Meat Loaf's Daughter Pearl Pays Tribute to Late Rocker: 'Love You With My Whole Heart'

Meat Loaf died on Thursday night at age 74

Meat Loaf, Pearl Aday
Meat Loaf and Pearl Aday. Photo: Angela Weiss/Getty

Late rocker Meat Loaf's daughter paid tribute to him on Saturday with a sweet nod to one of his biggest hits.

Pearl Aday shared a pair of Instagram posts two days after Meat Loaf died on Thursday night at age 74.

In the first post, she shared a photo of her father on stage, his arms outstretched to a large audience as if he were embracing his fans.

She captioned it with lyrics from the song "Bat Out of Hell": "And the last thing I see is my heart/Still beating, still beating/Breaking out of my body/And flying away/Like a bat out of hell," she wrote, adding, "We love you, Dad."

She then shared a photo that showed her hugging her father from behind, writing, "I love you always, no matter what. I love you with my whole heart. We got you. Forever."

Pearl, a musician, was born to Meat Loaf's first wife Leslie, and the Grammy-winning singer adopted her as a young child.

Pearl is married to Anthrax guitarist Scott Ian, who shared a moving tribute post of his own to Meat Loaf.

"There are so many stories to tell, and I know they will all be told over time," he wrote on Instagram. "For now, what I know is that Meat's legacy will live on through his family – Pearl, Amanda and Revel. Their forever love for their father/grandfather (Papa Meat) outweighs the heaviness of their hearts. ……… Thank you to everyone for the outpouring of love, we feel it. ……….. I love you Meat. …………."

Pearl's sister Amanda Aday previously opened up to PEOPLE in an exclusive interview on Saturday, calling Meat Loaf a "complex man with a lot of passion, who wore his heart on his sleeve."

Amanda said she and Pearl "lived a very dichotomous life" as the rocker's daughters, growing up on tour buses as they traveled with their dad around the world.

When they would return home, however, "it was home and he was just dad," she said. "He wasn't Meat Loaf anymore."

When Meat Loaf wasn't working, he was actively involved in his children's lives — from directing school plays to coaching their softball teams. He was very much a typical dad outside of his public persona, according to Amanda.

"If we didn't get good grades, we were grounded, and all of that stuff," she said. "So, it was very much, when we weren't out on tour living this crazy life, it was very important to him that we were grounded in our home."

RELATED VIDEO: Rock Legend Meat Loaf Dead at 74

"As soon as we could, we just went to his bedside at the hospital and just sat with him and held his hand," Amanda recalled, adding that she is "very thankful" that both she and her sister had a chance to see their father before he died.

Deborah, Meat Loaf's wife whom he married in 2007, also gave PEOPLE an exclusive statement, saying the artist was her "world…from the day we met."

"The grief I feel over the loss of my husband is gut-wrenching. I was lying close to Michael when he took his last breath and my sadness is beyond words. I've always called him by his given name because I didn't see him as 'Meat.' I feel much gratitude for the outpouring of love I have received from around the world," she said.

She added, "Our life together was an adventure. He was my best friend, my confidant, my lover and I miss him terribly already. As much as my heart is in pain right now, my heart is also so full of the love and glory we shared together. I will love you forever, Michael."