EXCLUSIVE | Bipasha Basu opens up on her pregnancy: Was my mother’s dream that I have a baby | Bollywood - Hindustan Times

EXCLUSIVE | Bipasha Basu opens up on her pregnancy: Was my mother’s dream that I have a baby

ByRishabh Suri
Aug 18, 2022 12:48 PM IST

Actor Bipasha Basu Singh Grover talks to us about why she and Karan felt this was the correct time to try for a baby, and coping with the many bodily changes.

Bipasha Basu and husband Karan Singh Grover had been trying for a baby before the pandemic too, but their plans had to be put on hold naturally. However, as she exclusively talks to us about her pregnancy- which she announced this week- she reveals that 2021 is when they thought about going for it again.

Actor Bipasha Basu Singh and husband Karan Singh Grover announced their pregnancy on Tuesday.
Actor Bipasha Basu Singh and husband Karan Singh Grover announced their pregnancy on Tuesday.

“The plan was definitely to focus on that in life. I was actually not taking up any kind of work, because I wanted to have a baby, then start working immediately again. It took me a little time. In 2020, we completely dropped the idea because we didn’t know where the world was going, so for one year we took a break from trying. In 2021 we decided to try again, and God has been kind, we conceived,” says the 43-year-old.

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While the actor doesn’t reveal when is she due, we have got to know that she is in her fifth month of pregnancy currently. Recalling the moment she found out she is pregnant, Basu shares, “It was a very emotional day. I remember me and Karan ran to my mother’s house just the way we were, she was the first person I wanted to tell. Everyone was emotional. It was my mother’s dream that me and Karan have a baby. I always had faith we will, and it happened. I am more than grateful for this.”

She emphasises that it’s not as simple as things falling into place, but she and Karan decided the correct time to go ahead with a life-changing decision such as this one. She harks back to the fact that she married late too, “When you find a partner late in life and settle down late, as a person you are extremely mature and responsible, and know when exactly you will be responsible enough to give birth to another life. It was a proper decision between us. We decided to not have one until we are able enough.”

As for the bodily changes she is going through, the actor feels that it’s all about loving your body no matter what, at all times. Considered as one of the fittest actors in Hindi films, she elaborates, “This is another stage I am going through in my life. A woman’s body changes at this point. When I thought about pregnancy, I never really thought my body is going to change so much. Ever since I started this journey, there have been a lot of changes, and I am absolutely comfortable with everything.”

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