diggin the hair

Afternoon greetings to all

Hello to all.

EGA isn't a style for me as it is a state of mind.  I may not dress the part everyday, but some part of my daily wardrobe will include some vintage EGA accessory.  I'm the avid reader who likes to slow down, literally smell the roses and engage in civilized banter with good friends over tea.  I love browsing through thrift stores (the REAL ones, not the trendy ones) because people get rid of some amazing stuff.   And I never know where I'm going to come across a piece that I simply MUST own.  To me, it's not about the money, but how well you put everything together and make it uniquely yours.

The most interesting aspect I've noticed about EGA is (at least for me) it isn't all that different from what I'd been wearing as a Romantic Goth for years.  I have read that EGA seldom wear heavier materials such as velvet and brocade, but I've paired a tiered velvet skirt with a black lace blouse and red waist cincher and been along my merry little way.  Someone once told me that EGA is for "older" people, but that's just too limiting.  I know a 50 year-old mom who wears both Sweet and Gothic Lolita extremely well.  It all depends on what works.

I'm old enough to partake of absinthe, and can dance the Volta with no mean skill.  I think that men look a lot better in waistcoats and buskin trousers a la Mr. Darcy. 
  • Current Music
    Versailles Philharmonic Quintet - After Cloudia
Cupcake Lolita!

Aristocrat Outfit

Recently I had to do a selection of Lolita fashion photographs, one of which I decided to do an Aristocrat fashion style, so I thought I would share the outfit with this community :)

Photographer: Myself (Alicen Wonderland)
Model: Azami Spider
Wardrobe & Styling: Myself (Alicen Wonderland)

Outfit rundown:

Blouse: Btssb
Waspie: Dragons Blood Creations
Skirt: Local store
Gloves: eQuip
Mini top hat: Candy Violet
Brooch: local shop
Rose: Toys'R'Us

New to EGA

A friend recently introduced me to the Aristocratic style, and I immediately fell in love. I live in Southern California (Los Angeles area) and am an unpaid minor, restricting exactly what I can buy.

Can anyone who lives in or knows the area suggest a few inexpensive places that I might start trying to piece together outfits? Any and all help is appreciated. Thanks~
  • Current Music
    The Beautiful People - Marilyn Manson

New girl

Hello everyone, I'm Fortuna, and while I've harbored a facination for the gothic aristocrat and lolita styles, I have been unable to partake in expressing such facination through fashion, so long as I'm an unpaid minor living in my mother's house.
But recently I've come to an accord with my mother.  She will start to allow me to go to thrift stores to find things I think are suitable, but until I'm out of the house, I can't wear full ensembles.
My question, I suppose, is what do you all suggest I should do to add the flair of EGA to my outfits without upsetting my mother?
too cute


This was my first hat ever made; it is full of mistakes, re-dos and non-useful bits. The majority was made in 2007, but I never could find a satisfactory method of keeping it on my head.

Yesterday, I stitched a ribbon to it to tie on and that did the trick. Now it fits on my head instead perching and flopping.

Mini Top Hat, front Mini Top Hat
Okay, not technically finished... there is some stitching inside that needs to be completed. However, it's wearable, as I proved Saturday night, clubbing at Velocity. 01FEB09 Tempe, AZ

more picsCollapse )
BTW, the back "poof" is interchangeable. In the photo, it's just a sequined netting bow pinned in with a black flower broach. When worn in LA, it had two burgundy rose broaches holding in a swooping feather.

still on the search for a skirt...

 So I purchased a skirt, underbust corset and pannier from Fan + Friend.  The corset came out great, however I cannot say the same for the skirt and pannier.   The pannier arrived way too big.  And the skirt I ordered long for aristocrat style.  They ended up making it 10 inches shorter than the length I had given them.

So now I'm still on the look out for a long aristocrat skirt, and a good crinoline and petticoat.  I greatly dislike working with tulle so I hope there is a petticoat I can buy somewhere.  Anyone know of good sources for these?  Thanks muchly.  I hope to post pictures soon, I still have to find some clothing though.

edit:  another clothing order mishap.  Seems i am again in need of a white aristocrat blouse.  If anyone knows where I can get one please let me know thanks!