First Line Friday (week 394): Whose Waves These Are

Posted May 16, 2024 by meezcarrie in Amanda Dykes, Christian, contemporary, First Line Fridays, historical, multi-timeline, romance / 9 Comments

Happy Friday & welcome to the First Line Friday link-up! It’s time to grab the book nearest to you and leave a comment with the first line. Today I’m delighted to feature the first line of Whose Waves These Are by Amanda Dykes. I love Amanda’s books – she has such a gift with words and story – and I’m beyond excited that she’s one of the keynote speakers at this year’s JustRead Rendezvous! This author/reader event will take place in the Chicago area on Friday, November 15th. More details below – I’d love to see you there!

Whose Waves These Are by Amanda Dykes

and the first line of Whose Waves These Are is

“Every wave in that big old blue sea is a story.”

Winner of the 2020 Christy Award Book of the Year

In the wake of WWII, a grieving fisherman submits a poem to a local newspaper: a rallying cry for hope, purpose . . . and rocks. Send me a rock for the person you lost, and I will build something life-giving. When the poem spreads farther than he ever intended, Robert Bliss’s humble words change the tide of a nation. Boxes of rocks inundate the tiny, coastal Maine town, and he sets his calloused hands to work, but the building halts when tragedy strikes.

Decades later, Annie Bliss is summoned back to Ansel-by-the-Sea when she learns her Great-Uncle Robert, the man who became her refuge during the hardest summer of her youth, is now the one in need of help. What she didn’t anticipate was finding a wall of heavy boxes hiding in his home. Long-ago memories of stone ruins on a nearby island trigger her curiosity, igniting a fire in her anthropologist soul to uncover answers.

She joins forces with the handsome and mysterious harbor postman, and all her hopes of mending the decades-old chasm in her family seem to point back to the ruins. But with Robert failing fast, her search for answers battles against time, a foe as relentless as the ever-crashing waves upon the sea.

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join me for this reader event with at least 27 of your fave authors!

We’re halfway to the reader registration mark to add more best-selling, debut, and indie authors to the 2024 event. Tell your friends and register today to pave the way!

November 15, 2024 in chicago

You can find all event information (including the list of authors so far) HERE

Reader registration is now open HERE

Let me know the first line of the book closest to you & then click on the images below to visit more FLF participants!

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Catch up on other First Line Friday posts & find some new books for your TBR!

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9 responses to “First Line Friday (week 394): Whose Waves These Are

  1. Gloria A

    “Absolutely no one shall go to the ball!”
    A Midnight Kiss on Ever After Street by Jaime Admans

  2. Kay Garrett

    A crack of thunder shook Brielle Holt’s truck as she entered the parking lot of The Antique Depot.

  3. Happy Saturday!
    Whew, it’s been a crazy week. I’m just now able to get to FLF. 😥
    I’m just starting No Place Like Home by Jess Mastorakos.
    “I don’t wanna go.” It was a simple statement, yet I worked very hard to keep a petulant pout off my lips as I looked at my manager in the mirror’s reflection.
    I hope you are having a wonderful weekend! 🙂❤️📚

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