How To Download Apex Legends On PC |
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How To Download Apex Legends On PC



Apex Legends has taken the gaming world by storm since its release, captivating players with its fast-paced gameplay, unique characters, and strategic team-based battles. Developed by Respawn Entertainment and published by Electronic Arts, this free-to-play battle royale game has gained a massive following, attracting millions of players worldwide.

In Apex Legends, you join a squad of three players, forming a team of legends with distinct abilities and strengths. Your mission is to outlast and outgun other squads in an ever-shrinking arena, utilizing your skills, weapons, and teamwork to emerge as the last team standing. The intense action, immersive gameplay, and constant updates have made Apex Legends a must-play for any gaming enthusiast.

To embark on your Apex Legends adventure, you’ll need to download and install the game on your PC. In this article, we’ll walk you through the step-by-step process of downloading Apex Legends so you can start experiencing the adrenaline-pumping battles firsthand.

But first, let’s make sure your PC meets the minimum system requirements to run Apex Legends smoothly. This will ensure that you have the best possible gaming experience without any technical issues or lags.


System Requirements

Before diving into the downloading process, it’s important to verify that your PC meets the minimum system requirements for Apex Legends. This will ensure that the game runs smoothly and you can fully enjoy the thrilling gameplay.

Here are the minimum and recommended system requirements:

Minimum System Requirements:
– Operating System: 64-bit Windows 7
– Processor: Intel Core i3-6300 3.8GHz / AMD FX-4350 4.2 GHz Quad-Core Processor
– Memory: 6GB RAM
– Graphics: NVIDIA GeForce GT 640 / Radeon HD 7700
– DirectX: Version 11
– Storage: 22GB available space

Recommended System Requirements:
– Operating System: 64-bit Windows 10
– Processor: Intel i5 3570K or equivalent
– Memory: 8GB RAM
– Graphics: Nvidia GeForce GTX 970 / AMD Radeon R9 290
– DirectX: Version 11
– Storage: 22GB available space

Make sure your PC meets at least the minimum requirements to avoid any performance issues or compatibility problems. If your system falls below these requirements, you may experience lag, crashes, or other technical difficulties while playing Apex Legends.

It’s worth noting that these requirements may vary depending on future updates and expansions of the game. Therefore, it’s always a good idea to check for any updated system requirements on the official Apex Legends website or within the game itself.

Once you’ve confirmed that your system meets the minimum requirements, you’re ready to proceed with the download and installation process. We’ll guide you through each step to ensure a smooth and hassle-free experience.


Step 1: Create an Origin Account

To download and play Apex Legends on your PC, you’ll need to have an Origin account. Origin is a gaming platform developed by Electronic Arts (EA), and it serves as the launcher for Apex Legends. If you already have an Origin account, you can skip to the next step. If not, follow these simple steps to create one:

1. Visit the official Origin website – Open your preferred web browser and go to the official Origin website at

2. Click on “Create an Account” – Look for the “Create an Account” option and click on it. This will take you to the account creation page.

3. Fill in the required details – On the account creation page, you’ll be asked to provide your email address, create a password, and enter your date of birth. Make sure to choose a secure password to protect your account.

4. Agree to the terms and conditions – Read through the terms and conditions and privacy policy, then check the box to indicate that you agree to them.

5. Complete the verification process – Depending on your location, you may need to verify your account through email or text message. Follow the instructions provided to complete the verification process.

6. Choose a username – Once your account is verified, you’ll need to choose a unique username for your Origin account. This will be the name that other players see when you play Apex Legends.

7. Finish the account creation – After choosing your username, you may be prompted to provide additional details or preferences. Fill in the required information and make any desired changes, then click on “Continue” to complete the account creation process.

Congratulations! You now have an Origin account, which will allow you to download and play Apex Legends on your PC. In the next step, we’ll guide you through the process of downloading and installing the Origin launcher.


Step 2: Download and Install Origin

Once you have created your Origin account, it’s time to download and install the Origin launcher on your PC. This launcher will serve as the platform for accessing and playing Apex Legends. Follow these steps to get started:

1. Go to the Origin website – Open your web browser and navigate to the official Origin website at

2. Sign in to your account – Enter your email address and password to sign in to your newly created Origin account.

3. Locate the Download button – Look for the “Download” button on the Origin website. It is usually located at the top-right corner of the page.

4. Click on Download – Click on the Download button to initiate the download process. This will download the Origin installer to your PC.

5. Run the installer – Locate the downloaded file (usually in your Downloads folder) and double-click on it to run the Origin installer.

6. Follow the on-screen prompts – The installer will guide you through the installation process. Follow the on-screen prompts to proceed with the installation. You may be asked to choose the installation location or customize certain settings. Make your selections and click “Next” to continue.

7. Wait for the installation to complete – The installer will copy the necessary files and install Origin on your PC. This process may take a few minutes, so be patient and allow it to complete.

8. Sign in to Origin – Once the installation is finished, launch Origin by double-clicking on the desktop shortcut or searching for it in the Start menu. Sign in using your Origin account credentials.

Congratulations! You have successfully downloaded and installed the Origin launcher. You are now one step closer to enjoying the exhilarating battles in Apex Legends. In the next step, we’ll guide you through the process of logging in to your Origin account.


Step 3: Launch Origin and Login

With Origin installed on your PC, it’s time to launch the application and log in to your account. Follow these simple steps to get started:

1. Locate the Origin shortcut – Look for the Origin shortcut on your desktop or search for “Origin” in the Start menu. Double-click on the shortcut to launch the application.

2. Enter your login credentials – On the Origin login screen, enter the email address and password associated with your Origin account. Make sure to enter the correct information to access your account.

3. Click “Sign In” – Once you have entered your login credentials, click on the “Sign In” button to log in to your Origin account. This will take you to the Origin home screen.

4. Verify your login – If it’s your first time logging in to a new device or location, Origin may require additional verification. This could involve entering a verification code sent to your email or phone number. Follow the instructions provided to complete the verification process.

5. Stay logged in (optional) – If you want to skip the login process in the future, you can check the “Remember Me” box on the login screen. This will keep you logged in until you choose to sign out.

Once you have successfully logged in to your Origin account, you are ready to proceed with downloading Apex Legends. In the next step, we’ll guide you on how to search for Apex Legends within the Origin platform.


Step 4: Search for Apex Legends

Now that you are logged in to your Origin account, it’s time to search for Apex Legends within the Origin platform. Follow these steps to find the game:

1. Navigate to the Store – From the Origin home screen, click on the “Store” tab located at the top of the window. This will take you to the Origin store.

2. Search for Apex Legends – On the store page, you can either scroll down to find the Apex Legends banner or use the search bar within the store. Type “Apex Legends” in the search bar and press enter.

3. Select Apex Legends – Once you have found Apex Legends in the search results, click on its icon or title to navigate to the game’s page.

4. Explore Apex Legends page – On the Apex Legends page, you can find detailed information about the game, such as its description, system requirements, and user reviews. Take your time to read through the information and get familiar with the game.

5. Add Apex Legends to your library – If you’re ready to download and play Apex Legends, click on the “Add to Library” or “Get It Now” button. This will add the game to your Origin library.

By following these steps, you have successfully searched for Apex Legends and added it to your Origin library. In the next step, we’ll guide you through the process of downloading the game onto your PC.


Step 5: Click on Apex Legends and Select “Download”

Now that you have added Apex Legends to your Origin library, it’s time to initiate the download process. Follow these steps to start downloading the game onto your PC:

1. Access your Origin library – From the Origin home screen, click on the “My Game Library” tab located at the top of the window. This will take you to your library, where all your games are listed.

2. Locate Apex Legends – In your library, find Apex Legends among the list of games. You can either scroll through the library or use the search bar to quickly locate it.

3. Click on Apex Legends – Once you have found Apex Legends, click on its title or icon to open the game’s page within your library.

4. Select “Download” – On the Apex Legends page, you should see a “Download” button or an option to install the game. Click on this button to start the download process.

5. Choose the installation location (optional) – If you want to install Apex Legends to a specific location on your PC, you may be prompted to choose the installation directory. Select your preferred location or leave it as the default setting, then click “Next” or “Install” to proceed.

6. Check the download progress – After clicking “Download,” you will see a progress bar indicating the download status. Depending on your internet connection speed, the download may take some time. Be patient and let the download complete.

7. Monitor the installation – Once the download is complete, the installation process will automatically begin. You can monitor the installation progress through the progress bar. Allow the installation to complete without interrupting it.

By following these steps, you have successfully clicked on Apex Legends and initiated the download process. In the next step, we’ll guide you through the installation of Apex Legends onto your PC.


Step 6: Wait for the Download to Complete

After clicking on the “Download” button for Apex Legends, you will need to wait for the download to complete. This step requires patience, as the download time can vary depending on the speed of your internet connection and the size of the game files. Follow these guidelines while waiting:

1. Be patient – The download process for Apex Legends can take a significant amount of time, especially if you have a slower internet connection. It is important to be patient and let the download run its course. Avoid interrupting the download or closing the Origin client during this time.

2. Monitor the download progress – As the download proceeds, you can monitor its progress through a progress bar or percentage display, which should be visible in the Origin client. This will give you an idea of how much of the game has been downloaded and how much is remaining.

3. Optimize your internet connection – To speed up the download process, ensure that you have a stable and fast internet connection. If possible, avoid using other bandwidth-intensive activities, such as streaming videos or downloading large files, while Apex Legends is being downloaded. This will help allocate more bandwidth to the game download and potentially speed up the process.

4. Stay connected to the internet – To ensure a successful and uninterrupted download, make sure you remain connected to the internet throughout the entire process. If your connection is lost during the download, it may pause or fail, requiring you to restart the process.

5. Take breaks if necessary – If the download time is taking longer than expected, you can take short breaks to avoid staring at the progress screen for an extended period. However, make sure to periodically check on the download progress to ensure that it is proceeding smoothly.

By following these guidelines and waiting for the download to complete, you are one step closer to experiencing the thrilling battles of Apex Legends on your PC. In the next step, we will guide you through the installation process.


Step 7: Install Apex Legends

Once the download of Apex Legends is complete, the next step is to install the game on your PC. Follow these steps to complete the installation process:

1. Locate the installation file – In the Origin client, navigate to your library and find Apex Legends among your games. Click on its title or icon to open the game’s page.

2. Start the installation – On the Apex Legends page, you should see an “Install” button. Click on it to begin the installation process. The installation wizard will guide you through the necessary steps.

3. Choose the installation location (optional) – You may be prompted to choose the directory where you want to install Apex Legends. You can either select a specific folder or leave it as the default location.

4. Review the installation settings – The installation wizard may present additional options or settings related to the installation process. Take a moment to review these settings and make any desired changes.

5. Begin the installation – Once you are satisfied with the installation settings, click on “Next” or “Install” to begin the installation process. The files needed for Apex Legends will be extracted and copied to the chosen installation location on your PC.

6. Wait for the installation to complete – The installation process may take some time, depending on the speed of your system and the size of the game files. Monitor the progress bar or percentage display to see the installation status. Avoid interrupting the installation by closing the Origin client or turning off your PC.

7. Launch Apex Legends – Once the installation is finished, you will see an option to launch Apex Legends. Click on it to start the game and begin your adventure in the exciting world of Apex Legends.

By following these steps, you have successfully installed Apex Legends on your PC. In the next step, we’ll guide you on how to launch the game and start playing with your friends.


Step 8: Launch Apex Legends and Start Playing

Now that Apex Legends is installed on your PC, it’s time to launch the game and jump into the action-packed battles. Follow these steps to get started:

1. Open the Origin client – Launch the Origin client on your PC by clicking on the desktop shortcut or searching for “Origin” in the Start menu.

2. Sign in to your Origin account – If you’re not already signed in, enter your Origin account credentials to log in. Make sure to use the same account you used to download and install Apex Legends.

3. Navigate to your game library – Once you’re signed in, click on the “My Game Library” tab located at the top of the Origin client. This will take you to your library, where all of your installed games are listed.

4. Locate Apex Legends – In your library, find Apex Legends among your installed games. You can either scroll through the list or use the search function to quickly locate it.

5. Launch Apex Legends – Once you’ve found Apex Legends, click on its title or game icon to launch the game. The game will start loading, and you will be taken to the main menu.

6. Customize your settings (optional) – Before jumping into a match, you may want to customize your in-game settings, including graphics, audio, and controls. Take a few moments to adjust these settings according to your preferences.

7. Start playing – With your settings configured, you’re now ready to start playing Apex Legends. Select the game mode you wish to play, either solo, duo, or in a squad, and join the queue to find a match.

8. Coordinate with your team – Once in the game, communicate and strategize with your teammates to gain the upper hand in battles. Make use of your legend’s unique abilities and work together to outsmart and outgun your opponents.

Now, immerse yourself in the thrilling world of Apex Legends and experience the intense battles, exhilarating moments, and unforgettable victories that await you. Enjoy the game and may your squad emerge victorious!



Congratulations! You have successfully downloaded, installed, and launched Apex Legends on your PC. By following the step-by-step guide provided in this article, you are now ready to embark on your journey into the world of intense battles and strategic gameplay.

Apex Legends has quickly become one of the most popular battle royale games, captivating players with its fast-paced action, unique characters, and team-based mechanics. As you dive into the game, remember to communicate and coordinate with your teammates to increase your chances of victory.

Before starting your first match, take some time to explore the game’s settings and customize them according to your preferences. Adjusting graphics, audio, and control settings will help ensure a smooth and enjoyable gaming experience.

As you progress through Apex Legends, you can also explore additional features and updates introduced in the game. Respawn Entertainment and Electronic Arts frequently release new content, such as new legends, weapons, maps, and limited-time events. Stay updated and make the most of these additions to keep the game fresh and exciting.

Remember to regularly check for updates to keep your game client up to date with the latest improvements and bug fixes. Keeping your game updated will ensure that you have the best performance and access to new features.

Now that you are armed with the knowledge and understanding of how to download, install, and launch Apex Legends, it’s time to dive into the action. Gather your friends, choose your favorite legend, and show your skills as you compete against other players in the intense battles of Apex Legends. Good luck and have fun!

Happy gaming!

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