Mandir Jalaram Jayanti

At the Talim Vidhyamandir Chijgam school, there was the annual celebration of India’s Republic Day. The programme started approximately at 8.30am with the morning pray’s and the Indian flag was raised with pride. Thereafter the national anthem was sung by all present approximately 200-300 people attended this event. The programme then started with an opening speech by Shree Chhotubhai Panchabhai Patel from Gosla falia followed by the Headmaster of the school – Shree Manilal R Tandel. Shree Chhotubhai introduced the VIP guest who was Shree Bipinbhai B Patel from Patel Falia now residing in Toronto, Canada. He also made a presentation and donated a sum to the school. In total there were funds of 3/4000 Rs collected on the day which all proceeds goto the school for future projects/events and day trips for the students. The programme continued with songs, dances and drama’s and was a wonderful and colurful event. Also every year there is a donater who presents awards/trophies to the best students.

– Inter Chijgam Volleyball and Cricket Tournament – Boys
This is where all the falia’s play against different falia’s in a tournament held over a few days. There is normally an entrance fee from which trophies/awards are given out to the winning and runner-up teams. Also there is recognition for the Best fielder, Best Bowler, Best Batsman. It brings the whole gam together in a competitive environment.

A religious day by holding bhajan’s all day mainly upto midnight of the day and also held throughout the night. Also flower shaped moulds are made known as ‘Kamal’s’ out of ghee during the evening.

The celebration of Shree Ram’s birthday. Bhajan’s are held at the mandir where again the gam unites together.

The whole village gets together to celebrate the annual anniversary of the Mandir. An estimated 2,000 to 3,000 people celebrate this event, food is provided and donated by people from the gam and externally. Pooja, bhajans and garbaa take place during this event.

To celebrate India’s Independence Day. Held on one day where the schoolteachers, students and volunteers from the village hold a cultural programme, the national anthem is sung. There is normally VIP guests invited to this event and presentations also take place from the Headmaster and other guests.

This is an annual ceremony where they celebrate our god Ganesh all over the world. All the gamvasi get together and unite together to celebrate this event. Pooja takes place with garbaa and bhajans and prasad is given out. A very happy and colorful event.

A 10-day event where it’s normally held in the evening. People playing garbaa (ritual dance) to live music sometimes a professional band is hired. Also during the last few days a competition takes place ‘Vesha Bhusa’ where there is a fancy dress competition, and the best garbaa dancer competition. A panel and VIP guests judge this and prizes/awards are given out to the winners. An excellent and joyful event.

The most popular event in the Hindu calendar. Normally there is 7-14 day national holiday and everyone unites together. Pooja’s, Bhajans take place at the Mandir and peoples houses. In addition to this all falia’s have a Maha Pooja on Diwali day or New Years Day. Dhuna Falia holds a cultural programme and hold games for all ages over this period where everyone attends.

The birthday celebration of the God Jalaram. Normally there are bhajan’s held in Chijgam on this special occasion.

An annual anniversary of this mandir in Dhuna Falia, again the whole village attends, there is food provided which is normally donated by someone. Garbaa and pooja’s take place during this day.

If you have any photo’s relating to the above events please contact –