冷藏庫的英文單字,冷藏庫的英文是什麽 - 英漢詞典


  • cold storage
    冷藏,停頓; 冷庫;
  • icebox
  • cold store
  • refrigerator
    冰箱; 冷藏庫; 制冰機,冷凍機;


凍結食品冷藏庫frozen food store

凍肉冷藏庫meat cooler

多用途冷藏庫[制冷] multipurpose cold store

絕熱壁式冷藏庫Insulated wall-type refrigerated warehouse

冷藏庫設備cold storage warehouse facility

冷庫、冷藏庫cold store

食品冷藏庫refrigerated provision store ; frozen products chamber

移動式冷藏庫[制冷] portable cold store

中轉性冷藏庫transfering cold sore


  • 4點的時候,檢察員將趕到牡蠣冷藏庫并檢測每批牡蠣上中下三點溫度。

    inspectors will come to the oyster house and insert thermometers into oysters at the top, middle and bottom of each batch.

  • 魚肉常存放在冷藏庫中.

    meat and fish are often kept in cold storage.

  • 介紹了吸附式制冷技術的原理,對吸附式制冷系統應用於中小型漁船冷藏庫魚體冷卻保鮮的方案進行了探討。

    in this paper, the principle of adsorption refrigeration technology is introduced and the project of its application to keeping fish fresh in cold storage of fishing vessels is discussed.

  • 他走了,光著腳在珊瑚石鋪的走道上向保藏魚鉺的冷藏庫走去。

    he walked off, bare-footed on the coral rocks, to the ice house where the baits were stored.

  • 冷藏庫是用來防止蛋和肉腐壞的.

    a cold storage is used to keep eggs and meat from spoiling.

  • 專業批量生產蛋糕柜、立式展示柜、不銹鋼柜、冰淇淋柜、冰淇淋蛋糕展示柜、組合式冷凍冷藏庫、速凍、風幕柜、鮮花柜等制冷設備。

    mainly produce in cake showcase, vertical show case, stainless steel case, ice-cream showcase, ice-cream cake showcase, walk-in cooler and freezer, open display case, flower showcase.

  • 他們已決定建一座大的冷藏庫

    they have made a decision to build a large refrigerated warehouse.

  • 美國零售業巨頭沃爾瑪公司規定,從2008年起,其在美國以及全球范圍內的所有冷藏庫都將采用led照明。

    and us retail major walmart has ruled that from 2008, all its deep freezers in the us and worldwide will be lit up with leds.

  • 過后用紅豆沙將草莓包住,揉成圓形,再放入冷藏庫保存備用。

    wrap each strawberry with prepared red bean paste, roll each into a ball and store them in the fridge until ready for use.

  • 因此我們在設計與建造冷藏庫時,有必要給予足夠的關注和重視。

    so , all of these should be pay more attention during cold store design.

  • 魚肉常存放在冷藏庫中。

    meat and fish are often kept in cold storage.

  • 恒溫庫和低溫冷藏庫在建筑結構及制冷系統上有很大差異,改造時需特別注意.

    this paper deals with how can cool stores be rebuilt into cold stores.

  • 冷藏庫冷藏鏈中一個關鍵性環節,而封閉式站臺及其配套設施又是冷藏庫中保證冷藏鏈「不斷鏈」的重要環節。

    cold storage is a key in cold chain . and the refrigerated docks and relative equipments is the most important sector in cold storage to ensure the integrality of cold chain.

  • 交流會現有會員超過13000人,在它大得可容人進出的冷藏庫、冷凍和地窖里,存放著數萬種傳家寶品種的種子。

    the exchange now has more than 13, 000 members and keeps in its walk-in coolers, freezers, and root cellars the seeds of many thousands of heirloom varieties.

  • 在條件許可的地方都修建了大型冷藏庫

    such hydropower stations have been set up in all places where conditions permit.

  • 利用cfd技術對一實際大型水果冷藏庫流場進行了數值模擬,并通過實驗驗證了模擬的可靠性。

    cfd was used to simulate and analyze an actual big fruit cold store, and the reliability of the simulation was certificated with the experiments.

  • 斷電導致冷藏庫融化,這真是一場災難.

    the power failure caused a refrigerator melt that was a disaster.

  • 在條件許可的地方都修建了大型冷藏庫

    where conditions permit, big freezers have been built.

  • 星期日,上海商業活動中心一食品公司的冷藏庫液氨泄露,導致至少15人死亡,多人受傷。

    an ammonia leak from a cold storage unit at a food company in china「s commercial hub of shanghai killed 15 people on saturday and sickened dozens.

  • 4點的時候,檢察員將趕到牡蠣冷藏庫并檢測每批牡蠣上中下三點溫度。

    at 4 p.m. inspectors will come to the oyster house and insert thermometers into oysters at the top middle and bottom of each batch.

  • 對於冷藏庫、冰箱,要做好保溫工作,減少溫度變化對貯存食品的影響。

    as for cold storage and freezers, goodinsulation is required to minimize the undesirable impacts on food in storage dueto temperature change.

  • 他走了, 光著腳在珊瑚石鋪的走道上向保藏魚鉺的冷藏庫走去.

    he walked, off, barefooted on the coral rocks, to ice house where the baits were stored.

  • 本實用新型涉及冰箱、冷藏庫等冷卻機除霜用的熱源器。

    the utility model related to a heat-origin implement, through which coolers like refrigerators and chill storehouses and the like remove frost.

  • 控制溫度一般通過冷藏庫實現。

    cold store is used to control temperature of strawberry.

  • 研究表明:吸附式制冷系統在中小型漁船冷藏庫中的應用是可行的,且前景非常廣闊。

    studies show that the application of adsorption refrigeration system to cold storage in fishing vessels is practical and has a bright prospect.

  • 有人提議把南極洲作為傾倒核廢料的場所和世界過剩食物的冷藏庫

    it has been proposed as a dump for nuclear wastes and as cold storage for the world」s excess food.