So I decided to finally visit the Far Lands today... : r/Minecraft Skip to main content

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So I decided to finally visit the Far Lands today...

r/Minecraft - So I decided to finally visit the Far Lands today...
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u/charugan avatar

This is the kind of stuff that makes Minecraft such an awesome game. Even though this is just a bug - an unintended piece of the game - it's something weirdly incredible.

It's the limit of Minecraft worlds, it's stupidly far away and you can't stay there long before the game crawls to a halt.

-Larcus Mywood

I mean, that is some mystical shit. It takes a long time to get there, and once you're there, all you can do is wonder. And then your game freezes and you pay the ultimate price.

u/gameofchance avatar

"There have always been ghosts in the machine. Random segments of code, that have grouped together to form unexpected protocols."


"Why is it that when creepers are stored in an empty space, they will group together, rather than stand alone? How do we explain this behavior? Random segments of code? Or is it something more? When does a perceptual schematic become consciousness? When does a difference engine become the search for truth? When does a personality simulation become the bitter mote... of a soul?"

u/CryoGuy avatar


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Ah, memories of Ghost in the Shell...

Weirdly, that made me think of jane in the ender's game books

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Reminds me of the Otherland books.

u/jrb avatar

hrmm, not heard of these. Sounds similar to the movie "the thireenth floor", where by


with hilarious consequences

u/CamoBee avatar

Hey, guys, I found this jewel, anyone know anything about it?

u/Ag-E avatar

They're extremely long and can be somewhat dry at times. I've only read the first book and it was some 900 pages long or such. I've read longer books but not where every book in the series is that long (Song of Ice and Fire being the exception). The first book was worth the read, but it didn't engage me enough to sacrifice the time it'd take me to read the whole series when I could be reading other books instead.

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u/Crazith avatar

Good series. And thank you for now making me want to read it again.

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u/rplacd avatar

It's not mystical, it's IEEE-754 - screwing programmers over since time immemorial.

u/cthulhulou avatar


u/rplacd avatar

In all seriousness, though, the IEEE's standard for floating-point representation. It's not as squeaky-clean as many would like - but worst-is-better...

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Aww, you quoted me and got more karma haha.

u/charugan avatar

Sorry bud.

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u/DrSilverworm avatar

Data deleted in response to 2023 administration changes. -- mass edited with

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u/Stop_Sign avatar

The far lands

What side did you travel to?


The boundary of the Far Lands Edge (that is, where it meets the regular map) looks like a solid wall, all the way to the top of the map (Y-coordinate 127) that is filled with gaping holes perpendicular to the edge. These holes are extremely long, perhaps infinite, and on the whole seem to change very little no matter how deep the player ventures.

u/Synaptics avatar

Do I really want to know where that's from?

u/tehyosh avatar
u/hahahahawoo avatar

And I'm done with the internet for the day.

u/AllNamesAreGone avatar

No you're not and you know it.

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u/monnayage avatar
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u/CuntSmellersLLP avatar

Took me 3 pages to realize I was supposed to read right to left. Made much more sense after that.


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What the shit did I just read?


HOLY CRAP. That was amazimg.

EDIT: in contrast to my spelling, that is

u/tehyosh avatar

Try Gyo by the same author. Same level of fucked up-ness, maybe higher and more drama.

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Amazingly terrible...

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u/Melancholia avatar

Only Japan can confuse me quite like this: was the main character a man or a woman?

u/tehyosh avatar


u/multivector avatar

Well I thought woman, I think because of the eyes, so my reaction half way though: "hey, this is getting hot!" Now you've gone and ruined it for me. I hope you don't take that as an insult, but I can now longer be sure it contains lesbians.

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u/ConkerBirdy avatar

Fuck that comic, i read only bits and pieces and it still creeps the fuck out of me.

u/moarroidsplz avatar

Who is it by?

u/plus avatar

Junji Ito.

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u/ahoydizzle avatar

No matter how many times I read that comic, I'm always so bloody confused.

It's a metaphor for how we force ourselves down career paths in our life, conforming to a narrow set of societal norms, inexplicably convinced that is what we truly want, and end up twisting and warping our lives as a result.

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u/patrickgh3 avatar

And the best part is, it's in Minecraft.

u/rdeluca avatar



I found the pic hilarious. The comic? Not so much...

u/Katlix avatar

That just seems perfect for r/nosleep...

u/Captain_Sparky avatar

A short lesbian love affair ends in disaster.

u/tehyosh avatar

Short lesbians? Yes, please!

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Oh god, what hath thou wrought? I'm never going to look at creepers the same way again. I'm not even sure if I can play on anything other than peaceful now.

u/Barne avatar

I completely forgot how to read regular comics after reading manga. I'm not even sure if that's right to left or left to right.

u/keiyakins avatar

You'd think the arrow "READ THIS WAY" would give you a hint.

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u/Variance_on_Reddit avatar

drr drr drr

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u/CedarMadness avatar

DRR... DRR... DRR...

u/bluehazed avatar
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u/h4mburgers avatar

Heh I knew what picture would be posted before clicking.

u/DeusExMchna avatar

Oh no, I remember reading this when I was younger. *reads it anyways

u/justnit avatar

Brr Brr Brr Brr

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Incredible. I love how though a bug, it truly is a mystical and dream-like place which rejects the laws of Minecraft physics that govern the rest of the in-game world.

Thankfully Notch has no intention of fixing this place, so I'm hoping it will continue to serve as a Shambhala for Minecraft players everywhere to venture to and reflect upon their actions and the impact they have had on their remarkable and unique dynamically-generated world.


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u/Shaper_pmp avatar

Really? It should have put it into Tibetan Buddhist mode, if anything. ;-)

u/TheRealKaveman avatar

Don't forget Three Dog Night mode.

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The wiki page reads slightly like something out of the Holders Series.

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Thought it would be a good time to plug where some guy is walking to the farlands for charity.


Never been there, it just irritates me when people do that.

sorry, I'm a noob.


It's cool. Here's how ya do it.


Further reading.

And some more.

u/ThatFuckingGuy avatar

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u/Captain_Sparky avatar

oh my god, that guy sounds exactly like Reverend Lovejoy

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You can also just throw HTTP:// on the beginning.

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u/serpix avatar

Far out, dude!

u/FourStringStorm avatar


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My first thought: "You found Terraria!"

u/Hacksaures avatar

How big is you save file?


You use commands to teleport there via co-ordinates. Walking to the edge would take forever.


The wiki says it would take over 800 hours. Holy fuck monkey.

one day i will make that journey

u/Jonathan_the_Nerd avatar

It's way too far to walk. Build a minecart track and ride the whole way.

Wouldn't you have to walk there to build the track first?

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Go via nether, it'll be even quicker!

u/Smelltastic avatar

Actually, using a mod like WorldEdit, you could probably do that..

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one day i will make that journey

More like one month.


One does not simply walk into Far Lands!

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I've played TF2 for 600+ hours... oh my.

u/lingnoi avatar

That's like 200 days playing 4 hours a day.

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this guy is walking to the Far Lands for fun and charity.

u/DogBotTron avatar

I have been watching for a few weeks now and I'm falling deeply in love with his neuroses :P

u/TehNoff avatar

How did I not know about this? I'm adding this to my LPs I watch list.

u/thedevguy avatar

Reminds me of the knight in Ring World that was walking to the base of the arch.

How awesome would minecraft be if the world was a ring?

u/mao_neko avatar

Michael Goodfellow has been blogging about creating a Minecraft-like game, and has experimented with a ring-like Generation Ship world.

u/thedevguy avatar


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u/Hacksaures avatar

Oh, I thought people used McEdit and kept going in one direction.

u/PoochDoobie avatar

There's a youtube channel called far lands or bust who is doing this, and it is taking a long time. I would link but i'm too lazy to do it on my phone.

u/Sergeant_Hartman avatar

Go there through the nether.

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u/Neato avatar

If you teleport from 0,0,0, to some obscene number in the far lands, does minecraft generate all the chunks in between, or leave a gap where you haven't actually been?


The game generates chunks based on where the player is. So if you teleport there, it should skip everything in between, since you didn't actually travel there normally.

u/Musfuut avatar

Leaves a gap.

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u/Mr_Zarika avatar

This I need to know.

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It looks like Terraria

u/Azurphax avatar

...Or does Terraria look like this?

u/jrhop364 avatar

I keep asking this question and I keep getting downvoted, What is Terraria?

u/MuncherOfSpleens avatar

You’re probably getting downvoted because of how incredibly easy that term is to Google. Though, I should note that I’m not downvoting you now. :)

u/4InchesOfury avatar
u/Colbeagle avatar

you got downvoted because copy+paste into google takes less time than it does to type out your question on reddit.

u/iamcase avatar

It's a game on Steam that's like a flat, 2D version of Minecraft. Some people hate it some love it.

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u/Goopher avatar

It's hard to spot, but I see it... To the right, behind the floating island, written in black marker: "Kilroy was here"

u/Eviscerati avatar

looks like a multilevel mob grinder. Just add water, barriers, and kill/collect mechanisms.