Daily Cartoon | The New Yorker
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Daily Cartoon

The New Yorker’s cartoonists offer a new drawing every day about politics and current events.

Bonus Daily Cartoon: Of Rats and Men

“We’re looking for a rat, Jimmy, not a hot rodent man.”

Daily Cartoon: Tuesday, June 11th

“We’d never know how Supreme Court Justices really felt if it weren’t for secret recordings and every single other thing they do.”

Daily Cartoon: Monday, June 10th

“The captain has informed us that our arrival will be somewhat delayed because of Europe’s ongoing shift to the right.”

Daily Cartoon: Friday, June 7th

“Bear mace, check. Breaking-news mace, check.”

Daily Cartoon: Thursday, June 6th

“There’s no way to opt out of messages in an election season.”

Daily Cartoon: Wednesday, June 5th

The weight of the world.

Daily Cartoon: Tuesday, June 4th

“No, wait—leave that one up. That’s my campaign poster.”

Daily Cartoon: Monday, June 3rd

“The weather was so nice this weekend I didn’t even have time to binge an entire show.”

Daily Cartoon: Friday, May 31st

Game recognize game.

Daily Cartoon: Thursday, May 30th

“Why does it feel like we’re more nervous about the jury decision than Trump is?”