Billy Crawford wins French ‘Dancing with the Stars’
Filipino actors

Billy Crawford wins French ‘Dancing with the Stars’

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Billy Crawford wins French ‘Dancing with the Stars’

WINNERS. Billy Crawford and dancing partner Fauve Hautot

Photo from Billy Crawford's Instagram

The popular TV show host has won the French version of the popular dance competition show

MANILA, Philippines – Actor and dancer Billy Crawford has won the latest edition of Danse avec les Stars, the French version of the popular American reality dance competition show Dancing with the Stars.

Billy’s wife Coleen Garcia shared the news on Instagram on Saturday, November 12, congratulating the former Pilipinas Got Talent host and expressing how proud she is of her husband.

Garcia herself joined Crawford as a “mystery dancer” for a routine to Calvin Harris’ “Stay With Me” earlier in the season. 

Crawford and dancing partner Fauve Hautot have been front-runners ever since the first episode, where they earned a standing ovation. They made it to the finals of the 12th edition of the show with a near perfect score in the semi-finals. 

Prior to the finale airing, Crawford posted on Instagram to thank everyone who had been supporting him during this period. 

Crawford, who was a wildly successful pop idol in France and Europe in the early 2000s, is the first ever Filipino to win the French dance competition show. 

Based on the hit British TV dance contest Strictly Come Dancing, Dancing with the Stars sees celebrities and professional dancers teaming up to compete with other teams and perform various types of dances each week. – with reports from Jacob Tambunting/

Jacob Tambunting is an intern for Rappler

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