Find The Best Elementary Schools - U.S. News Education

Find the Best Elementary Schools

Find the best public and private elementary schools across the U.S. for you and your child.

The U.S. News & World Report K-12 directory encompasses 78,523 elementary schools that you can search based on the state, district or city near you. The data on student diversity, teachers, counselors, test scores and district spending can help you find the right school for your child.

Frequently Asked Questions About Elementary Schools

Elementary school, also called grade school, is for children in kindergarten generally through fifth grade, though exact grade levels can differ between individual school systems. Elementary school serves as the first stage in a student’s formal education, and students learn foundational concepts in reading, writing, math, science and social studies.

In most states, children start elementary school in kindergarten when they are 5 years old, according to the National Center for Education Statistics.

U.S. News has nearly 79,000 public and private schools in its elementary school directory.

Data from various organizations provide insight into, and estimates of, the number of active elementary schools and students enrolled across the country. The National Center for Education Statistics reports the number of elementary schools in one figure with preschools and middle schools. As of 2020-2021, there were 70,055 public pre-K, elementary and middle schools in all 50 states and the District of Columbia, and as of 2019-2020, there were 18,870 private pre-K, elementary and middle schools, according to the National Center for Education Statistics. Altogether, this is 88,925 schools.

The total public school enrollment for kindergarten through fifth grade in fall 2021 was 21.23 million students, according to the NCES. The private school enrollment for pre-K through eighth grade in fall 2019 was 4.07 million students.

In elementary school, students are taught how to learn new concepts and information. Students grow their knowledge in subject areas including reading, writing, math, science, social studies, the arts, physical education and health. From learning the alphabet in kindergarten to building their vocabulary and reading more advanced books by fifth grade, elementary school is where children develop skills that lay the groundwork for future years of school.