The Meaning Behind The Song: Cleanin’ Up the Town by The BusBoys - Old Time Music
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The Meaning Behind The Song: Cleanin’ Up the Town by The BusBoys


The Meaning Behind The Song: Cleanin’ Up the Town by The BusBoys


Title Artist Writer/Composer Album Release Date Genre Producer
Cleanin’ Up the Town The BusBoys Brian O’Neal & Kevin O’Neal Ghostbusters (Original Soundtrack Album) (1984) 1984 Rock N/A

The Song: Cleanin’ Up the Town by The BusBoys

Released for the Ghostbusters Original Soundtrack, “Cleanin’ Up the Town,” performed by The BusBoys, was the 2nd Track for the Movie Ghostbusters. When Peter Velkman, Ray Stantz, and Egon Spengler receive a call from a haunted hotel, they respond, and “Cleanin’ Up the Town” plays while they get ready. This catchy rock song sets the stage for the Ghostbusters to embark on their mission to rid the city of troublesome ghosts and restore order.

The lyrics of “Cleanin’ Up the Town” capture the essence of the movie’s plot. The song tells the story of a town plagued by mischievous and malevolent ghosts. The mayor and the townspeople are in a state of panic, overwhelmed by the chaos caused by these supernatural beings. However, they know that there is hope – the Ghostbusters, a group of individuals with a fearless mission to confront and eliminate these spectral entities.

The chorus, “They went boxing and trapping and shooting through the joint, Stepped right in and got down to the point, Those Ghostbusters came in cleanin’ up the town, oh yeah!” highlights the action-packed nature of the Ghostbusters’ interventions. The lyrics evoke a sense of excitement and triumph as the Ghostbusters use their specialized equipment, such as the iconic Ectomobile and the proton packs, to catch and contain the ghosts that wreak havoc on the town.

The song’s bridge emphasizes the effectiveness of the Ghostbusters’ methods, stating, “You should see those specters in a trance, Saying ‘Those boys make ’em dance!'” This line symbolizes the control and authority the Ghostbusters have over the supernatural world. The ghosts, once causing chaos, are now brought under control and made to dance to the tune of the Ghostbusters’ actions.

Personally, “Cleanin’ Up the Town” has always held a special place in my heart. Growing up in the 1980s, Ghostbusters was one of my favorite movies, and this song became synonymous with the film. Every time I hear it, I am transported back to the excitement and wonder I felt as a child watching the Ghostbusters valiantly battle ghosts and save the day.

The lyrics of the song resonate with me on a deeper level as well. “Cleanin’ Up the Town” conveys the idea that in the face of chaos, fear, or adversity, there are always individuals who step up to confront the challenges head-on. It reminds me of the importance of taking action, facing our fears, and working together to solve problems, no matter how daunting they may seem.

Moreover, “Cleanin’ Up the Town” embodies the spirit of camaraderie and teamwork. The song celebrates the unity among the Ghostbusters as they join forces to combat the supernatural forces threatening their city. It serves as a reminder that when working together towards a common goal, we can achieve remarkable things.

In conclusion, “Cleanin’ Up the Town” by The BusBoys captures the essence of the Ghostbusters movie and the heroic mission of the Ghostbusters themselves. With its catchy rock sound and empowering lyrics, the song serves as a rallying cry for taking action and facing challenges head-on. Personally, this song holds nostalgic value and resonates with me on a deeper level, reminding me of the importance of unity, teamwork, and standing up against adversity.

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