Maria Alexandrovna Romanova | Smart History of Russia

Maria Alexandrovna Romanova

Apr 03, 2015

1855-1880 Empress of Russia.

Maria Alexandrovna was the Empress and Consort of the Emperor Alexander II of Russia.

Lived: 1824-1880.
When Alexander II was touring Europe to find an appropriate wife, he met the 14-year old princess Maria of the Grand Duchy of Hesse.

They married in 1841. Maria Alexandrovna had poor health, occasional fevers and raging cough, therefore she was away from the public life most of the time.

She gave birth to 8 children. The oldest of their sons, Nikolay Alexandrovich died young and left his wife to his younger brother, the future Emperor Alexander III. Maria never recovered from the loss of her favourite son.

Emperor Alexander II had many mistresses, the most prominent of whom was Yekaterina Dolgorukova. She and Alexander II had three children and they entered the morganatic marriage after Maria Alexandrovna’s death in 1880.

Mikhail Loris-Melikov