The Meaning Behind The Song: Filipino Box Spring Hog by Tom Waits - Old Time Music
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The Meaning Behind The Song: Filipino Box Spring Hog by Tom Waits


The Meaning Behind The Song: Filipino Box Spring Hog by Tom Waits

Title Filipino Box Spring Hog
Artist Tom Waits
Writer/Composer Tom Waits
Album Mule Variations (1999)
Release Date April 16, 1999
Genre Rock, Blues Rock, Contemporary Folk
Producer Kathleen Brennan & Tom Waits

Tom Waits is a legendary American singer-songwriter known for his distinctive voice and unconventional musical style. One of his notable songs, “Filipino Box Spring Hog,” is found on his album “Mule Variations,” released in 1999. The song’s lyrics carry a sense of surrealism and evoke vivid imagery, leaving listeners curious about its meaning.

The lyrics of “Filipino Box Spring Hog” offer a series of seemingly disconnected images and characters, leaving interpretation open to individual perception. The song begins with lines such as “I hung on to Mary’s stump, I danced with a soldier’s glee,” immediately grabbing attention through obscure references. Waits’ unique storytelling style often invites listeners to create their own stories and meanings from his songs.

One possible interpretation of the song comes from an interview with Waits himself. He mentioned a personal experience while living on Union Avenue in Los Angeles, where they would have parties involving unconventional cooking methods. They are said to have sawed the living room floorboards, dug a hole, filled it with wood, and ignited it with gasoline. The box spring became the makeshift grill, upon which they would cook a pig. This anecdote provides a possible context for the title and theme of the song.

Personally, this song has always fascinated me with its enigmatic lyrics and the imagery it evokes. It transports me to a world of mystery and intrigue. The references to characters like Bill Bones, Kehoe, and Spider create a sense of familiarity within this strange narrative. Although the plot remains elusive, it captures the essence of an alternative reality, immersing listeners in an unconventional story that demands interpretation.

The repetition of the line “Cookin’ up a Filipino box spring hog” throughout the song adds a hypnotic quality, as if inviting listeners to join in this peculiar culinary adventure. The vivid descriptions of sawing on a jawbone violin, Kathleen in her criminal underwear bra, and the necessary action of slapping the hog and swatting flies create a gritty atmosphere that is both unsettling and alluring.

Furthermore, the use of regional references, such as Hollister Burn and little Red’s Recovery Room, adds a specific sense of place to the narrative. Waits’ masterful storytelling transports us to these locations, painting a vivid backdrop for the surreal events unfolding within the song.

As with many of Tom Waits’ songs, “Filipino Box Spring Hog” leaves room for personal interpretation. The lyrics can be seen as vignettes, snapshots of an eccentric world that the listener can piece together to form their own narrative. It is this open-endedness that makes his music so captivating and thought-provoking.

As a longtime fan of Tom Waits, I have found solace and inspiration in his music. His unique approach to songwriting and storytelling has influenced my own creative endeavors. The mystery and depth in “Filipino Box Spring Hog” serve as a reminder that art can be enigmatic and open to interpretation. It encourages curiosity and the exploration of different meanings and perspectives.

In conclusion, “Filipino Box Spring Hog” by Tom Waits is a song that thrives on its ambiguity. The vivid imagery, eccentric characters, and surreal narrative provide a fertile ground for interpretation. Whether it be Waits’ personal experiences or the listener’s own imagination, the song’s meaning remains a captivating puzzle. So, let’s embrace the mystery and delve into the unconventional world of Tom Waits’ music.

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