The Hope Conspiracy Share New Single "Live In Fear": Listen

The Hope Conspiracy – “Live In Fear”

The Hope Conspiracy – “Live In Fear”

Boston hardcore band the Hope Conspiracy are back with their first shows and their first music in about a decade and a half. Later this month, they’re releasing Tools Of Oppression / Rule By Deception, their first new full-length since 2006. We’ve heard “Those Who Gave Us Yesterday” and “The West Is Dead” from it so far, and today they’re sharing the new single “Live In Fear.” Here’s what vocalist Kevin Baker had to say about it:

Americans are the most propagandized population on the planet and have no idea that they are. The latest horrors are broadcast between commercials for pharmaceuticals and fast food. The issues that divide us get amplified through the media to keep us all on edge and loathing one another while the corporate masters literally strip mine the middle class for all its worth. Non objective voices push just the right buttons on both sides to distract and keep our eyes off of what’s really going on. The last thing the establishment would want is a well-educated and united population holding them accountable for their war crimes and genocides. We are told what to think. We are told what to say and we are told what to do. Stay in line and live in fear.

Listen below.

Tools Of Oppression / Rule By Deception is out 5/31 via Deathwish.

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