LOOK: Patricia Javier crowned Noble Queen of the Universe 2019

LOOK: Patricia Javier crowned Noble Queen of the Universe 2019


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LOOK: Patricia Javier crowned Noble Queen of the Universe 2019
Patricia wins during the finals night at the Manila Hotel on December 1

MANILA, Philippines – Actress Patricia Javier was crowned as first Noble Queen of the Universe held at the Manila Hotel on Sunday, December 1.

Patricia won over more than 20 candidates for the title.

On Instagram, Patricia wrote: “Thank you so much to all my family, friends and followers for all your prayers and full support with my journey.”



Her court is composed of:

  • Noble Queen International – Marie France Imelda Papin Carrion (Philippines-Bicol)
  • Noble Queen Globe – Beau Singson Villanueva (Australia)
  • Noble Queen Tourism – Anna Rabtsun Baylosis (Russia)
  • Noble Queen Earth – Jill Chapman (West Coast USA)
  • 1st runner-up – Ritchell Catt (Guam)
  • 2nd runner-up – Sylvia Kim (Korea)



According to its website, Noble Queen of the Universe is a project of RESPECT: Noble Queen of the Universe Ltd. Inc (NQULI), a non-stock, non-profit organization that aims to pursue “spreading respect and love across diverse societies.” – Rappler.com

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