The Meaning Behind The Song: Midnight Special by Leadbelly - Old Time Music
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The Meaning Behind The Song: Midnight Special by Leadbelly

The Meaning Behind The Song: Midnight Special by Leadbelly

Leadbelly, also known as Huddie William Ledbetter, was an American folk and blues singer, songwriter, and instrumentalist. He composed many classics during his career, including one of the most well-known American folk songs, “Midnight Special.” The song has gained widespread popularity over the years, and it continues to be performed and recorded by various artists all over the world. But what does the song mean? Here, we take a closer look at “Midnight Special” and its significance to American music.

Origins of the Song

“Midnight Special” is a traditional folk song that originated in the early 1900s in the southern United States. The song was typically sung in the African American prison work camps, where the “Midnight Special” was a train that passed by the camps at night. Inmates would hear the train whistle blowing and sing the song, hoping it would bring them good luck and help them escape.

Leadbelly recorded the song in 1934, adapting and rearranging the traditional version into his own style. His arrangement features a prominent guitar riff and a call-and-response chorus that reflects the song’s origins as a work song. The song’s lyrics are simple and repetitive, making it easy to sing along to.

The Song’s Meaning

At its core, “Midnight Special” is a song about freedom and escape. The narrator is in prison and sings about the train that passes by at midnight, hoping that it will bring him good luck and help him escape. The train symbolizes the desire for freedom and the possibility of escape, which is a common theme in African American folk songs.

The chorus of “Midnight Special” goes:

“Let the Midnight Special shine her light on me
Let the Midnight Special shine her ever lovin’ light on me”

The “light” in this chorus represents hope and the possibility of a brighter future. The narrator is asking for the train, or a symbol of escape, to shine its light on him and offer him a chance at freedom. The song suggests that even in difficult and oppressive circumstances, there is always hope for a better future.

Influence on American Music

“Midnight Special” has had a significant influence on American music. The song has been recorded by numerous artists over the years, including Creedence Clearwater Revival, Van Morrison, and Odetta. It has become a classic American folk song and has been covered in various genres such as rock, blues, and country.

Leadbelly’s version of “Midnight Special” is considered to be the definitive version and has influenced countless musicians over the years. His unique guitar style and powerful vocals have inspired many artists in the blues and folk music genres. Bob Dylan, for example, has cited Leadbelly as a major influence on his own music.

In addition to its musical influence, “Midnight Special” has taken on a broader cultural significance. The song has been used in various movies and TV shows, including the film “Cool Hand Luke” and the TV series “The Defenders.” It has also been referenced in literature, including the novel “The Color Purple” by Alice Walker.


In the end, “Midnight Special” is a song that represents the African American struggle for freedom and equality. It speaks to the human desire for hope and possibility, even in the face of oppression. Leadbelly’s version of the song has become an iconic piece of American folk music, inspiring generations of musicians and listeners. Its message is as relevant today as it was when it was first sung in the prison work camps over a century ago.

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