Free Spiritual Healing Classes & Workshops | Online Calendar

Free Spiritual Healing Classes Online

For those of us on the spiritual path, it's an everyday journey to delve deep into ourselves to heal our spiritual, mental, emotional, and physical challenges.

Though spirituality means something different to everyone, at the heart of the matter, healing is about connecting with our innermost self while seeking a deeper relationship with a higher power, no matter what name we give it.

Fortunately, free spiritual healing is available to all of us online through classes, workshops, and even live group coaching seminars.

Below you'll find our calendar of upcoming online healing events for this month. Just pick and choose what you want to heal, then register!

Pain Fix Protocol Masterclass - With Dr. Yoni Whitten

3 Natural Secrets to Become Pain-Free… Without Doctors, Drugs, or Surgery

Probably sounds too good to be true, doesn’t it? Becoming pain-free without all the conventional interventions that many of us have come to depend on? Most likely many of the 1.5 BILLION people in the world suffering from chronic pain (including yourself!), think that living pain-free, in a body that moves effortlessly, is simply impossible. The thing is, it is possible to stop your chronic pain – for good, and you’ll learn how during the “Pain Fix Protocol Masterclass.” ===================== ↘️ Click Here To Register For Free ↙️ ===================== What You'll Learn During the Pain-Fix Protocol Masterclass with Dr. Yoni Whitten The class is led by Dr. Yoni Whitten, a pain expert in practice for over 16 years, and who has developed a revolutionary new approach to fixing pain and bulletproofing your body. Benefits of Optimizing Your Posture, Mobility, and Joint Health He'll show you how to optimize your posture, mobility, and joint health so that you can feel more: Supple Balanced Aligned Youthful Energetic Pain-Fix Protocol Masterclass Key Topics The NEW science of fixing chronic pain (that conventional medicine hasn't caught up with yet). Simple techniques to immediately begin reducing pain signals in the body. Easy ways to update your everyday habits and break your pain cycle. Common medical myths that are keeping you in constant pain – and how to avoid them. How to understand what your body is really asking for when you suffer from chronic pain… and how to give it what it needs to heal. 3 secrets to living in a pain-free body – without doctors, drugs, or surgery Simple movements you can do in minutes to fix your posture and align your body. How to bring back your youthful body so it moves like it did when you were a kid. Powerful new research...

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06 Jun
10:00 am - 11:00 am

Ancient Vedic Wisdom to Clear Energy Blocks & Access Your Divine Gifts

Are you ready to transform and release stories that no longer serve you — and access your intuitive and psychic abilities like never before? Simple, yet powerful sutra practices can help… These mystical scriptures carry potent spiritual vibrations and divine frequencies that can lift you to your next level of healing and transformation. One teacher who can distill this knowledge for you is leading Energy Medicine teacher and bestselling author Deborah King — renowned for her ability to make ancient teachings more accessible to modern seekers. Deborah will show you how to receive the wisdom and healing power of the sutras so you can clear blocked energy, emotions, and limiting beliefs — and reveal your highest gifts — during this free online spiritual healing class: Unlock the Secrets of the Sutras: Vedic Wisdom to Heal Energy Blocks & Access Your Divine Gifts. =================================== ↘️ Click here to register for free. ↙️ =================================== What You'll Learn During This Free Vedic Sutra Healing Class With Deborah King How the Vedic Sutras can help clear energy blocks and dissolve painful emotions and experiences stored within you and your personal energy field Why the Vedic sutras in particular are so powerful in healing energy blocks and opening to our deeper gifts An experiential journey to visit an Ascended Master, St. Germain, at the Temple of the Violet Flame Key insights from Deborah’s personal journey from an abusive childhood and an addiction to drugs and alcohol — to a New York Times bestselling author and renowned teacher Wisdom from the healers, sages, and shamans around the globe Deborah has studied with — on her path of seeking to master ancient and modern techniques The Vedic sutras, seen as revelations by Indian theologians, were received by ancient sages after intense meditations, preserved and passed on for thousands...

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06 Jun
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm
Explore Quantum Terrain Healing - with Dr. Christine Schaffner

Explore Quantum Terrain Healing

If you or a loved one has ever suffered from a chronic illness, you’ve probably wondered whether there are deeper causes that can be addressed to help accelerate the healing process. According to board-certified naturopathic physician Dr. Christine Schaffner, every cell in your body — even down to your DNA — is in constant communication with the universe. You can work with larger, more universal forces to directly impact your biology in a way that can help accelerate healing — especially chronic illnesses. During this free online spiritual healing class, Dr. Schaffner will share with you the healing power of working with what she calls the “Quantum Terrain,” which emphasizes the intricate connections between your DNA and the energy fields that encompass you. Click here to register for free. Why Attend “Explore Quantum Terrain Healing” Dr. Schaffner will also share with you what she sees as the root causes of many chronic illnesses, equipping you with the knowledge to find the right solutions to what ails you and ensuring that the treatment strategies you pursue are not just temporary fixes but targeted interventions that promote long-term wellness. You’ll gain a new, holistic approach to health and healing, ensuring every aspect of your being is considered in your journey to whole body wellbeing… … so you can live each day feeling empowered to make the health decisions that are right for you, with a toolkit full of simple self-healing tools to help you cultivate radiant vitality. Class Topics for “Explore Quantum Terrain Healing” She’ll guide you through a Quantum Terrain meditation, so you can experience a deeper level of harmonization of your body, mind, and spirit, enhancing your overall wellbeing and elevating your consciousness. Here's just a little bit of what you'll cover during this free class: Explore the concept of...

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08 Jun
11:00 am - 12:00 pm
The New Spring Forest HealingFest 2022 with Master Chunyi Lin

Spring Forest Healing – Use Your Mind To Heal Sickness & Pain

💔 You were born a healer. Learn techniques to help heal yourself and balance your emotions. Now, more than ever, we all need robust health, a strong immune system, emotional well-being, and physical vitality. Normally costing hundreds of dollars, during this free “try before you buy” streaming event, you'll learn Spring Forest Qigong. It is an ancient Chinese “practice” that can take away stress, pain, and sickness from your body at amazing speeds… Leaving you with more energy, balanced emotions, and peace of mind. This course features acclaimed Qigong master Chunyi Lin who has figured out how to make it easy to learn. You will be able to use your mind to help heal your body, and it is free for you to learn. =================================== ↘️ Click here and register for free.↙️ =================================== What You'll Learn During the Spring Forest HealingFest 2022 If you suffer from any pain, disease, fatigue, stress, or the effects of aging, you may have just found the answer you've been searching for. This is the newly updated version of the previous program that helped a quarter of a million people unlock inner health, healing, natural beauty, higher energy, and happiness will be available free over the Internet. When you get your Free Pass today, you can listen to 10 professionally produced audio sessions (all up to 30 minutes long) and watch two video sessions (about 60 minutes) absolutely free. Ailments that the Spring Forest HealingFest / Qigong Can Help With Here are just a few of the many problems that have been helped by using this self-healing program: General pain: neck, shoulder, lower back, knee, arthritis, joints Migraine headaches, sinus problems, allergies Weight control, high cholesterol, and digestion problems Hearing or sight problems Female or male organ problems Kidney or liver dysfunction Strokes Diabetes and...

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10 - 15 Jun
7:30 am - 8:00 am

The Secrets of Toltec Dreaming – Heal the Past, Heighten Intuition, and Manifest Easier

Ancient cultures have known for millennia that our nighttime dreams hold the wisdom of our intuition… … powerful insights for healing our body, mind, and spirit, overcoming our life challenges, and evolving into wholeness and fulfillment. The 5,000-year-old Toltec tradition of Mesoamerica, originally the secret knowledge of the Mexican Chichimeca — masters of the dream state — used this power of perception to manifest desired realities, and even transform matter itself. Their ancient knowledge, passed down to the Aztecs, is rooted in Nahualism, spiritual teachings that use the altered states of the dreamtime — while asleep and awake — to: Explore other energetic dimensions Connect with ancestral guides Initiate self-healing Masterfully create the future. =================================== ↘️ Click here to register for free. ↙️ =================================== What You'll Learn During “The Secrets of Toltec Dreaming” with Sergio Magaña During this fascinating hour with Mexican mystic, healer, dream teacher, and author Sergio Magaña, you’ll discover the power of Toltec Dreaming to help you: Release heavy energies of the past Clear the way for more transformative dream states Use ancient dreaming to manifest your desires And even change the trajectory of your life. Sergio will also share about the prophecies of the suns — teachings from the Toltec and Aztec calendars that perceive the movement of the Sun over thousands of years as holding profound wisdom about the transformation of the Earth and humanity. You’ll discover how these ancient teachings foresaw our present global challenges, and that the Sun’s current movement — from the Fifth to the Sixth Sun — signifies a shift in human consciousness, including our understanding of how we relate to ourselves, each other, the Earth, and the cosmos. You’ll also learn how Toltec Dreaming can help you navigate these challenging times and manifest a better future using the new energy...

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12 Jun
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm
Energy Codes for Mastering the Unknown - with Dr. Sue Morter

Energy Codes for Mastering the Unknown – With Dr. Sue Morter

Experience the transformative power of energy medicine to transmute disruptive energies and emotions, in order to become an empowered, intentional co-creator of your life. =================================== ↘️ Click here to register for free. ↙️ =================================== What You'll Learn During “Energy Codes for Mastering the Unknown” We are living in challenging times. Uncertainty and the anxiety-provoking unknown loom large, in every area of our lives – perhaps more than ever before! Is this the new normal? And how do we navigate it from a place of creativity and mastery? Even in the midst of chaos, we can make smart choices to keep ourselves safe and sane. We can still choose to be powerful co-creators of our lives — not merely survivors, or victims of circumstances beyond our control. The truth is, you can learn to harness your energetic potential — your raw life-force energy — to grow your capacity to: Ground Heal And recreate yourself (and life) in each moment That’s why now, more than ever, it’s important to expand your perception of who you are, and why you are here, at this moment in time. Challenge the belief that you’re just a three-dimensional person to whom “life is happening.” Rise up, and become familiar with your true identity as a multidimensional, energetic being who plays an active part in co-creating a future you really want. How Your Energy Powers & Shapes Your Life Your energy — whether stirred by feelings you label good or bad — is the source-fuel that powers and shapes your life. And when you know how to access that power, you can manifest, call-in, and create what you want with greater ease. According to bioenergetic medicine pioneer Dr. Sue Morte, you must learn to release “the story” that keeps you stuck and imprisoned in limitations and past...

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12 Jun
8:00 pm - 9:00 pm
Ari Whitten - Breathing for Energy - Free Webinar

Reduce Your Anxiety & Increase Your Energy and Immune Health – In Just 10 Minutes A Day

You’ve probably heard that stress is responsible for over 70% of doctor’s visits. It is one of the biggest drains on your energy levels, and probably the biggest contributor to mood problems like depression and anxiety. Stress and anxiety are rampant in today’s world (for many reasons you’re no doubt well aware of). But here’s what you probably don’t know… What most people do when they’re stressed and they feel their mind racing is to work on THEIR MIND. But what if the solution isn’t to work on your mind? It turns out that actually the fastest and most powerful way to get your brain and body out of stress and anxiety isn’t to work on your MIND, but to use your BREATH. There are two key layers to this: Short-term techniques to rapidly get your brain and body out of stress/anxiety mode. Rewiring your nervous system’s baseline levels of stress and anxiety by training your body to breathe optimally. (Over 80% of people AREN’T breathing optimally). To learn more about this, Ari Whitten has created a live virtual event, “Breathing for Energy,” that can help you revolutionize your relationship with stress and rewire your nervous system from “anxious and fatigued” into “relaxed and energized.” He’s also partnered with world-renowned breathing expert, Patrick McKeown to develop a brand-new system of breathing practices to rewire your nervous system out of anxiety mode and go from fatigued to energized in just weeks. =================================== ↘️ Click here to register for free. ↙️ =================================== What You'll Learn During This Free Virtual Breathwork Class Breathing practices to rewire your nervous system out of stress mode and dramatically decrease anxiety levels Why deep breathing is actually bad advice (and what the right approach is to increase your energy and decrease anxiety) How to improve your health,...

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13 Jun
4:30 pm - 5:30 pm
Emotion Code Event with Dr. Bradley Nelson

Introduction to the Emotion Code®: Heal From Illness & Emotional-Spiritual Pain – with Dr. Bradley Nelson

We all want to feel good, be happy, and enjoy life… Yet it’s part of being human to suffer from: Physical ailments Emotional upheavals Material depletions (such as financial woes) Spiritual & soul-related “droughts” that tap our creative juices and zest for life If not addressed, the difficult feelings we generate due to these challenges can get the best of us, escalating over time into, Chronic illnesses Long-term depression Anxiety disorders Soul loss, and more. According to Dr. Bradley Nelson, an internationally renowned medical intuitive, healer, and teacher, unfelt, unacknowledged, and unreleased emotions are at the core of most of our body’s imbalances. In the case of pain, they’re behind 90 percent of symptoms. In this free spiritual healing class, Dr. Brad will introduce you to the Emotion Code®, an approach to energy healing that taps into your subconscious to locate and move stuck emotional energies from your body quickly and easily. =================================== ↘️ Click Here to Register for Free ↙️ =================================== What You'll Learn During “Introducing the Emotion Code” Discover the Emotion Code — an easy, yet powerful approach to energy medicine — that releases trapped emotions and addresses the underlying causes of physical, emotional, and spiritual imbalances Witness a powerful one-on-one demonstration of how the Emotion Code can be used to catalyze healing and transformation Learn the Sway Test, the simplest method for connecting with your subconscious and zeroing in on blocks to your wellbeing Discover what a Heart-Wall is, ways to find out if you have one, and to dissipate it for optimal health and happiness Learn how the Emotion Code can be used not only to help yourself, but others as well, including children and animals Challenges that the Emotion Code Can Potentially Help With Dr. Brad will share how this powerful process can help you...

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14 Jun
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm
Deeper Dreamwork Using Bee Shamanism: For Healing & Spiritual Growth - With Ariella Daly

Deeper Dreamwork Using Bee Shamanism: For Healing & Spiritual Growth – With Ariella Daly

You may already know that dream shamanism reveals how your dreams are an entire world that you can cultivate as you wish… Yet, did you know that welcoming the honeybee as your guide through your intentional dreaming practices can help you develop a deeper, more profound relationship with yourself, Spirit, and the Earth? The ancient practice of bee shamanism, an ancient branch of shamanism, is revered throughout the world — wherever the honeybee is found. Especially in this current historical moment of profound change and imbalance with the Earth, bee shamanism continues to reveal powerful truths and insights we can apply to our daily lives. In this free virtual Shamanism class, Ariella Daly, shamanic practitioner, writer, and bee guardian, will introduce you to the bee shamanism tradition, the Path of Pollen, in a fascinating 60-minute event: Approach Dreamwork Through the Practices of Bee Shamanism: Techniques from the Bee Priestess Lineage of Ancient Greece to Deepen Your Relationship With Yourself, Spirit & the Earth. =================================== ↘️ Click here to register for free. ↙️ =================================== What You'll Learn During This Free Virtual Bee Shamanism Class How the ancient tradition of bee shamanism connects you more deeply to your body — and unlocks profound wisdom about everything from the cosmos to the personal inner work you’re being called to do The history and potentially life-changing significance of the Melissae, the bee priestesses — also known as the womb shamans The dream incubation practices of ancient Greece — and the long-ago revelation that bees are intimately connected to dreams The fascinating story of why the honeybee is sacred, the role of the figure eight in bee shamanism as the primary symbol of the bee tradition, and more How to infuse your dreams with a guided Fire-Sipping practice, a technique for bringing the energy of...

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17 Jun
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm
Supercharge Your Chakras - Anodea Judith

Supercharge Your Chakras – With Anodea Judith

Discover how to harness your life force to remove the blocks to your full potential… And go to your next level of self-expression, power, intuition and more. Click here to register for free. What You'll Learn During “Supercharge Your Chakras” We’re all fueled by life force energy. Yogis call it prana; Asian healers call it chi or ki; Freud called it libido. We experience this energy when we’re excited or scared as the vital charge that flows through us — or we notice its absence when we’re depressed or exhausted. Most of us, due to psychological wounding, have created blockages in our bodies that stops us from receiving the full flow of our life force. But did you know you have the power within you to direct the flow of your energy — dialing it up or down as needed to create, heal, awaken, inspire and much more? And when you bring together your ability to harness life force with an understanding of the chakra system, you are supercharged to free yourself from limitations and become the full expression of who you really are — healthy, joyful, energized and inspired! If you long to not only have more energy throughout the day and feel more healthy, vital and comfortable in your body but also to unlock the deeper potentials throughout your chakra system (such as being ecstatically connected to the Divine) — the good news is that there’s a “user’s manual” that can help you heal your energy system and unleash it’s full power. The chakra system is a profound map for your journey of personal growth. It’s based on your body’s seven major energy centers, which run from the base of your spine to the crown of your head. When properly aligned and activated, these seven energy centers can...

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17 Jun
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm
Discover the Next Level of Energy Medicine - With Dr. Sue Morter

Discover the Next Level of Energy Medicine – With Dr. Sue Morter

Discover your ability to remove the blocks to physical health, financial abundance, and intuitive guidance… and liberate the true healer and creator within you. Imagine creating your entire life experience moment by moment… …and releasing the story that your mind’s been telling you about what is and isn’t possible. Let's be clear: You don’t “have” energy. You are energy. Pure, Spirit energy. The lives and teachings of mystics, philosophers, and healers through the ages have illuminated this fact. For centuries, Chinese medicine has focused on restoring and balancing the flow of energy, or Qi, along the body’s meridians. Ayurveda, hands-on healing traditions, shamanism, and other disciplines work with energy fields, too. And now science, through quantum physics, also validates the existence of subtle fields of energy beyond matter, atoms, and swirling electrons. The root cause of emotional, physical, and spiritual challenges — from stress at work to discord in relationships to chronic pain to financial lack — is energy; or rather, these challenges are the result of subtle blockages within your body’s energy field. Yet, did you know YOU have an innate capacity to heal… … to release “the limiting story” your mind is telling you about what is and isn’t possible for you… … and to fully master the energy that is you? It all begins with working with the energy patterns that form your experiences. That’s because the root of emotional and physical challenges — from stress at work to discord in relationships to chronic pain and financial lack — is energy. Or rather, these challenges are the result of subtle blockages within your body’s energy field. And it’s possible for you to remove subconscious and energetic blocks to your health, achievement, and manifestation. To help you do so, Dr. Sue Morter developed her world-renowned Energy Code teachings…...

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17 Jun
6:00 pm - 7:00 pm
Discover Yourself as One With the Cosmos Through Shamanic Journeying with don Oscar Miro-Quesada

Discover Yourself as One With the Cosmos Using Shamanic Journeying – With don Oscar Miro-Quesada

🌌 Discover yourself as one with the cosmos through shamanic journeying. Have you been lonely or felt the weight of isolation recently? Are you struggling with anxiety, and feeling vulnerable and uncertain as you face the future? don Oscar Miro-Quesada discovered a powerful way to meet and transform these very human feelings many years ago… through a deep shamanic journey that connected him with the healing wisdom of the sky beings of the Andean Highlands of Peru. We all have the capacity to adopt shamanic ways of being, affirms this beloved Peruvian Maestro Curandero and renowned shamanism teacher… and you don’t need to be in the Peruvian Andes to do so. =================================== ↘️ Click the link below to register for free. ↙️ =================================== What You'll Learn During “Discover Yourself as One With the Cosmos Using Shamanic Journeying” During this free online class, you’ll discover how to make contact with the starlight of your origins — the cosmic wisdom and capacity for healing we’re all connected to. In this soul-empowering hour, you’ll also: Hear don Oscar’s never fully told stories of his intimate befriending of Peru’s legendary sky beings, as well as historical accounts of interdimensional encounters and their impacts on humanity Discover Fifth Dimensional Consciousness and how it can dissipate feelings of loneliness and despair while deepening your connection to Spirit Uncover your capacity to contact non-ordinary realities to access healing for yourself and others Discover the power of stillness and peaceful surrender in aligning with sacred seen and unseen dimensions of life — a profound medicine for dark times Experience a guided shamanic journey to activate the Merkabah of your human soul and access interstellar travel inwardly for expanded awareness and healing Benefits of Shamanic Journeying As You Become One With the Cosmos During this fascinating hour with this...

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19 Jun
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm
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7 Different Spiritual Healing Techniques To Try

Spiritual healing revolves around faith and maintains equilibrium with the flow of energy in mind and soul. It is an opportunity to bring balance back into our lives when we lose our grounding.

There are many ways to heal ourselves, whether you feel drawn to crystals and stones, angels, energy healing, meditation, tapping, Qi Gong, or one of the other many approaches available to us.

Here are seven popular approaches to spiritual healing that you can try at home, for free, during one of our online classes.

Note: If you are an expert in any of these areas and would like to help us update, clarify, or extend our descriptions of these approaches then we welcome your feedback.

1. Reiki Healing

“Reiki” is a Japanese word that means “God's wisdom and energy.” In Reiki, we try to concentrate the energy revolving around the universe to heal the troubled spirit. This approach to spiritual healing often includes specific signs, symbols, hand movements, intentional breath, and meditation.

Healers use the palm healing method, where they are said to metaphysically transfer universal energy from their palm to the suffering individuals to help them heal. Reiki is most often used for physical ailments, and is believed to work best for colds, flus, and similar minor health challenges.

It is sometimes also used for serious ongoing health issues, though these challenges take a long time to heal. Also, because people often seek multiple treatments, including conventional and alternative medicine, it's not always clear whether Reiki was the primary contributor to healing.

No matter what you seek Reiki for, make sure that your practitioner is certified.

2. Pranic Healing

Many energies are revolving around us. Prana healing seeks to use this for our benefit. This is a self-healing approach, based on breath, that synergizes a person's physical energy and personal aura. Pranic breathing is focused on the purification of the body. It lightens your body and mind from the burden of toxic thoughts.

Interestingly, it has become popular among cancer patients in conjunction with their doctor prescribed treatments such as radiation and chemotherapy.

3. Crystal Healing

Woman Receiving Crystal HealingMany people believe that crystals can help heal them. Each crystal has unique properties that can be used to help with specific challenges.

For example, Rose Quartz helps heal the heart, while amethyst is believed to support our connection with Spirit.

Crystals are also very beautiful, and by having them around, people naturally feel more positive and hopeful. This is one reason you'll often find them used in massage therapy and on display in spas.

Many people keep crystals with them, in their purses, on rings, and necklaces, and even bracelets. This gives them a daily reminder to let go of whatever burdens their hearts and minds, and to focus on the positive spiritual healing that they seek.

4. Emotional Freedom Technique – Also Known As “Tapping” or EFT

Tapping uses a combination of psychological affirmation, grounding in the present moment, and the energy meridians from acupuncture, to help heal a person. Advocates of EFT say it can be used for just about anything. In fact, it's even been used to help trauma victims after mass shootings (such as with the children and teachers of Sandy Hook Elementary.)

It involves tapping specific places on your body called energy meridians. At the same time, you repeat to yourself either what want to let go of or what you want to create in your life (such as vibrant health and wellbeing). The people who use it include Jack Canfield, Nick Ortner, Deepak Chopra, and even medical doctors such as Mark Hyman MD.

5. QiGong, Tai Chi, And Movement Therapy

QiGong is an 4,000 year-old ancient Chinese practice which focuses on deep breathing, meditation, and subtle soft physical movements. It's considered a self-healing technique since nobody else can “do QiGong” for you.

Like acupuncture, it is considered a normal and standard part of Chinese medical care for healing the mind, body, and spirit. It's been scientifically shown to reduce blood pressure and treat depression.

6. Angel Healing

Angel Healing With Chakras and WingsAnger, anxiety and fear act as boulders in the path of energy flow. When we call upon the angels to heal us, what we're really doing is seeking the support of guides to help us through these obstacles.

A Divine healer connects with those angels and invites them to help heal their client. This approach to spiritual healing is very popular because it involves an abundance of positive energy, unconditional love, beauty, and light. Therapists are basically a medium to transfer those metaphysical energies from the angels to their clients.

7. Shamanic Healing

Shamanic healing includes using sounds or Shamanic music to help heal. The Shaman is a person who facilitates this kind of healing and helps their clients enter a new state of mind… often one which explores an energetic or spiritual world far beyond what our physical eyes can see.

Shaman Healer WomanThis can include journeys into dream worlds, both conscious and unconscious, and it's based in a deep respect and relationship between the Shaman, the client, and the realm of mystery (God, Spirit, Universe, etc).

It is most often used to help break the barriers down between a person's strong egoic mind and their spiritual heart.

This approach to healing was made more popular in Western culture through the publication of books by Carlos Castaneda.

5 Benefits Of Spiritual Healing

Though we've talked mostly about healing our minds, bodies, and spirits, we have only touched the surface of what is possible when we journey deeper. What follows are seven different, specific, ways that spiritual healing can help us improve our lives.

1. Release Tension

In a world where everything is going faster, where stress is common, and where we don't often have time to relax, the healing approaches we shared above are key to releasing tension and lowering blood pressure.

It's important for all of us to shift our attention to what is good, right, and easeful in life. It helps us gain perspective on what's important so that we can let go of the things in life we cannot change. Spiritual healing also help us more effectively and easily handle the challenges that we can do something about.

2. Heal Physical Ailments And Reduce Symptoms

When we are constantly facing “flight or fight” crises, and other stressors, it can increase our blood pressure and other heart-related diseases, as well as increase our risk for Type 2 Diabetes.

While spiritual healing can help with these issues specifically, there's also the underlying benefit: As we become more connected to ourselves and Spirit, we naturally want to shift away from any unhealthy habits we have and towards a healthier lifestyle. Toxic foods become less appealing as we realize they, ultimately, cause us to feel disconnected from ourselves and our Creator.

Insomnia is also commonly helped when people heal their lives. As they cleanse their mind, body, emotions, and spirit, people often find that they are able to sleep better. Sleep deprivation is attributed to many medical ailments, so finding ways to get better sleep is always a good thing. That's why, at least a few times per year, you'll find that we share health events specifically to help you get better sleep.

3. More Authentic, Vibrant, Self-Expression

Once you start healing yourself, you'll find that it's easier to express yourself. The blockages that used to prevent you from speaking your truth or pursuing your passions seem to fade away.

Those old limitations are replaced with feelings of peace, compassion, and courage. It becomes easier to speak your truth to anybody, even when it's difficult. Ultimately, you'll find yourself feeling happier and more engaged in the world… and that's a gift to everyone, even people you don't yet know.

You'll also know yourself better, and thus, either discover new passions or embrace the ones you've let hide away. You'll be able to more clearly communicate what upsets or annoys you, and ultimately, spiritual healing helps you become the authority in your life.

4. Better Relationships

When your mind and emotions are in harmony, it improves your relationships. That's why we always seek to offer relationship-specific classes, workshops, and events that can help you relate more effectively with others.

In short, when you learn the skills to communicate and relate, it helps heal yourself, the people you're talking with, and the relationship that the two of you share.

Scientific studies also show that people who have better relationships actually live longer. So heal yourself, heal your relationships, and enjoy the benefits of a longer, healthier, happier life.

5. Overcome Fears, Anxiety, And Phobias

None of us get through life unscathed. At some point, we face difficulties both big and small that can affect us for a lifetime. It's not all conscious. Sometimes, we go through life and unconsciously get triggered. It can damage our relationships, our employment, and even cause us to not do something that would ultimately make us happier.

Spiritual healing can help cleanse our bodies, minds, emotions, and spirits, so that fear no longer lives rent-free in our heads. There are many ways to overcome fear, so finding the right therapist, class, or workshop for your specific fears and phobias can be tremendously helpful.

Why Attend Our Free Online Spiritual Healing Classes, Workshops, Conferences, And Seminars?

All of our spiritual events are taught by world-class facilitators, best-selling authors, counselors and consultants to the stars (metaphorically and literally!), and teachers with decades of experience.

By making our events available to you online, and for free, there are no limitations to what you can experience or who you can become. All you need is an internet connection and some time to attend (though if you can't attend, most of our events offer replays for a limited time).

We believe that spiritual healing should be available to everyone, no matter their race, religion, ethnic background, sexual orientation, location, or financial resources.