The Weekly Horoscope - Astrodienst

The Weekly Horoscope

Week from 20 to 26 May 2024
General Tendencies
Everyday Life / Profession:

On Monday, the Sun enters Gemini. On Thursday, at the Sagittarius Full Moon, Venus reaches Gemini, and finally Jupiter on Sunday. The cluster of planets thus changes its energy, loses the "earthiness" of the sign of Taurus, and becomes more light-footed and communicative. The connection to Pluto in Aquarius ensures that the lightness is not exaggerated. The central issues of peace and justice remain essential. You can do something about it: bring people together and get things moving. The Sagittarius Full Moon makes you optimistic on Thursday. It takes both Pluto and Neptune into the picture, which, at their best, represent forgiveness and letting go. Are you ready yet? Have you been able to throw negative feelings overboard and seize the opportunities? The Full Moon shows the situation and describes positive energies. Mercury in Taurus is taking minutes and not quite keeping up - it's all happening so fast!

Relationship / Love:

The Sun and Venus indicate air and lightness. The surprises of the last week have made new situations possible. People are now more open and hopeful again. Everything is more playful and communicative. You feel like meeting people and flirting, especially when the Moon is in Sagittarius (Thursday to Saturday). However, Pluto guarantees you don't stay too much on the surface. Everything is grand, meaningful, and by no means a coincidence.

Everyday Life / Profession:

The Sun moves from Taurus into Gemini on Monday, and Venus follows it at the Sagittarius Full Moon on Thursday. It has the effect of a shift. You leave the heavy stuff behind and take the light stuff with you. The connection to Pluto means it's still heavy enough. It's also a shift from the material (Taurus, element Earth) to the mental (element Air) and from security thinking to the desire for new experiences. That goes well with Mars in Aries, which also wants to experience new and exciting things. The Moon and Mars have a good connection on Friday. You will notice your gaze drawn into the distance and the expanse. A new horizon opens up to you, a new world. That may have to do with further education, travel plans, or friends who live abroad. It can also have to do with positive news that lets you relax.

Relationship / Love:

The planetary festival in the sign of Taurus is gradually shifting into the sign of Gemini. The powerful sensual moments (closeness and distance plays) give now way to more intellectual pleasures, like nice words, compliments, and great ideas for things to do together. And it's like last week: if your partner isn't getting going, you can take the helm and make suggestions. Perhaps you have more time, energy, or interest in togetherness.

Everyday Life / Profession:

The planets are gradually saying goodbye to the sign of Taurus but are staying together for now, especially the Sun, Venus, and Jupiter. This trio (plus Neptune) looks like a promise of happiness that will be fulfilled at the Sagittarius Full Moon on Thursday (or after). There is also something very agile, joyful, and entertaining about the trio. If you have an urgent concern, you will make contacts that will prove helpful later. Or perhaps someone (or several people) will approach you because you have come to their attention - no wonder, after the planetary cluster in Taurus with Uranus. You've caused a sensation and are probably fully aware of it. If so, you're now enjoying the attention and new contact opportunities. Your popularity is apparent. However, you would probably prefer that people take you seriously.

Relationship / Love:

The planetary shift into Gemini is beneficial, although it strengthens the connection to Pluto even more. The sign of Gemini makes many things lighter, while Pluto clings to the complicated or the elitist. When these two "camps" ally, Pluto provides the depth the Gemini sign lacks. You may enjoy a common political stance. You score points with your wide-ranging interests and open-mindedness.

Everyday Life / Profession:

The Sun reaches the sign of Gemini on Monday, Venus moves in on Thursday (at the Sagittarius Full Moon), and Jupiter on Sunday. The Sun, Venus, and Jupiter are also in good connection with Pluto in Aquarius. It marks the beginning of a time when people of the Air element can breathe more freely again and feel new life energy. If you are struggling with an illness or other difficulties, you will gain new confidence and a zest for life. You will enjoy encounters and contacts again. You are also more interested in what is happening in the world, because not only negative things are happening. Your view of the world wants to change for the better. As long as Mercury is still in Taurus, you hold back from expressing explicit opinions. However, Uranus will strongly activate Mercury at the end of May, so you will feel compelled to say something. The Sun and Venus in Gemini indicate that you don't want to get into trouble. Everything should be harmonious. You will ignore any powder kegs if possible.

Relationship / Love:

With the Sun in Gemini, you wake up from your dreams and perceive yourself again as an individual with still unfulfilled desires. And on Thursday, with the Full Moon, you can feel more than clearly that such wishes concern your relationship life. You can also see it in Venus, which moves into Gemini on the same day. Your hunger for experience grows with each passing day. You are like a ripe fruit that wants plucking before it falls from the tree.

Everyday Life / Profession:

The cluster of planets is now gradually shifting from the sign of Taurus to the sign of Gemini. You feel this as a sigh of relief or letting go. The sign of Taurus has called for concrete changes, and the sign of Gemini will now implement them in cooperation with decision-makers. There is a danger of dilution. The Taurus sign is taking things very seriously, while the Gemini sign is no longer taking things that seriously. Mercury remains in Taurus, observing everything and collecting facts. In the meantime, the Sagittarius Full Moon is already celebrating success and giving people renewed hope and new development opportunities. Perhaps you'd like to be infected by this positive mood. It acts like a relaxation cure. On Sunday, the Moon is in Capricorn and brings you together with people who take a more critical view of things. Your reaction could then be to return to your personal, immediate things. The world can wait.

Relationship / Love:

Venus reaches Jupiter and moves into Gemini at the Full Moon. It looks like great hopes and wishes that you prefer to keep to yourself. At the same time, Mars in Aries indicates an urge to take action. You want to forge your happiness. You fluctuate a lot between passivity and activity. You probably can't prevent yourself from suddenly becoming active. The urge to get in touch is too strong.

Everyday Life / Profession:

The Sun has reached the sign of Gemini. It can be a moment to breathe a sigh of relief, provided you don't experience Pluto in Aquarius as a fellow human being who constantly questions everything. You will probably experience both breathing a sigh of relief and uncomfortable questions. On Monday, the Moon will be in Libra, so you'll be cautious with each other. That changes when the Moon moves through Scorpio on Tuesday and Wednesday, which feeds your interest in everything behind the scenes. In your case, family issues may return. The Sagittarius Full Moon on Thursday brings you into your element (Fire) and boosts your expressiveness. If you lead a team, you will notice that you (suddenly?) like this role very much. You may be able to integrate the uncomfortable questioner into the team and take on board their impulses, as these are ultimately very valuable. Venus is close to the Sun, showing that you are well-liked. You work with like-minded people, which feels like a friendship.

Relationship / Love:

The Sun remains with Venus and Jupiter, which indicates a very optimistic situation fuelled by the Full Moon. Your love life will be more liberal, colorful, and relaxed. You probably feel like making a new conquest or simply flirting because it's fun. You experience a new lightness and playfulness. This new life energy also makes you very attractive and inviting.

Everyday Life / Profession:

The Sun has reached the sign of Gemini, heralding a new era. Venus follows on Thursday and Jupiter on Sunday. The long period of the strong Taurus emphasis is coming to an end. However, Uranus will remain there for over a year. The Gemini period will gradually bring back the lost lightness. The planets entering the sign of Gemini always have contact with Pluto (in Aquarius) before they come into lighter realms. This week, however, the Full Moon on Thursday emphasizes that a new time has begun in which you can have more hope and joy again. You won't let difficult circumstances (Pluto) spoil this. As a Virgo, you can now take on a prominent role in which it is your job to point to the positive. You enjoy doing this because it feels like self-therapy to you. In the end, you tend to believe your own words.

Relationship / Love:

The connection of the Sun, Venus, and Jupiter (plus Full Moon) gives your relationship life a lot of positive impetus. You will have a new zest for adventure and can inspire a potential partner with your ideas. How about a city trip? You require stimulation from outside, movement, people, and liveliness. Aries Mars is also up for new ventures but needs a bit of additional adventure or speed.

Everyday Life / Profession:

This week, you are experiencing a shift from the strongly emphasized element Earth (heavy, material, concrete) to the element Air (light, spiritual, theoretical). It is a remarkable change but also corresponds to the promises of recent times when Uranus has repeatedly insisted on a turning point. However, the planets in the sign of Gemini cannot feel so light and carefree as long as they interact with Pluto in Aquarius, who continues to push for change or even wants to reverse decisions. It remains unpredictable, and the mobile element of Air does not provide more stability or security. At least the hope of peace has emerged and is always in the air when people come into contact with each other, especially with the optimistic Sagittarius Full Moon on Thursday and afterward. You must feel peace within yourself and spread it in your environment. Mars opposite the sign of Libra makes it seem challenging.

Relationship / Love:

The Sun, Venus, and Jupiter close together can only be pleasant. Fortunately, Pluto is in connection with them, which emphasizes truthfulness. Mars in Aries, opposite Libra, is a challenge you can't meet with pure niceness. You have to say what is important to you. You must see through it when your partner does something at your expense. You can also use humor to achieve your goal, but make sure they understand your humor.

Everyday Life / Profession:

After significant signs have been set, the Sun, Venus, and Jupiter move one after the other from solid Taurus (element Earth) to flexible Gemini (element Air). People have initiated something, and now it is moving. The Sun, Venus, and Jupiter form a unit characterized by hopeful impulses. Uranus remains in Taurus for over a year, where it can rumble on a little longer. Mercury will also stay in Taurus, reflecting or investigating thoroughly. Earth and Air are opposing elements, but they also need each other: the Earth can become too wet and heavy without wind or warm air. Air is useless if you can't find a place to land. Ideas are born in the Air but realized on Earth. What matters - as always - is that humans work together and that everyone contributes what they can do best. Our society values physical work less than intellectual work. That is not good for us or our planet. A shift in thinking has already begun. Is that enough? People could forget it all too quickly.

Relationship / Love:

The shift of the planets from Taurus to Gemini means that you can strengthen the spiritual connection to your partner. It's not just about physical needs. If that is the case, your partner would be easily replaceable. So there must also be other levels on which you can move in time together. Perhaps you share a worldview? Maybe even political or philosophical attitudes? Start a journey of discovery! Ask your partner intriguing questions!

Everyday Life / Profession:

The Sun moves into the sign of Gemini and heralds a new phase. In Gemini, everything should be more straightforward and flexible, with more contacts, fewer obligations, and hopefully fewer worries. On Thursday, the Full Moon in Sagittarius will support the new phase and fuel hopes. Venus then moves into Gemini, confirming that you can get involved in other ways or see the world differently now. In your case, one encounter can change everything. Perhaps this already happened last week, but now you recognize the new perspective that promises more joy. As Pluto is also involved here, you can expect a lot of depth in conversations and interpersonal connections. You wouldn't be interested in anything else anyway. On Sunday, Jupiter will also reach Gemini, improving its connection to Pluto. In addition to depth, there is also meaningfulness. If you're happy, then it's with all your heart.

Relationship / Love:

You certainly won't be alone now, even if you consider yourself a die-hard single. The planets almost indicate a state of siege, but this is pleasant for you. You don't want to miss out on such opportunities for contact. Nevertheless, you may act like it's not essential this week. Be honest! You are a person with interpersonal needs.

Everyday Life / Profession:

You have worked hard to make changes. The results are now visible and make everyday life easier. You feel more authentic and more honest. You enjoy your work and have a lot of energy, even if you are "only" taking care of the household. Mars in Aries is a driving force, and he doesn't like to leave things undone. The Sun (new) in Gemini shows you are interested in versatility and contact opportunities. You probably have good colleagues at work with whom you also get on well in your private life. You can expand these contacts because Venus and Jupiter also enter Gemini this week. You need and will get a lot more activity and variety. Perhaps there is still something to learn in your work environment. You're up for that, too. The Full Moon (Thursday) will increase the opportunities for contact. Is that okay, or will it be too much and too turbulent for you? On Sunday, when the Moon is in Capricorn, it's all about your interests. You require this for balance.

Relationship / Love:

Mercury in Taurus now guarantees that you will regain your footing if you have lost it. The other planets are still highly motivated to push boundaries and go over the top with flirting. Your love life remains exciting and offers you further surprises, which you also contribute. You may also have "only" friendly contacts, but then they are the kind of people you can steal horses with.

Everyday Life / Profession:

The Sun (Monday), Venus (Thursday), and Jupiter (Sunday) moving from Taurus into Gemini is a positive thing for you. These planets connect with Pluto in Aquarius, and this connection improves as they arrive in Gemini, element Air. That describes opportunities to present yourself and your concerns and connect with others. You can create a new network now if you don't have a good one yet. The Sagittarius Full Moon already shows a result on Thursday, but there is much more to come. You make contacts effortlessly, and sometimes a smile is all you need. That will be because you move in circles where people share their opinions. That already meets your basic requirements. It has a lot to do with your modern, open-minded lifestyle, but certainly also with your political views.

Relationship / Love:

The Sun's arrival in the sign of Gemini is the starting signal for a self-determined, joyful love life (if you don't already have one). It strengthens your courage and ability to express yourself. You should be able to be yourself. You may find yourself striving for recognition or conforming to the expectations of others. That should no longer be necessary in the future.

Everyday Life / Profession:

Have you gone too far out on a limb? You've drawn attention to yourself, and it's getting too much for you now. You're not a person who likes to be in the spotlight, but you've brought it on yourself. The Sagittarius Full Moon brings it to light. Perhaps then - on Thursday - you will even discover a desire for an audience. After all, you are a quick-change artist, and Mars is currently boosting your courage and spontaneity. This time offers you great development opportunities. With the Sun, Venus, and Jupiter moving into Gemini this week, everything will be lighter, livelier, more flexible, and more sociable. You want people around you. If you live alone, it's time to invite someone over to your home. If that's not possible, there will be other ways to meet friends. It will also make you want to do beautiful things or present yourself "in full splendor" or with decorative extras.

Relationship / Love:

There is something playful, wild, and cheeky about this planetary cluster. If you live this positively, you are courageous and expressive. People will be amazed by your new sounds, new colors, or new phrases. And you open up a new scope for experience. You may be experiencing a flirtation or an affair and are considering how far you can go - as far as is good for you, Venus and Jupiter would say. The Full Moon is also in favor of this.