The Meaning Behind The Song: Whatever Makes You Happy by The Miracles - Old Time Music
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The Meaning Behind The Song: Whatever Makes You Happy by The Miracles


The Meaning Behind The Song: Whatever Makes You Happy by The Miracles

Title Whatever Makes You Happy
Artist The Miracles
Writer/Composer Smokey Robinson & Ronald White
Album The Fabulous Miracles (1963)
Release Date 1963
Genre R&B, Pop, Doo-Wop, Soul, Soul Pop, Motown
Producer Smokey Robinson

Whatever Makes You Happy by The Miracles is a soulful track that speaks to the selfless love and devotion one can feel for another person. The lyrics describe a willingness to endure sadness, tears, and even sacrifice in order to bring happiness to a loved one. It is a song that beautifully encapsulates the idea of unconditional love and putting someone else’s happiness above your own.

Listening to this song takes me back to a time when I first discovered it during a difficult period in my life. At the time, I was going through personal challenges and was surrounded by a lot of sadness. However, this song became a source of comfort and solace for me. It reminded me that true love means wanting the best for someone, even if it means going through pain and sacrifice.

The opening lines, “If my sadness brought you gladness, I’d be glad to be sad. If my feeling bad made you feel good, I would always feel bad,” perfectly captures the sentiment of the song. It conveys the idea that the speaker’s own emotional state is secondary to the happiness of their loved one. They are even willing to embrace their own sadness if it brings joy to the other person.

The chorus, “And I wouldn’t think twice about the sacrifice. Anything that I’d have to do, ‘Cause whatever makes you happy makes me happy, too,” further emphasizes the selflessness and devotion expressed in the song. It highlights the unconditional nature of the love being described, where the happiness of the other person is of utmost importance.

The bridge introduces the idea of letting go, as the lyrics state, “Even if you wanted someone else to take my place, Although I love you so much, I’d still give you up, Just to keep a smile on your face.” This line portrays a deep sense of sacrifice and the willingness to let go of someone you love if it means their happiness. It is a bittersweet acknowledgment that sometimes, doing what is best for someone may mean letting them go.

Overall, Whatever Makes You Happy is a beautiful testament to the power and depth of love. It serves as a reminder that true love knows no bounds and is willing to endure anything for the well-being and happiness of another. It is a song that resonates deeply with anyone who has experienced the selflessness and sacrifices that come with love.

Personally, this song holds a special place in my heart because it taught me the importance of putting someone else’s happiness above my own. It made me realize that love is not always easy, and sometimes it requires making difficult choices for the sake of the person you care about. It taught me that true love is selfless and understands that happiness is contagious.

In conclusion, Whatever Makes You Happy by The Miracles is a timeless song that beautifully depicts the selfless nature of love. It serves as a reminder that true happiness comes from making others happy and shows the power of sacrifices made for the people we love. It is a song that continues to resonate with listeners, reminding us of the depth and beauty of unconditional love.

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