Create Your Own Family Photo Collage
Ivory Yellow Refined Scrapbook Family Photo Collage

Commemorate Cozy Family Moments with a Photo Collage

Easy to create and customize

Beautifully designed templates

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Pull together your favorite photos of Mom, Dad, Brother, Sister, and all the kids with a family photo collage designed with Canva.

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Design a touching family photo collage with plenty of smiles

When was the last time the whole family sat together for a photo portrait? If it has been years, or even decades, that doesn’t mean you can’t have a warm keepsake to bring everyone together. Create a family photo collage in Canva and collect everyone’s bright, beaming faces together on a single page.

We make it easy to design, adjust and revise your photo collage. Not sure if Dad’s graduation photo looks best next to Cousin Sonny’s baby pictures? Try every combination, along with our bevy of photo filters, until everything looks just right.

How to create a family photo collage with ease

Open a New Family Photo Collage Design

No need to sign into your account—just open Canva or launch the app. Search for “Family Photo Collage” to start.

Browse our library of whimsical collage templates. Choose the design that best fits your family dynamic.

Upload images of your mom, dad, granny, grandpa, and everyone else. You can also browse over 1 million stock images to fill up the collage. Use the Canva photo editor to polish each photo.

Make your collage as fun as your get-togethers by adding balloons, sparkles, ribbons, silly text, frames, and other graphic elements.

Save your design once you’re finished. Turn it into a real keepsake by downloading the collage, printing it, or sharing it on social media.

Open a New Family Photo Collage Design

Upload and edit your treasury of family photos

A great family photo collage spans generations, and we’re up for the task. Whether your photos are digital or scans from old, yellowed scrapbooks, its easy to upload your whole collection to Canva so you can get busy cropping.

You can even take advantage of our photo editing tools(opens in a new tab or window) to make sure every image appears with bright, crisp colors. With a simple slider, you can intensify the saturation, adjust the contrast, and balance the highlights and shadows. Even if you have photos from different years, taken in different lighting conditions, you can make them all look consistent.

Are the photos from yesteryear looking a little dull? No problem—use Auto Enhance(opens in a new tab or window) to instantly make them look vibrant. If the shots are a little out of focus, the Auto Focus feature offers a quick solution. You can even remove backgrounds with Canva Pro’s background remover.(opens in a new tab or window)

Is your family a little silly? Try adorning your collage with stickers and illustrations. Browse our vast collection of over 1 million stock photos, illustrations, and graphic elements for jaunty hats and speech bubbles to add to your collage. Plenty of design elements are available for free and premium photos are offered at a very competitive price, so you can slap a slogan on Great Uncle Herbert without breaking the bank.

Share your photo collage with even the most distant relative

You know your family’s photos are too good to keep to yourself! Show off your family-friendly handiwork by clicking the “Share” button to easily post your collage on X (Twitter) or Facebook. Even if Great Aunt Tilly isn’t on Facebook, you can still send the design right to her email inbox.

If your family photo collage is truly impressive, it’s simple to get it ready to hang above your mantle. Download your collage as a high-quality PDF and send it to a print professional to get it ready for framing and primed to be the centerpiece in your den.

Collaborate on your photo collage with the whole family

Do you have more designers in the family? Why not pool your embarrassing family photos and work on a collage together? Not only can you access Canva anywhere there’s an internet connection or with our free iPhone, iPad, and Android apps, but we make collaboration seamless. Simply click “Share” and check the box to allow others to edit your designs and start collaborating and sharing your family history.


The sky’s the limit! Choose a template theme (holiday, Halloween, baby shower, anything under the sun). Upload your family photos, arrange them on the collage, then refine them using the photo editor. You can design your collage in any way you want.

Absolutely. Add names (or pet names) to each photo. You can also add dates, the names of locations, occasions, and short anecdotes you don’t want to forget. To do this, key in T on the editor and a textbox will appear. Type in the names you wish to add, apply your chosen font size, styles, spacing, and color. Then, drag and drop the textbox to where your photo is placed.

Yes! Even if the original template only asks for three photos, you can add more. Keep adding and experimenting with the arrangement until you’re happy with your collage design.
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@canva is simply outstanding as a tool to create designs. Using Canva is such a seamless experience that once you sit down to design, you don't feel like getting up. It's addictive and useful. Keep going Canva.


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