Chingford Foundation School - A Message from the Executive Principal
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Chingford Foundation School

We pride ourselves on our unique environment which equips every student with skills, knowledge and enriching experiences.

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A Message from the CEO and Executive Principal

I am incredibly proud to be the CEO of Chingford Academies Trust and Executive Principal of Chingford Foundation School.

When you walk through the doors of Chingford Foundation School you are immediately made aware of the history and success of our school, deep in the heart of our Chingford community.

Our vision is for our curriculum to provide a 'firm foundation for life'. We pride ourselves on our dedication to traditional standards and values and pursuing excellence for every learner. So, I warmly welcome you to visit our school to witness our high standards and expectations in practice, experience our ambitious culture and meet with our impressive students and staff. Their dedication to success means that our academic performance is above national averages.  

Our students and staff are at the heart of our success and getting the working environment right for them is front and foremost in my thinking. 

The Ofsted visit in October 2023 highlighted the journey that the school has been on and our drive to raise standards. 

The school is calm and orderly

Pupils respect teachers and follow their instructions. They are encouraged to respect the cultures and backgrounds of people within the school and local community.

Pupils study a broad and well-sequenced curriculum.

Teachers are experts in the subjects they teach.

Pupils try hard in lessons

Teachers know the needs of pupils with SEND in their classes. They help pupils with SEND to access the same curriculum as their peers.

The careers programme supports pupils to understand where their learning can take them in the future.

The sixth form continues to be a strength of the school. Many students act as mentors for younger pupils

Communication is a strength of the new leadership team.

The new house system provides leadership opportunities to pupils in all year groups

The school has a very broad range of enrichment clubs that pupils can choose to attend

Ofsted, October 2023

As well as academic rigour, Our Journey to Excellence describes the experiences and opportunities on offer outside of the classroom to enrich and extend learning  and to enhance our students life opportunities, there is something for everyone including the arts, science, sport, Duke of Edinburgh and leadership programmes. We build character alongside knowledge.

As a member of the Chingford Academies Trust, our schools and staff work together to provide all of our learners with the best educational experience; we  combine resources and work together to provide a rich learning environment that equips young people for the demands of today’s global and ever-changing, global society. We hope to welcome you soon, to join our long history of success.

Mr R Mammen

Please take a look at our Chingford Foundation School video:
