Author: Randy Charach - HYPNOHUB

Hypnosis for Drug Addiction | Can It Help Stop Substance Abuse?

Addictive substances, including alcohol, cigarettes and drugs

Substance abuse is one of the hardest things to stop, so it is understandable if you’re now looking at hypnosis for drug addiction treatment. Drug addiction is a chronic condition, which means it simply cannot be cured overnight. Aside from flushing out bad drugs physically (lasting a few weeks to around 3 months), the addictive … Read more

Hypnosis for Trichotillomania | An Efficient Way to Help With the Hair-Pulling Disorder

a young girl pulling her hair

Hypnosis for Trichotillomania is an efficient way to reduce the trigger effects of the disorder. For people who pull their hair, hypnotherapy can be a practical way to help them be in control of their trance-like behavior. Individuals who pull their hair only need to redirect that energy towards more beneficial actions. Like other Body-Focused … Read more

Hypnosis for Cancer | Can It Help and In Which Way?

hands holding the pink ribbon

It’s no secret that hypnosis is an effective treatment option for many of life’s challenges. Indeed, it can aid in reducing stress and anxiety, help people stop smoking, and so much more. But what about far scarier, like cancer? That’s exactly what you’re going to discover in this article. Can hypnosis really help with cancer … Read more

Hypnosis for Children | Incredible Method for Parents and Educators Alike

a boy lying down with hands under his chin

Want to help your child to overcome sleeplessness, bedwetting, anxiety, nail-biting, or improve self-discipline and study for exams? Consider hypnosis for children. It is an incredible tool for parents and educators alike. By helping your child learn how to enter a deep relaxation state, you give him or her access to the resources of the … Read more