BNL | Staff | Carlos X. Soto, Computational Science Initiative

General Lab Information

    Carlos X. Soto

    Associate Computational Scientist, Machine Learning Group, Computational Science Initiative

    Carlos X. Soto

    Brookhaven National Laboratory

    Computational Science Initiative
    Bldg. 725, Room 2-160
    P.O. Box 5000
    Upton, NY 11973-5000

    (631) 344-3059

    Carlos Xavier Soto is a computer scientist working in the Computational Science Initiative (CSI) and the Nonproliferation and National Security (NN) Department at BNL. His research within CSI's Machine Learning Group focuses on developments and uses of machine learning and natural language processing models for scientific, data mining, and security applications. Within NN's Radiation Detection and Emerging Safeguards Technologies Group, he works on computational and machine learning techniques to enhance nonproliferation efforts and enable new technologies supporting national security. He has a PhD in Computer Engineering from Texas A&M University, where he worked in the Center for Robot-Assisted Search and Rescue (CRASAR) research lab on human-robot interaction in challenging environments. Prior to 2016, his name was Jesus Suarez. Outside of work, Carlos is passionate about nature, film, technology, and knowledge for its own sake.

    Expertise | Research | Education


    Machine Learning

    Natural Language Processing

    Robotics & Human-Robot Interaction

    Research Activities

    Scientific Literature Mining for functional genomics, COVID-19 drug discovery, and nuclear physics

    Named entity recognition and relation extraction

    Automated table extraction

    ML-based reverse-engineering of graphical charts

    Fuel burnup prediction for novel nuclear reactors


    PhD, Computer Engineering, Texas A&M University, 2017

    BS, Computer Engineering, Texas A&M University, 2011

    Carlos X. Soto

    Brookhaven National Laboratory

    Computational Science Initiative
    Bldg. 725, Room 2-160
    P.O. Box 5000
    Upton, NY 11973-5000

    (631) 344-3059

    Carlos X.'s Links