witness - Traducci�n al espa�ol – Linguee

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Fuentes externas (espa�ol → ingl�s)(ES → EN)

All have borne witness with the painful [...]
sacrifice of their lives in fidelity to Christ.
Todos han testimoniado con el sacrificio [...]
cruento de la vida su fidelidad a Cristo.
The court will on request for the
[...] benefit of an accused or a witness grant permission for specialist [...]
linguists to attend.
Previa petici�n y en beneficio
[...] del acusado o de un testigo, el tribunal autorizar� la presencia [...]
de expertos ling�istas.
He was told that his participation in
[...] the parade was as a witness and not as a person [...]
accused of the crime in question.
Se le dijo que su participaci�n en la rueda
[...] era en calidad de testigo y no de acusado del [...]
delito en cuesti�n.
The most comprehensive witness protection is guaranteed [...]
when the defendant is unable to identify the person who has testified against them.
La protecci�n m�s completa del testigo queda garantizada cuando [...]
el acusado no puede identificar a la persona que ha testificado contra �l.
They have clout
[...] as the people who witness and attempt to alleviate [...]
this suffering.
Ellos tienen influencia
[...] como personas que presencian e intentan aliviar [...]
ese sufrimiento.
C. Preservation of and access to archives bearing witness to violations
C. Preservaci�n y consulta de los archivos a fin de determinar las violaciones
And the sun will bear witness to what we do by day.
El sol ser� testigo de lo que hagamos durante el d�a.
History is a witness of the allergy to conversion [...]
of the people in the early years of the conquest.
La historia es testigo de la alergia a la [...]
conversi�n por parte de la gente en los primeros a�os de la conquista.
They were reportedly acquitted for lack of evidence following earlier
[...] allegations of witness intimidation.
Seg�n se dice, fueron absueltos por falta de pruebas tras las primeras
[...] alegaciones de intimidaci�n de testigos.
In this story, we cannot fail to be fascinated by this illiterate young girl who
[...] was chosen as the witness to such a great and [...]
luminous mystery.
Todos recordamos en esta historia
el encanto de esta peque�a analfabeta que fue elegida
[...] entre todos como testimonio de un misterio [...]
tan grande y luminoso.
I refuse to witness humanity going through [...]
that gateway.
Me reh�so a ser testigo del tr�nsito de [...]
la humanidad por esas puertas.
Without humanitarian personnel, many of the chaotic
[...] situations that we witness would be even more [...]
Sin el personal humanitario, muchas de las situaciones ca�ticas de
[...] las que hemos sido testigos ser�an a�n m�s ca�ticas.
The two thousand years since the birth of Christ are marked
[...] by the ever-presence witness of the martyrs.
Los dos mil a�os desde el nacimiento de Cristo est�n marcados
[...] por el persistente testimonio de los m�rtires.
A quick look back at the past achievements of this Conference is the best witness of what this body is capable of doing.
Basta recordar por un instante los logros alcanzados por esta Conferencia en el pasado para saber de qu� es capaz.
In just a few
[...] minutes we bear witness to its most outstanding [...]
achievements as well as its most atrocious consequences.
En escasos minutos somos testigos de sus logros m�s [...]
destacados pero tambi�n de sus consecuencias m�s atroces.
I have been witness to a unique effort [...]
in that direction.
He sido testigo de un singular esfuerzo [...]
en esa direcci�n.
And as the eclipse sped across a great swathe of the earth, millions of people saw millions of
[...] other people witness the moon blot [...]
out the sun.
Y mientras �ste avanzaba con rapidez sobre un gran
sector de la Tierra, muchos
[...] millones de personas ve�an a otros muchos [...]
millones observando c�mo la luna oscurec�a al sol.
Is that not
[...] what we want to witness in L'Arche and in [...]
Faith and Light?
�Acaso no es verdad que ah�
[...] encontramos el testimonio de El Arca y de [...]
Fe y Luz?
But the immense cultural legacy of that medieval
[...] civilization bears witness to the vigour [...]
of that blend of cultures and the breadth
of vision with which it was governed for so many years.
Pero la vasta obra de cultura que esta civilizaci�n medieval leg�
[...] al mundo, da testimonio de la riqueza [...]
del mestizaje y la amplitud de miras con
que se gobern� durante largos a�os.
It is absolutely clear that the Conference on
[...] Disarmament continues to witness difficulties, both structural [...]
and substantive.
Resulta evidente que la
[...] Conferencia sigue experimentando dificultades, tanto [...]
de orden estructural como sustantivo.
(ii) Consider possible
[...] ways to review witness protection orders [...]
and decisions with a view to withdrawing or varying those that are no longer necessary
ii) Examinar posibles m�todos para
revisar las providencias y decisiones sobre
[...] protecci�n de testigos con miras a dejar [...]
sin efecto o modificar las que ya no sean necesarias
Outreach 2010: A
[...] Decade of Outreach in Witness to the Gospel
Labor de extensi�n 2010: Una d�cada de trabajo para acercarse
[...] a los dem�s en testimonio al evangelio
He likes school and is learning to read, interests
[...] his father is proud to witness firsthand.
A �l le gusta la escuela y est� aprendiendo a leer, intereses que su padre
[...] est� orgulloso de presenciar en persona.
Films bear comprehensive witness to our times.
Las pel�culas son un amplio testimonio de nuestros tiempos.
The date of the hearing had been notified two months in advance;
[...] if an important witness was absent, this [...]
was a personal decision and did not justify postponing the hearing.
La fecha de la audiencia se hab�a
comunicado debidamente dos meses antes;
[...] la ausencia de un testigo importante fue fruto [...]
de una decisi�n personal y no justificaba un retraso de la audiencia.
Christ chose her to be the first witness of his divine nature.
Cristo la elige
[...] precisamente a ella como primera testigo de su naturaleza divina.
In contrast, the reforms implemented in Saudi Arabia in recent years have born witness to an unprecedented engagement of citizens in helping to shape the future direction of their country.
En contraste, las reformas implementadas en Arabia Saud� en a�os recientes han mostrado un compromiso sin precedentes de los ciudadanos por ayudar a dise�ar la futura direcci�n de su pa�s.
The main witness, Giovanny V�squez, renounced [...]
his testimony, saying it was part of a set-up planned in the attorney general's office.
El principal testigo, Giovanny V�squez, [...]
se retract� de su testimonio, diciendo que era parte de un montaje planeado en la fiscal�a general.
Some public
[...] officials that the witness mentioned in her [...]
statement were investigated during this criminal action; their statements were received.
Algunos de los funcionarios
[...] p�blicos que la testigo ha mencionado en [...]
su declaraci�n, fueron investigados en este proceso
penal; se les recibi� la declaraci�n.
On the basis of a report, the human rights
[...] organisation Global Witness concluded that the western [...]
world is turning a blind eye
to the activities of Dos Santos because it is fishing for lucrative oil contracts.
La organizaci�n para la defensa de los
[...] derechos humanos Global Witness concluye sobre la base [...]
de un informe que los pa�ses occidentales
cierran los ojos antes las actividades de Dos Santos porque intentan sonsacar lucrativos contratos petroleros.
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