One of the main characters on It’s Always Sunny In Philadelphia is Frank Reynolds, who is played by Danny DeVito. He used to be a professional and put-together businessman, but then he got wrapped up with The Gang. Now, he uses his money, time, and knowledge for crazy schemes, and he can often be found cleaning himself with his toe knife, playing Night Crawlers with Charlie, gambling, and drinking (or worse).

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Yes, like any other human being or TV character, Frank a.k.a. The Warthog has positive and negative personality traits, strengths, weaknesses, interests, and dislikes.

Best: Business Experience 

Frank gives a speech dressed in business attire while Charlie questions him in It’s Always Sunny In Philadelphia

Name an industry, and Frank Reynolds has been involved in it. Some of his most notable past ventures include working in real estate, owning a sweatshop, founding Atwater Capital, and, of course, being a co-owner of Paddy's Pub.

He may not always make the most sound decisions when it comes to partners, employees, and strategies, but he does have a gift. 

Worst: Threw It All Away

frank reynolds

After Frank divorced Barbara and started hanging out with The Gang, he really let himself go. He also sold one of his businesses for a decent chunk of money… money that now funds the crazy ideas Frank and his friends come up with and execute.   

Furthermore, he turned on his business partner, Eugene Hamilton, and ran off with all the money. Like the other main characters on this show, he is selfish and easily chooses payouts over successful brands and professional relationships. 

Best: Rich

Always Sunny Frank White Wig

One more note on Frank’s success: No matter how he got there, he did end up with a lot of money. One may not look at him and think of financial success, but his wise and witty ways did lead to him being quite well-off.

And without his bank account, these characters would not be able to do half of the funny and fascinating things that have been featured on this TV show.

Worst: Irresponsible

frank reynolds playground

On the other hand, he is not very responsible. Think of what he could have and do with his wealth… and then look back at all the games and pranks on this series, and think about how scary Frank and Charlie’s apartment is.

Could he not at least set aside a little bit for a housing upgrade?

Best: A Good Friend

The Gang watching a movie in It's Always Sunny

While Dennis, Dee, Charlie, Mac, and Frank are all egotistical and irresponsible, they are true friends. Yes, they make fun of one another and have caused each other pain over the years, but deep down, they care about The Gang.

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Frank, in particular, is sort of a mentor to Mac. He says he wants to be there for his kids (though he is not very nice to either of them, especially Dee). He offers all of them guidance and assistance (in his own twisted way). And he does act as a friend/father figure to Charlie.

Worst: Not The Best Father

Frank and Charlie gesturing next to each other in It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia.

Speaking of being a dad… Dennis, Dee, and Mac are all Frank’s adopted children, and Charlie is possibly his biological son. However, he was not there for any of them when they were children, and he certainly acts more like a buddy than a parent nowadays. 

While they may appreciate his friendship, Dennis, Dee, Mac, and Charlie’s issues could be partially explained due to absent fathers.

Best: Up For Anything

Frank It's Always Sunny

Part of what makes Frank so fun to be around is that he is up for anything. Sure, The Gang could stay in the bar all day, working and making money.

Instead, though, they make enemies, film movies, stalk people, play games and do all the insane things that make Always Sunny so entertaining.

Worst: Makes Some Questionable Decisions 

always sunny frank

While it is good TV, it is frightening to think about these characters as real people. Every episode features at least one bad decision, and since Frank is the leader of the group, he has definitely made some questionable choices over the years.

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From hurting his friends and strangers to wasting money and time, fans should be prepared for anything with The Warthog around!

Best: Resourceful 

always sunny frank

One of Frank’s greatest strengths would be his resourcefulness. His past work experience and The Gang’s current schemes show that he can think creatively, execute plans in efficient ways, and make things happen… for better or for worse.

He may trick people into trouble and out of their money, but it has to be admitted: He is clever and imaginative!

Worst: Has Some Gross Habits

frank reynolds hand sanitizer

There is one more negative trait seen in Frank Reynolds: He doesn’t care what he looks like or does all day any longer, so he really is just gross.

The way he dresses, his lack of hygiene, his consumption of food, and harmful substances… He can leave little to be desired, but he does get the ladies (well… some of them, who are as unique as he is)!

NEXT: Danny DeVito: His 5 Best (& 5 Worst) Films, According To IMDb