Brexit: FA, Premier League and English Football League agree points-based system for European transfers | Football News | Sky Sports Skip to content

Brexit: FA, Premier League and English Football League agree points-based system for European transfers

The UK is set to leave the EU on December 31 following a 11-month transition period; the UK's exit from the EU will also mean that clubs will not be able to sign players from overseas until they are 18

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A post Brexit points-based transfer system has been agreed by the FA, Premier League and EFL, explained by Sky Sports News' Paul Gilmour

The Football Association, Premier League and English Football League have agreed a points-based system to sign overseas players post Brexit.

The GBE (Football's Governing Body Endorsement) proposal was approved by The Home Office after being submitted to the government last month by The FA.

From January 1, the day after the transition period of the UK leaving the EU ends, clubs will not be able to sign players freely from Europe and instead players be will be required to gain a GBE, like all other overseas players without the right to work in the UK.

The GBE will operate a points-based system, where points are scored for senior and talented young players based on:

  • Senior and youth international appearances
  • Quality of the selling club, based on the league they are in, league position and progression in continental competition
  • Club appearances, based on domestic league and continental competition minutes

Players who accumulate the right amount of points will be granted a GBE automatically but those who fall short may be considered by an exceptions panel.

In a Q&A released by the Premier League, the body insisted that clubs would still be able to sign international players of all ages.

"The new system will continue to allow clubs to attract overseas talent in the same way as before," the statement said. "It will enable us to maintain the access to the key European leagues as well as open up other markets clubs have worked in less in the past such as South and North America, Asia and Africa.

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"Clubs will have the ability to recruit the players at the right levels of quality - the best first-team players and the best young first-team fringe players with high potential. This will drive the competition for places, which has made the Premier League one the best leagues in the world and has helped in the development of England teams over the last few years."

The UK's exit from the EU will also mean that clubs will not be able to sign players from overseas until they are 18.

In the Premier League, the number of overseas U21 players a club can sign will be limited to three in the January transfer window and six per season moving forwards.

The Premier League's Q&A also added that U18 players can accumulate GBE points by playing in international youth fixtures.

"Firstly, one of the results of the United Kingdom leaving the EU is that players aged under 18 from the EU will no longer be allowed to sign for Premier League clubs, whereas before the minimum age limit was 16," the statement said.

Cesc Fabregas scores with a penalty for Arsenal in the Champions League
Image: Cesc Fabregas's transfer from Barcelona to Arsenal would not be possible under new guidelines

"Clubs still want to maintain their international competitiveness in recruiting the most talented teenagers from around the world. And The FA is keen to ensure that promising young English players still have the chance to play at the highest level.

"So, the focus of the Premier League and The FA's discussion was on the ability of Premier League clubs to sign emerging overseas players whom they have identified as having talent but are too young to have had the chance to get the requisite first-team experience to meet the GBE points criteria."

The statement continued: "The key element for us was around how a young player who's not necessarily made it to the first team, or is on the edge of the first team, can score these points. We agreed to safeguards protecting English-qualified players in the system, but still allows our clubs access to the right quality of players for them to remain competitive within the leagues around Europe.

"The new system enables young players who are on the edge of the first team to score points based on their potential. This could include points for being named on the team sheet but remaining on the bench or playing in cup matches.

"We are also including points for youth international appearances, so players appearing for international teams at U21s, U19s and so on can score points, but not as many points as would earn playing in senior internationals."

The agreement will be implemented in the January 2021 transfer window and reviewed in full ahead of the summer 2021 transfer window.

FA's chief executive officer Mark Bullingham said: "Despite having different starting perspectives on how Brexit should impact football, this is another example of how the football authorities can work effectively together for the greater good of the game.

"We have a strong working relationship with both the Premier League and EFL and will monitor this new agreement together to ensure it evolves to best meet our joint objectives over time. We will also discuss improvements to the player pathway for the mutual benefit of football clubs and homegrown talent in this country."

Premier League's chief executive Richard Masters said: "The Premier League has worked with The FA to come to an agreement to ensure no part of Brexit should damage the success of the Premier League, or the prospects of the England teams. We welcome the news that the Home Office has approved the Governing Body Endorsement plan for the January 2021 transfer window.

"Continuing to be able to recruit the best players will see the Premier League remain competitive and compelling and the solution will complement our player development philosophy of the best foreign talent alongside the best homegrown players. Following the January transfer window, we look forward to reviewing the agreement with The FA."

EFL chief executive David Baldwin, said: "The EFL has contributed to the discussions with our colleagues across football as the game prepares for the UK's exit from the EU, and it is helpful to be able to provide clarity for EFL clubs by having an established position to a long-standing issue ahead of the January transfer window, albeit in the short term.

"The objective of the EFL throughout this process has been to ensure EFL clubs continue to have the opportunity to sign players from overseas to enhance the quality of their playing squads, while recognising the need for restrictions, and we will continue to assess the application of these rules and consider the long-term implications early in 2021."

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