran, with its barrage of drones and missiles, was kill Israelis and failed.

No one believes this. Iran announced its strike days in advance, sent old slow drones. Israel has iron dome, US is there. No one who is interested in the region thought it was an actual attack meant to kill people. Even conservatives I argued with online were like "You know they werent trying to actually kill Israelis, right?"

But NPR listeners might think that, because they are lied to incessantly.

Then NPR listeners, who after all, are told they are the best informed people in the country, lecture me with confidence. Yay.

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I mean maybe word goes out....we are going to have new elections, make sure they are super fair. That would be nice. And then ya know. Civilian control reinstated, world would be better. Corporations are not civilians. There will soon be actual corporations with no people in them, after all.