LOOK: Angelica Panganiban and Gregg Homan hold second wedding in Siargao
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LOOK: Angelica Panganiban and Gregg Homan hold second wedding in Siargao


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LOOK: Angelica Panganiban and Gregg Homan hold second wedding in Siargao

MARRIED. Angelica Panganiban and Gregg Homan wed anew in Siargao.

Pat Dy's Instagram

Their beach destination wedding comes four months after they first tied the knot in an intimate ceremony in Los Angeles, California last December 31

MANILA, Philippines – Actress Angelica Panganiban celebrated her love with businessman Gregg Homan once more with a second wedding held on Saturday, April 20, in Siargao. 

Their beach destination wedding came four months after they first tied the knot through an intimate ceremony in Los Angeles, California on December 31, 2023.

Photographer Pat Dy shared snaps from the wedding, including first-look photos of the bride wearing her Rosa Clara wedding gown. 

Several celebrity guests that were present include Anne Curtis, Glaiza de Castro, Bela Padilla, Kim Chiu, Judy Ann Santos, Ryan Agoncillo, Maxene Magalona, and Kean Cipriano. 

Panganiban and Homan first confirmed their relationship in January 2021. They announced their engagement in October 2022.

Panganiban gave birth to their daughter Amila in September 2022. – Rappler.com

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