Table of distances between Irish cities •

Table of distances between Irish cities.

Explore Ireland from city to city and discover the distances in km between them with our handy chart!

Table of distances between Irish cities
Une voiture en Irlande - © egon999

Travelling Ireland’s roads is a unique experience that will give your passengers a sense of freedom! If you too would like to experience the beauty of Irish roads, here’s an overview of the distances between Ireland’s major cities. So you can plan your itinerary, fill up your fuel tank accordingly and set off on your adventure!

Overview of distances between towns in Ireland

Easy distances to cover, thanks to an island on a human scale

Ireland has the advantage of being a small island! This makes it easy to drive right through it! (It’s even faster by train, by the way). It has excellent road links, alternating between freeways and small country roads or coastal roads.

The quality of the roads has improved considerably over the years, and driving here has become a real pleasure!

To get around by car, you have two options: choose the freeway, or let yourself be guided by small roads through mountain passes, moorland or along the Irish coast… Here, the choice is yours, but let’s face it: the back roads have an unrivalled charm that will take you to the very heart of Ireland!

Overview of distances between Irish cities

In Ireland, there are a few big cities… and lots of villages! Here’s what you need to know if you want to drive between two cities:

Table of distances between towns in Ireland

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