Store-Bought Cookie Dough Hacks

Chocolate Chunk Cookies

Transform your store-bought refrigerated chocolate chip cookie dough into bakery-tasting delights with these easy tips! Easy cookie hacks to take your cookies to the next level with minimal effort!

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Why add the cholate chunks to the cookies?

Adding chopped chocolate bar to cookies can significantly enhance the flavor and texture of the cookies compared to using standard chocolate chips. Here are some reasons why adding chopped chocolate bar is a great idea:

  1. Richer Chocolate Flavor: Chopped chocolate bars typically contain higher-quality chocolate compared to chocolate chips. The chocolate from bars tends to be more flavorful and has a smoother texture when melted into the cookie dough.

  2. Varied Texture: Chunks of chocolate from a bar create pockets of melty, gooey chocolate in the cookies, providing a contrast in texture with the cookie dough. This variation adds to the overall eating experience, making each bite more interesting.

  3. Customizable Size: You can control the size of the chocolate pieces when chopping a chocolate bar. This allows you to have larger chunks or smaller bits based on your preference. Larger pieces can give a more dramatic chocolate presence in the cookie.

  4. Better Melting Properties: Chocolate bars usually contain less stabilizers than chocolate chips, which can make them melt more smoothly and contribute to a creamier texture in the cookies.

  5. Visual Appeal: Chopped chocolate bars can add visual appeal to the cookies, with irregular chocolate pieces peeking through the cookie dough. This can make the cookies look more artisanal and homemade.

  6. Versatility: Depending on the type of chocolate bar you use (milk, dark, or white chocolate), you can customize the flavor profile of the cookies. Dark chocolate adds richness, while milk chocolate adds sweetness.


Why Sprinkle Salt on Chocolate Chip Cookes

Adding salt to the top of a chocolate chip cookie might seem like a small detail, but it can significantly enhance the cookie's overall flavor profile. Here are the reasons why adding salt on top of a chocolate chip cookie is a delicious idea:

  1. Balancing Sweetness: Salt helps balance out the sweetness of the cookie dough and chocolate. By adding a sprinkle of salt on top, you create a contrast that enhances the flavors and prevents the cookies from tasting overly sweet.

  2. Amplifying Flavor: Salt is known to amplify and enhance flavors. When you sprinkle salt on top of a warm chocolate chip cookie, it activates the taste buds and brings out the richness of the chocolate and buttery flavors in the cookie.

  3. Texture Contrast: The crunch of salt crystals on top of a soft and chewy cookie adds a delightful texture contrast. It provides a satisfying bite and elevates the eating experience.

  4. Gourmet Touch: Adding salt to the top of cookies is a common technique used in bakeries and gourmet recipes. It gives the cookies a more sophisticated and artisanal appearance, making them look and taste like they came from a professional kitchen.

  5. Customizable Flavor: You can experiment with different types of salt to achieve different flavor profiles. For example, using flaky sea salt can provide a delicate crunch and a burst of salty flavor, while coarse kosher salt adds a bolder salty taste.

  6. Aesthetic Appeal: Visually, a sprinkle of salt on top of a chocolate chip cookie can make them look more appealing and inviting. It adds a finishing touch that makes the cookies look homemade and special.

Yield: 24 cookies
Store Bought Cookie Dough Hacks

Store Bought Cookie Dough Hacks

Transform your store-bought refrigerated chocolate chip cookie dough into bakery-tasting delights with these easy tips! Easy cookie hacks to take your cookies to the next level with minimal effort!
Prep time: 10 MinTotal time: 10 Min
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  1. Place cookies on a cookie sheet 2 -inches apart
  2. Stick the chunks into the cookie dough. Divide the entire bar between all the cookies. I put about 3 biggish chunks into each cookie.
  3. Bake as directed
  4. Remove from oven and sprinkle with flaky salt.
  5. Let cool on rack.


  • I like to take my cookies out a little early so the are soft and chewy.

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