
  • Survival horror games rely on more than jump scares, pitting a (usually) rather helpless protagonist against an overwhelming evil.
  • Throughout the years, many near-genre-defining survival horror titles have been released, from Silent Hill 2 to Amnesia: The Dark Descent.
  • The following games remain the greatest pillars of survival horror, with some of the eeriest atmospheres and thrilling gameplay.

A good survival horror game is often a mixture of good stories and bone-chilling moments. It doesn't rely only on cheap jumpscares but develops interesting and terrifying monsters that hunt down the main character. With horror being such a big franchise, it's not often that people see an excellent title put out on the market. That being said, if players are survival horror fanatics and are looking to play something new, there are many candidates who more than fit the bill in this regard.

Horror Games That Take The Longest To Beat

Some people like to get horror games over with quickly, but some love the fear. These are the horror games with the longest completion times!

Many games have left a lasting impression in the genre in the past years and will continue to define survival horror for decades to come. Whether it's because of their intense resource management, tense combat, nerve-wracking story, or a combination of all three, there's no denying that the best survival horror games around let players experience a feeling that makes every small victory as satisfying as can be while trying to deal with a wealth of horrifying humans and monsters.

Updated on May 9, 2024, by Ritwik Mitra: The survival horror genre has witnessed a major resurgence in recent times that fans are quite thankful for. The modern innovations in this genre coupled with classic systems that have aged like a fine wine let players explore claustrophobic locations, struggling to find resources and surviving in a brutal landscape that takes no prisoners. There are many great survival horror games that players will be completely hooked on in no time, with these titles proving once and for all why the genre deserves all its plaudits and has attracted a fanbase that loves each and every title that makes the most of this genre.

20 Haunting Ground

Metascore: 67

Giona knelt next to her trust dog Hewey, looking towards the camera with worry in Haunting Ground
Haunting Ground

PS2 , PS3
May 10, 2005

Haunting Ground is easily one of the most underappreciated survival horror games of all time, channeling the pursuit energy of Clock Tower with a fresh coat of paint that makes this title such an unnerving experience from start to end. Fiona is a pretty engaging protagonist, even if her use as fanservice can be rather harrowing to watch given the gruesome subject matter of this game.

Thankfully, players aren't completely alone as they deal with the many pursuers who are trying to chase her down for their nefarious purposes. They have a dog called Hewie who aids Fiona every step of the way, allowing her to secure some much-needed items and have some sort of protection against her pursuers whenever Hewie tries to protect her by biting her enemies.

19 The Evil Within

Metascore: 75

The Evil Within
The Evil Within

PS4 , PS3 , Xbox One , Xbox 360 , PC
October 14, 2014
Tango Gameworks

While many horror games today opt for a first-person perspective, The Evil Within is a throwback to the days when games like Resident Evil and Silent Hill dominated with their classic third-person perspective. The Evil Within puts us in the shoes of a detective who's desperately trying to solve a mass murder.

During his investigation, he's transported into an otherworldly place filled with terrifying monsters. With the original creator of the Resident Evil series as one of the primary developers, players can expect a haunting survival story full of horrors and scares.

18 Amnesia: The Bunker

Metascore: 77

Rabbit Toy Location and Lambert's Dog Tag in Amnesia: The Bunker
Amnesia: The Bunker

PC , PS4 , Xbox One , Xbox Series X , Xbox Series S
May 16, 2023
Frictional Games

There's no denying that the Amnesia series is one of the best survival horror games of all time, with Frictional Games doing a great job of making this genre as relevant as can be with their nerve-wracking games where the simple act of sneaking around becomes a sinister act that is hard to deal with at times. However, even the biggest survival horror fans knew that the game was in need of a dire upheaval.

7 Beginner Mistakes To Avoid When Playing Amnesia: The Bunker

These are the mistakes all players should avoid if they wish to survive the horrors of the Bunker.

This was achieved with the advent of Amnesia: The Bunker, switching the setting of the game to World War 1 and letting players enjoy a semi-open-world structure where items are randomized to make playthroughs unique and special. The overbearing threat of the beast in the shadows looms over the player whenever they strive to acquire more generator fuel.

17 Until Dawn

Metascore: 79

Until Dawn Emily Davis
Until Dawn

August 25, 2015
Supermassive Games

For those who love shaping their own story, Until Dawn is one of the greatest survival horror games. It's set up like a classic slasher horror film, where multiple characters must try to survive the horrors that haunt them. As players control numerous characters in different scenes, they'll need to collect clues to help them move forward.

Sometimes, players will make decisions and find items that will affect the future, providing them with a brief vision of the future. This will help them make the right choices when the time is right. Players should keep in mind that, for everyone to survive, every detail must fall perfectly in place.

16 Alien: Isolation

Metascore: 79

Alien Isolation
Alien: Isolation

PS4 , PS3 , Xbox One , Xbox 360 , Switch , PC , Android , iOS
October 7, 2014
Creative Assembly

There's no horror movie quite like the original Alien, which is why Alien: Isolation became such a popular title. Its aesthetics are inspired by the first movie, and the game transports us back to a time shortly after the Nostromo's fall when Amanda Ripley is struggling to find out what happened to her mother.

As she ends up stranded in a space station that has been taken over by hostile synthetics and the Xenomorphs themselves, she must fight for her survival against the perfect organism itself. With beautiful sound design, immersive gameplay, and a challenging & intelligent alien AI to flee, this game provides many fun moments and nerve-wracking scares for hours on end.

15 Outlast

Metascore: 80


PS4 , Xbox One , PC , Linux , macOS , Switch
November 4, 2013
Red Barrels

When Outlast first came out, it became one of the scariest games of its time. When an investigative journalist arrives at an abandoned mental hospital while hunting for a big scoop, he becomes trapped in the facility and is faced with its deranged inhabitants.

10 Best PlayStation 3 Horror Games, Ranked

The PlayStation 3 is home to some fabulous games, especially in the horror genre, like these great examples.

Outlast is one of those games that plays perfectly with a first-person perspective. With the camera function that helps them see in the dark, the game effectively pairs found footage horror movies with the survival horror genre perfectly, creating a chill-inducing and gore-filled experience.

14 Darkwood

Metascore: 80

Darkwood monsters chasing player

Xbox One , PS4 , PC , Switch
Acid Wizard Studio
August 18, 2017

Most people would assume that the top-down perspective instantly takes away from the horror of most games. However, these people have not played Darkwood, which uses this viewpoint to great effect.

The limited cone of vision makes players jumpy with every creepy sound, and the atmosphere of this game is sublime. The fact that this game touches on Lovecraftian themes, despite the creator not even knowing of this form of horror, is a testament to just how effective its horror is.

13 Condemned: Criminal Origins

Metascore: 81

Player character brandishes a melee weapon against a masked assailant
Condemned: Criminal Origins

PC , Xbox 360
November 22, 2005
Monolith Productions

Combining the horror of fighting unhinged individuals with some excellent first-person melee combat, it's downright criminal that more people don't talk about Condemned: Criminal Origins. The game is easily one of the most underrated survival horror games around, with its disturbing visuals being pretty tough to stomach.

Controlling an FBI agent who is trying to discover the source of the mysterious killings that have been taking place in the city of Metro makes for a great time as players slowly uncover the depths of a truly nightmarish controversy. It doesn't help that the protagonist, Ethan Thomas, is framed for these murders, causing him to battle friend and foe alike in a bid to reach the truth and clear his name in the process.


Metascore: 84


PS4 , Xbox One , PC
September 15, 2015
Frictional Games

When Simon goes for a brain scan after a car accident, he suddenly finds himself transported into PATHOS-II, an underwater research base at the bottom of the ocean. Overrun by strange robotic creatures that seem to have a will of their own, Simon needs to find a way out of the derelict facility that threatens to burst at its seams.

9 Upcoming Horror Games That Should Showcase The Potential Of Unreal Engine 5

These upcoming horror games have the potential to be pure nightmare fuel with the aid of crisp Unreal Engine 5 visuals.

SOMA is a typical survival horror in the sense that players get no weapons to help them on their way. Stealth and wits will get them far against even the most ferocious and fast-moving enemies. The game is extremely imaginative in its aesthetics, and its story is guaranteed to leave players feeling emotional and in awe of just how brilliant the writing is.

11 Amnesia: The Dark Descent

Metascore: 85

Amnesia The Dark Descent Monster
Amnesia: The Dark Descent

PlayStation 4 , Nintendo Switch , Android , Xbox One , Microsoft Windows , macOS
September 8, 2010
Frictional Games

Many survival horror games take place in the future, but Amnesia: The Dark Descent went a vastly different route. In the 1830s, Daniel wakes up with severe amnesia inside a castle he hardly remembers getting himself into. Hunted down by terrifying monsters, he needs to find a way to remember the past.

This game was a massive success upon its release, due to its incredible stealth and sanity mechanics, which would force players to be sparing with their lantern oil. Moreover, it had one of the most complex and interesting storylines, which combined historical themes with science fiction.

10 Resident Evil 7: Biohazard

Metascore: 86

The Baker Family from Resident Evil 7: Biohazard
Resident Evil 7: Biohazard

January 24, 2017

After languishing in mediocrity for the longest time, Resident Evil fans were finally graced with a brand new direction for the series that focused on a first-person perspective and tackled new and fresh events. The end result is Resident Evil 7: Biohazard, which is as harrowing as most players would assume as they step into the shoes of Ethan Winters and try to bring her wife back after things go south.

It doesn't help that the Baker family is jam-packed with disturbing people who never fail to make Ethan's world a living nightmare. Players will feel trapped in a house with these demented villains while trying to make their wife see reason and bring her back from the clutches of these horrifying people.

9 Dead Space

Metascore: 89

Dead Space (2023)

PS5 , Xbox Series X , Xbox Series S , PC
January 27, 2023
EA Motive

This list wouldn't be complete without the predecessor to most modern sci-fi survival horror titles: Dead Space. Isaac Clarke is tasked with investigating a mining ship that has been taken over by horrible monsters known as Necromorphs. Through various clues, he eventually discovers the truth behind the ship's fate.

Many games have tried to do what Dead Space accomplished with sci-fi horror but in vain. With a wide arsenal of weapons, it's one of the more action-heavy survival horror games, but its incredible design and popularity are undeniable. The remake does a great job of making this title more detailed, visually astounding, and horrifying in its own right. The fact that Isaac finally speaks is a bonus too.

8 Silent Hill 2

Metascore: 89

James looking in the mirror
Silent Hill 2

PC , PS2 , PS3 , Xbox (Original) , Xbox 360
September 24, 2001

When James Sunderland receives a message from his missing wife to meet him in the town of Silent Hill, he leaves off to the mysterious town immediately. However, as he arrives, he's faced with an array of zombie-like monsters and other apparitions that look straight out of his worst nightmares.

15 Best Horror Games Where You Are The Monster

Not all horror games will pit the player against monsters. Some allow the player to be the most dangerous monster.

The Silent Hill franchise is a master of survival horror, and this installment of the series proves it. James' story is not only incredibly emotional, but full of iconic, claustrophobic, and disturbing moments as he struggles to make his way to see his long-lost wife.

7 Dead Space 2

Metascore: 90

Dead Space 2 Isaac and Nicole
Dead Space 2

PS3 , Xbox 360 , PC
January 25, 2011
Visceral Games

Dead Space was a strong entry in the survival horror genre, and fans couldn't wait to see what the sequel had in store for them. This came in the form of Dead Space 2, a title more focused on action than its predecessor with the character of Isaac Clarke taking center-stage here. Now, with the main character actually talking and voicing his feelings, the game becomes way more riveting to play through.

The mind-bending journey in Dead Space 2 is full of numerous horrors and monstrosities that will keep players on their toes till the very end of this nightmarish title. It's a shame that the future of Dead Space isn't all that bright, and fans may never get to see the Dead Space 2 Remake they rightfully deserved.

6 Resident Evil 2

Metascore: 91

Mr X in Resident Evil 2
Resident Evil 2 (2019)

PS4 , PS5 , Xbox One , Xbox Series X , Xbox Series S , PC
January 25, 2019

If there's one remake that succeeded, it was that of Resident Evil 2. With the option of either playing as Claire or Leon, both parties need to survive through the night in Raccoon City which has been infected by a powerful virus, courtesy of Umbrella Corporation.

As players navigate the police station to escape from Lickers — or worse yet, the Tyrant — they'll be tasked with completing typical Resident Evil-style puzzles to access areas and proceed in the story. While the remake doesn't have those atmospheric fixed camera angles, it's still a nice homage to the original game.

5 Eternal Darkness: Sanity's Requiem

Metascore: 92

Alex Roivas stands in the Roivas Estate
Eternal Darkness

June 24, 2002
Silicon Knights

It's a shame that Eternal Darkness: Sanity's Requiem ended up being such a commercial flop because it brought a ton of fresh ideas to the survival horror genre. Its attempts to break the fourth wall whenever the player ran out of sanity were quite innovative for the time, even if they hadn't aged well.

The game had its rough edges, with the combat sections being particularly woeful and a pain to sit through. However, players who forgave the minor faults of this title found themselves enjoying one of the most innovative survival horror games around where maintaining a high sanity meter was crucial to succeeding at the game's many challenges.

4 System Shock 2

Metascore: 92

Aiming a weapon in System Shock 2
System Shock 2

August 11, 1999
Irrational Games , Looking Glass Technologies , NightDive Studios

The amazing atmosphere of System Shock 2, coupled with its immersive sim, makes it arguably the best survival horror title of all time. There's a reason why SHODAN is one of the most iconic video game villains.

System Shock Remake: Best SHODAN Quotes

SHODAN is easily one of the greatest video game villains thanks to her eerie, iconic quotes that return in the System Shock Remake.

Controlling the unnamed hacker and exploring the desolate halls of the Von Braun makes for a harrowing time, with players looking over their shoulders every step of the way. The aggressive spawning of enemies means that players can't linger in areas for too long, which adds to the rampant tension.

3 The Last Of Us Part 2

Metascore: 93

Ellie aiming a bow and arrow at an enemy
The Last of Us Part 2

June 19, 2020
Naughty Dog

Now that the toxic discourse surrounding this game has died down (which is bound to resurface after the second season of The Last of Us comes out), most players can agree that the second game was a stellar title from a gameplay and production standpoint. The ludonarrative dissonance in this game is rife and a problem, but that's easy to overlook in the grand scheme of things.

If the game had reigned in its length a bit and delivered a more focused experience, then most people would've hailed this title as one of the greatest survival horror games ever made. As it stands, the game is a blast to play through, but just falls short of the brilliantly-paced first game.

2 Resident Evil 4

Metascore: 93

Ada looking at the Las Plagas sample
Resident Evil 4 Remake

PC , PS4 , PS5 , Xbox Series X , Xbox Series S
March 24, 2023

Most people were worried that the remake of Resident Evil 4 wouldn't live up to the legacy of the original game. While hardcore fans still find the remake to be an inferior experience, most players who gave Resident Evil 4 a shot were pleased by how engaging the game was to play.

The fun combat, amazing story, and engrossing visuals made this remake stand out as one of the very best the genre has to offer. Capcom's been delivering hit after hit in gaming's current era, and the Resident Evil 4 remake is another feather in their illustrious cap.

1 The Last Of Us

Metascore: 95

Joel and Ellie in The Last of Us
The Last of Us Part I

PS5 , PC
September 2, 2022
Naughty Dog

There's no question that The Last Of Us is one of the best games of the last twenty years. While it would take forever to elaborate why, it's better to experience the game firsthand. If players haven't already ventured into the zombie apocalypse as Joel and Ellie, then it's strongly recommended that they get around to it.

The Last Of Us is a mix of fluid gameplay, which includes both combat and stealth options. The threat of the enemies feels real, and with Ellie by their side, the stakes are higher than ever. Even years after, the graphics look amazing and the story will move even the toughest ones to tears.

8 Most Badass Female Characters In Horror Game History

While the horror genre tends to put women in situations where they have to be saved, these games have done a great job at showing powerful women.