Harold Ramis' family helped with Ghostbusters: Afterlife, daughter wore her father's iconic proton pack - Ghostbusters News

Harold Ramis’ family helped with Ghostbusters: Afterlife, daughter wore her father’s iconic proton pack

The November issue of SFX magazine is now on store shelves now, and features an exclusive interview with Ghostbusters: Afterlife director, Jason Reitman!

In the interview, Reitman mentions that some of the first people he shared the Ghostbusters: Afterlife script with was Harold Ramis’ surviving family.

“They were incredibly generous with their thoughts, and we couldn’t have made this film without them,” says Reitman. “I’ll never forget pulling the original proton packs from Sony’s archives in order to scan them for our own equipment. Violet Ramis, Harold’s daughter, joined us that day and actually tried on her father’s pack. She was nervous at first but eventually slipped her arms through the straps and took up the blaster. She began to well up, and by the time she put the pack down, we were both shaking.”

Reitman discussed Ramis’ lasting comedic legacy, and sometimes being mistaken from his offspring, saying:

“He remains one of the great comedic storytelling minds throughout cinema history. Because of my father’s similarities with Harold, people often mistake them and will think he was my father, and I always take that as a compliment.”

In the new issue of Empire magazine, it was confirmed that Ghostbusters: Afterlife will end with a dedication to Harold Ramis.

Back in 2018, Violet Ramis penned the book ‘Ghostbuster’s Daughter: Life with My Dad, Harold Ramis,’ as well attended 2019’s Ghostbusters Fan Fest, a celebration of the 35th anniversary of Ghostbusters that took place on the Sony Studios lot in Culver City, California.

For more Ghostbusters: Afterlife news, be sure to check back later today as we cover the panel taking place at New York Comic Con.

Picture of Jason Fitzsimmons

Jason Fitzsimmons

Writer, editor and YouTube personality. Feel free to reach out if you have news or would just like to drop me a line.

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