The best Quotes by Clara Zetkin
The best Quotes by Clara Zetkin

The best Quotes by Clara Zetkin

Clara Zetkin (née Eißner ; 5 July 1857 – 20 June 1933) was a German Marxist theorist, communist activist, and advocate for women's rights. Until 1917, she was active in the Social Democratic Party of Germany.

The workers have nothing to gain from this war, but they stand to lose everything that is dear to them.
When the men are silent, it is our duty to raise our voices in behalf of our ideals.
We are not making this demand for the sake of a principle, but in the interests of the proletarian class.
The proletarian woman fights hand in hand with the man of her class against capitalist society.
These interests of the workers, as the exploited and oppressed, class of society, are the same in all countries.

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I quit therapy because my analyst was trying to help me behind my back.

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