for safety sake中文, for safety sake中文意思

for safety sake中文

用"for safety sake"造句"for safety sake" in a sentence"for safety sake"怎麼讀


  • 為了安全起見


  • Number 7 : for safety sakes travel in pairs
  • If feeling unwell during the course of the test , stop and tell your friends for safety sake
  • Remember ! for safetys sake , all passengers on public light buses are required to wear seat belts if they are provided
  • Rough seas and swells may affect the coast . you should beware of the risk and stay away from the shoreline for safety sake
  • Rough seas and swells may affect the coast . you should beware of the risk and stay away from the shoreline for safety sake
  • If you feel unwell when doing exercise , you should slow down or take a rest , if the unwell condition persists , you should consult your physician for safety sake
  • Together with chu zhaonan donnie yen , yang yunchong leon lai , mulang duncan chow , and xin longzi tai li wu , their heroic journey begins . representing heroism and goodness at its finest , they come to be known as the seven swords . returning to martial village , they soon decide for safetys sake to move and lead the entire village to a safer place
用"for safety sake"造句  
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