The Flash Recap With Spoilers: Everything You Missed in "Keep It Dark"

This season on The Flash, Team Flash has had a lot to contend with, between Despero in "Armageddon", Deathstorm and the death of Frost, and Iris' time sickness. Iris' time sickness is an issue that has continued to challenge the team, with Iris seemingly lost somewhere in time and the team light on leads of how to save her. However, this week, it looks like there is another threat that the team will have to face when another meta shows up in Central City that has Barry worried that Reverse Flash might be back. Need to find out what happened on this week's episode of The Flash? We've got you covered with our recap, but just know that there are full spoilers for "Keep "It Dark" beyond this point.

Episode opens with The Flash racing to a fire at a lab, but when he arrives, he is greeted as though he's already saved the day. He's told by the people there that he already saved them and put out the fire, leading Barry to believe that there's a new speedster in town. Barry goes to talk to Joe about things and it turns out that Caitlin is not on good terms with Barry after he destroyed her work trying to bring back Frost. At CCC Media, Allegra is running the show, Taylor is trying to identify a "new hero" working with The Flash — but it's Allegra so she tries to keep Taylor from going too far. Allegra gets a text from her friend. Apparently, their old gang, the Arañas is ramping up and becoming violent and causing big problems for her, so she has to leave town. Allegra wants her to help stop them by exposing them in the media. However, they're being watched by the gang.

Barry and Chester investigate the crime scene and start to think that the mystery speedster might have actually started the fire, specifically as a distraction to steal something. Barry realizes he needs to go talk to Thawne so off to Lian Yu he goes.

At CCC Media, Allegra briefs the team about Dr. Light and Sunshine, who are now running the Arañas. Allegra wants to run with the live interview right that evening, but the team has their doubts, especially Taylor who is seriously suspicious of Allegra. It turns out, Allegra hasn't told them about her personal connection to the gang.

Before the interview can begin, they are attacked by Sunshine and Dr. Light. A fight ensues, but Chester engages some tech that keeps them space, which Allegra has to explain as being something they learned when they were attacked previously at the old Citizen. The rest of the team starts to question why Allegra knows so much about Dr. Light and Sunshine.

At Lian Yu, Barry talks with Thawne, who is pretty bitter. He goads Barry about Frost, but Barry keeps asking him questions, but the conversation really doesn't go anywhere except for Thawne to have rage and reiterate how much he hates Barry and how no speedster will ever replace him, Reverse Flash. Thawne suggest that this new speedster doesn't care about The Flash and therefore has another reason to not want to be found. Barry figures out that this speedster is hiding because they can't control their abilities and the fire was an accident.

Things are getting desperate at CCC Media, and Lydia is willing to hand herself over to save everyone else. Taylor is personally willing to sacrifice her, but everyone else is trying to save Lydia's life. Taylor then exposes Allegra's past and turns everyone against her. Freaking out, Allegra breaks down to Chester and Lydia and reveals how she ended up in jail in the first place, revealing how she botched a heist and how she feels it proves she's bad leader material. Lydia and Chuck give her a pep talk.

Allegra goes to talk to her staff and reveals her superpower to the team, she's the light meta Taylor was researching. Sunshine and Dr. Light bring down the barrier, but everyone except Allegra has vanished. While she fights them, the rest of the team sets up to interview Lydia. Allegra gets shot by Dr. Light, but she heals herself and levels up. It busy them enough time to get the broadcast live. Lydia names names and Sunshine and Dr. Light flee. The Arañas are dealt with. Lydia stays in town. The staff tells Allegra that they are going to keep her secret. Even Taylor has been swayed, though Taylor wonders how long Allegra can hide from the rest of the world.

At STAR Labs, the team gets a video message from Caitlin. She says she's not coming back for a while. As the episode ends, The Flash finds the new speedster returning the tech they stole and just wants to talk. The new speedster, a woman, reveals that her speed is artificial. The new speedster? Meena Dhawan. The Flash offers to help her.

The Flash airs Wednesdays at 8/7c on The CW.