Food For Thought | Idioms Online

Food For Thought

Meaning of Idiom ‘Food for Thought’

Food for thought is something, such as an idea, that is worth thinking about or considering; something that is worthy of serious consideration or careful pondering so that you understand it fully.

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Often, this idiom is used to mean simply “something to think about” or “give it some thought.” For example: “You should consider sitting down and coming up with a household budget so you won’t run out of money every month. Food for thought.”

Examples Of Use

“I think we should get dad a table saw for Christmas. He really wants one,” said Tommy. “Well, that’s definitely food for thought but he also wants a new grinding wheel,” said mom.

“You’ve given me a lot of food for thought,” said Mr. O’Donnel. “I’ll take your ideas up with the board as soon as possible.”

“Instead of throwing away this old wood, why don’t we use it to make something? Food for thought, anyway.”


This idiom transfers the digestion of food to the mind, using the idea that the mind can chew or digest ideas. It has been used since the early part of the 1800s although the concept existed long before.


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