Trend of Shenton College by WACE ATAR results

Here you can compare Western Australia high school's WACE ATAR results in 2020  side-by-side.  Just select up to 5 schools and click "Go".  You can also compare schools' WACE results over the years and see a trend in ranking and more. Moreover, you can do the same for up to 5 schools in one go, ie. one-hit comparison of both school results and trends.
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For more perspectives, you can choose 2D (column charts and animated line charts), 3D with interactive tooltips and reversed WACE school rank in chart or both 2D and 3D charts. WACE+IB and WACE school ranking tables are also available. For other types of results or rankings, please visit School Ranking Home. There are a large range of factors that impact on academic results in addition to the role played by the school itself. These include the SES (Socio Economic Status) background of students, whether the school is selective in its student intake, etc. It is for the reader to do his own research and draw his or her own conclusions. If you continue to browse and use this website you are agreeing to comply with and be bound by this DISCLAIMER.

FAQ: Why is there discrepancy between senior school ranking and high school rating?

See School Rankings Based on Academic Results for more information.
  1. All the columns are sort-able. To sort in ascending or descending order, click on the corresponding column headings.
  2. WACE - Western Australian Certificate of Education.
  3. Schools with less than 20 full-time eligible Year 12 students are not included.
  4. Canning College, Cyril Jackson Senior Campus, North Lake Senior Campus, Tuart College, international schools, Schools of Isolated and Distance Education and primary schools are not included.
  5. Mature age, international students and schools with a significant number of international students are omitted.
  6. To find more details of the school, click the school. Most of the links will redirect to the corresponding school listing page.
  7. See School Rankings Based on Academic Results for more information.
  8. Find IB schools.
  9. WACE ATAR calculator | ATAR Cutoffs | Uni. Course Ranking | Uni. World Ranking.
  10. Aim for top results? Find a tutor, a music teacher or a  coaching school.
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* Prior to 2016 when Median ATAR reporting was first introduced, the ranking was based on the percentage of Stage 3 course enrolments in the school where a WACE course score of 75 or above was achieved.

School Year Better Education RankMedian ATARYr 12 students
Shenton College 2010 13 Prior to ATAR Reporting* 238
Shenton College 2011 15 Prior to ATAR Reporting* 245
Shenton College 2012 16 Prior to ATAR Reporting* 256
Shenton College 2013 10 Prior to ATAR Reporting* 236
Shenton College 2014 18 Prior to ATAR Reporting* 214
Shenton College 2015 22 Prior to ATAR Reporting* 265
Shenton College 2016 10 90 287
Shenton College 2017 16 88.8 287
Shenton College 2018 12 88.1 292
Shenton College 2019 10 88.55 308
Shenton College 2020 14 88.6 343

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