Maina discusses American celebs investing in Ghana

Maina discusses American celebs investing in Ghana

The duo informed their listeners how just the other day legendary singer-songwriter Stevie Wonder got his Ghanaian citizenship.

Maina Kageni

During the morning kasheshe, Mwalimu King'ang'i and Maina Kageni spoke about black American celebrities getting their national identities in Africa.

They spoke about how Ghanaians and Nigerians are developing their country through tourism and investments from foreigners.

King'ang'i said, ''Wanigeria and Ghanaians wanaenda huko America wanaangalia superstar wanamwambia we know your grandfather.''

He further explained that the celebrities come to Africa to look for their line lineage. They are given land to settle and they later make huge investments that benefits the country.

They joked about how Kenyans can as well as do the same through the Ministry of Tourism to help develop the country more since foreigners will bring huge investments.

King'ang'i funnily added, ''Mmjue Morgan Freeman kwanza anakaanga Mkikuyu na Oprah anakaanga Akinyi.''

To add on, they informed their listeners how just the other day legendary singer-songwriter Stevie Wonder got his Ghanaian citizenship.

On his birthday he was granted citizenship of Ghana by the nation’s president.