American Animation struggled to shake its status as kids-only content for decades. The easy appeal of talking animals is often too much to resist, and Disney's enduring popularity reinforces the notion that all cartoons are children-friendly with every new crop of films. Matt Groening helped change that with The Simpsons by introducing an entire generation to the idea that simply drawn cartoons could appeal to people old enough to vote. It was groundbreaking, and it continued into Groening's cult classic, Futurama, which further widened the scope of what animation could accomplish.

In the current decade, adult animation is nothing new, thanks to the proliferation of Japanese anime and subsequent popularity of shows like Aqua Teen Hunger Force. In contrast, Futurama looks far more family friendly than it first appeared, even as it endures over the years. It's raised the question of whether it's acceptable material for kids or not. Mileage may vary by individual, and tweeners may be more in tune with its sensibilities than younger children. But by and large, the show (which was recently revived on Hulu) is written for adults with adult sensibilities in mind.

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Futurama Embraces a PG-13 Ethos

Futurama's Bender stares at the viewer while smoking and holding a prop gun

Futurama looks kid friendly at first glance with its colorful landscapes and characters based on Groening's visually simple cartoon drawings. Its narrative centers around a team of diverse characters -- the employees of Planet Express -- who bicker their way through various misadventures in a manner similar to countless family-oriented animated series before it. There are even musical numbers, along with a quiet sincerity that pokes out just often enough to make the characters more than running jokes. It feels reasonably tame when compared to the likes of The Venture Bros., which suggests that younger viewers might like it.

In truth, Futurama has always lived in the PG-13 zone, at least as far as explicitness is concerned. It can be quite frank in its descriptions of sex, for instance, but they remain largely descriptive. There are few instances of nudity, and while the show has a surprising amount of violence, it's disguised somewhat by the often-surreal storylines and embellished animation style. The show isn't above the odd fart joke either, and a plethora of gross-out gags are cunningly hidden behind the strange -- and often very slimy -- aliens the crew encounters. That kind of content belongs squarely to the junior-high school ethos, to which Futurama enthusiastically subscribes.

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Futurama Has Never Been for Kids

Fry's dog Seymour waits for him in front of Panucci's Pizza in Futurama

Despite its appearances, Futurama was always aimed squarely at an adult audience -- not only in its overt content, but in its underlying tone as well. The satire lies in how much darkness can be found just below the show's candy-colored surface. Its future world is viciously indifferent to anguish and suffering, as evinced by gags like the suicide booth and the genocidal plans of Morbo the Annihilator. Its protagonists are also often selfish and callow, most notably Bender, who is sometimes questioned to be evil. Additionally, Futurama's universe takes a turn for the actively horrifying just often enough to catch viewers off-guard.

More than its content, however, Futurama has a surprisingly bleak outlook sometimes. Its characters often grapple with issues of existentialism and despair. Happy endings are revealed as hollow shams more often than not, and threats like the holiday-themed Robot Santa are terrifyingly omnipresent. It makes for potent satire, and has helped the show become a cult classic all its own, but it definitely takes some grown-up seasoning to process.

To some extent Futurama remains a product of its time, when expectations were very different and pushing boundaries didn't require modern extremities. With the media landscape wide open and even the likes of Star Trek embracing animation meant for adults, it comes across as gentler than it once did. That doesn't change its intended audience, however, or the adults-only content that has nothing to do with fart jokes.

Futurama is available to stream on Hulu.